Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Free Learning Festival in February
dublin |
education |
event notice
Thursday January 24, 2013 20:26
by Gareth Stack - Open Learning Ireland
gareth at openlearningireland dot com
085 185 8151
Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something
Free Learning Festival in Dubzland Venue (in Seomra Spraoi.), February 25th - March 2nd. We're offering a tonne of free workshops and lectures, and we'd like you to be involved, either as a participant, volunteer or in running a workshop or talk.
Free Learning Festival in February
Open Learning Ireland are proud to announce our first week long first Learn Something; Share Something; Do Something event this February. This is a new event in coordination with AONTAS and the Dubzland venue, featuring free workshops and classes, open to all.
We’ll have a whole host of fun learning activities for you to try out, including…
- Storytelling workshop from the Narrative Arts Club
- Circuit bending workshop & interactive performance from Gampaq
- Hackspace and Arduino
- Beginners Arabic
- Radio Production with Near FM
- Sitcom / Radio Comedy Scriptwriting Workshop
- Digital Music Workshop
- And many many more!
This is a fun informal event, open to all ages, running during the course of AONTAS Adult Learning Week, February 25th - March 2nd, at the Dubzland venue in Seomra Spraoi.
We’re actively looking for contributors to run workshops and lecturers, so if you’ve got something you’d like to teach, learn or share, from a practical skill to a favourite theory get in touch at openlearningireland@gmail.com, or through our online application form -
Open Learning Ireland
Open Learning Ireland is a volunteer run group working to create an alternative educational model in Ireland. We want to create a new all ages education space in Dublin, where anyone can come to learn or teach anything that ‘takes their fancy’. To spread the idea, we’ve been running a series of PopUp learning days. The first as part of the Office Of Non-Compliance at the Dublin Contemporary 2011 Exhibition, and the most recent as part of the DIY Skillshare festival.
For more information check out
http://openlearningireland.com or just drop by on the day.
Press materials (including high resolution images) are available at our website.
For more information, can contact us at openlearningireland@gmail.com, or call Gareth on 085 185 8151. You can also get in touch on Facebook (search ‘Open Learning Ireland’), or twitter (
For directions to
Seomra Spraoi see