Independent Media Centre Ireland

Solvitur Ambulando

category international | worker & community struggles and protests | opinion/analysis author Tuesday January 22, 2019 16:12author by Sean Crudden - Cooley Environmental and Health Group

Reflections on The State of Play.

Well I must say that although I have not seen much of the debate about Brexit I am impressed by Mrs. Teresa May. She has maintained a rational and forthright attitude. Many a good leader has been ditched long before the end of the road. But I hope she is able to lead this Brexit process to a satisfactory conclusion.

To be simplistic about it I do not think it is a case of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland wrong; The European Union right. It's a big decision for EU as well as for UKGBNI. Candidly I think EU needs to review and adjust. There are many facets of the EU and The European Commission that are open to negative criticism. I need not retail them here. Most people can make out their own shopping list.

Just a word about the administrative culture of the EC. It's full of directives, reports, quangos. Reams of deathless quasi-academic prose. How often do we see tired officials on auto-pilot sleep-walk their way through mind-numbing scripts holding forth in imperfect English accents on arcane topics which mere mortals find impossible to understand? A case in point is the famous "500 page" document agreed after 2 years of negotiation between the parties to Brexit. If you wanted to do something then a 500 page document is the very device needed to slow things down and make the possible impossible. "The native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale caste of thought," to quote Hamlet.

Readers of indymedia will excuse me for indulging myself and I am sorry for not having something more helpful to say. Actually I sat down to write a comment on the previous news article "19th Annual Winter Workshop" but got stuck on the article page instead. Thoughts on Brexit are prompted by Saturday's upcoming workshop. Incidentally an interview about the workshop will be rebroadcast, I think, tonight at 23:00 on Dundalk FM. You can pick the station up on the internet.

Speaking of the workshop we have had little or no response from indymedia readers. There are still places left at the workshop. Details are available at the site given in the link as well as in the indymedia news report named above

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