Independent Media Centre Ireland

Leaked call from Estonian FM to Catherine Ashton (EU) indicates that snipers were provocateurs shooting people on both sides

category international | anti-capitalism | feature author Thursday March 06, 2014 23:08author by fred

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Professional sniper -similar to the ones used
by agents acting for US & EU to murder policemen
and civilians in Kiev and then blame 'massacre' on
the government and use as prop in media war

Another leaked phone call. This time between the Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton. It would seem to indicate that the same shooters on the rootops in Ukraine were shooting people on BOTH sides.

People have seen this kind of thing before in previous coups by the west such as the attempted coup against Chavez. It is standard operating procedure, dirty tricks 101.

Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev

During the turmoil of the coup by the neo Nazis in Kiev which happens to be the home of one of the largest viable Jewish communities outside Israel, the synagogues in Kiev came under petrol bomb attack but likely the building didn't burn down. Given the outright racist nature of these thugs and the fact that the coup leaders on the first day of power hung a huge banner of Stepan Bandera the World War II Nazi collaborator who helped send 900,000 Jews to the gas chambers. When those in power celebrate these type of people, it should send a chill down your spine.

Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev After Attack on Students

For an analysis on how all this colour revolution stuff usually plays out, see article and links at "How To Start A Revolution":
Activist Education at the Albert Einstein Institution: A Critical Examination of Elite Co-option of Civil Disobedience

One time honoured tactic is to fire up an angry mob, then send trained pro shooter(s) on to the rooftops and order them to shoot people from both sides of the protests.

Nothing gets a mob angrier and more panicked than seeing people bleeding and dropping dead around you. The same goes for the forces of law and order trying to keep a lid on a dangerous situation. Result? Like pouring petrol on a fire, both sides lose control and you get what we had in Maidan Ukraine, with both sides screaming accusations at each other and responding angrily and violently. Yanukovich, of course, then predictably got blamed in the western media for ordering the killings, despite his repeated strong denials.

Meanwhile, the well trained snipers who actually fired the shots quietly slip out of the picture.

Question is, who organised these snipers? Was it the Maidan fascists driving the violence that did it or were these snipers part of western / US special forces on a black op?

Google have forced people to sign in before listening to this hacked call. This greatly reduces it's audience, see here:

However we found another copy of the call on youtube, we posted the audio and RT did a piece on it too(see below):

Further links on this story worth checking out:
Snipers Hired By Kiev Protest Leaders?:

Paul craig roberts on media propaganda on Ukraine:

audio of phone call between Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton
audio audio of phone call between Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton 16.98 Mb

Caption: Video Id: Xh_YkdGbWqk Type: Youtube Video
RT piece on the leak

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