Independent Media Centre Ireland
National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Join Sea Shepherd Ireland & Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians at “World Love For Dolphins” gathering, St. Valentine’s Day, 14th February 2014 @ 12 noon 'till 3pm. Japanese Embassy, Nutley Ln, Merrion Rd, D4

category national | miscellaneous | event notice author Tuesday February 04, 2014 17:34author by Sue Anthony - Sea Shepherd Ireland

Demonstrations To Take Place in Ireland and Overseas Against Taiji’s Brutal Dolphin Hunts

On the heels of the recent global outcry condemning the brutal and inhumane dolphin hunts in Taiji, Japan, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is inviting supporters and all concerned individuals to join with us and our Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians in targeted demonstrations on February 14, 2014 against Taiji’s brutal capture and slaughter of dolphins.

On February 14, 2014, from 12 noon - 3pm. Sea Shepherd Ireland will be holding a gathering at the Embassy of Japan in DUBLIN to stand in solidarity with the Cove Guardians in demanding an end to the bloodshed in Taiji. Sea Shepherd invites anyone who cares about dolphins to join us for peaceful “World Love for Dolphins” gathering on Valentine’s Day to raise our voices for the dolphins. On a day meant to celebrate love, we will show Japan the love felt by the people of the world for dolphins.

“St. Valentine’s Day" is the perfect time to stand with Sea Shepherd Ireland at the Embassy of Japan and tell the Japanese government that the world holds dolphins very near and dear to our hearts and we will not tolerate this brutal slaughter by a small group of men who are dishonoring Japan to sell dolphins to the captive industry. We hope that you will turn out to show your love for dolphins and ask Japan to end the needless killing,” said Susan Hartland, Administrative Director, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA.

Sea Shepherd Ireland invites our volunteers, supporters and dolphin lovers to join in the demonstrations and bring their concern to the doorstep of the Japanese government in cities around the world on the same day. For directions to the Dublin Japanese embassy please visit:

Last year President Abe and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny made St Valentines Day, "Ireland day" in Japan. Join Sea Shepherd Volunteers to let Japan know how Ireland feels about the Drive Hunts in Taiji.

The drive hunt and slaughter of thousands of dolphins, porpoises and small whales occurs throughout Japan each year. The most well-known among these annual hunts occurs in Taiji from September 1st and usually continues to March 1st of the following year. Fishermen herd entire cetacean families into shallow bays. Those considered “most beautiful” are selected for sale to marine parks around the globe for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The others are mercilessly stabbed with a metal spike inserted into their backs to sever their spine. The dolphins slowly and painfully bleed to death or drown in the blood of their family, or if somehow still alive after that assault, they will drown as they are dragged to the butcher-house, after which their flesh is sold for human consumption despite its high toxicity. These inhumane killings would not be allowed in any slaughterhouse in the world. Japan refuses to sign on to many protection efforts and regulations for marine mammals, despite most of the world recognizing the need to protect these imperiled animals.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society first brought the Cove to the world’s attention by capturing and releasing now-iconic footage and imagery of the brutal hunts and slaughters in 2003, during which the Cove turned a blood red. Later the Academy Award-winning film “The Cove” again shone a spotlight on the hunts, bringing worldwide attention to the killings. Many individuals thought the film succeeded in bringing an end to the hunts, but that was not the case. So in 2010, Sea Shepherd established Operation Infinite Patience and our volunteer Cove Guardians took up positions alongside the cove to document, report and live stream these atrocities in the hope of capturing attention to bring pressure to bear to stop these barbaric acts. Sea Shepherd is the only organization to have a team on the ground in Taiji for the entire six-month killing season, and the only group who live streams every capture and every kill for the world to see. Sea Shepherd’s Cove Guardians will not stop until the slaughter ends.

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