Independent Media Centre Ireland

San Francisco, California - A Great SHAME

category international | crime and justice | other press author Thursday May 20, 2021 04:48author by Lucille Béranger - Myself

The Continued Rise of The 4th Reich in San Francisco

Well knowing that everything below is the truth. San Francisco, California is still pushing all that is a complete lie.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and lawyers around the world are correct: these are the worst crimes against humanity
ever committed, and San Francisco is doing its very best to be a winner in that area

Now that we see all this scientific evidence, we can summarize why the pandemic is indeed nothing short of the worst crime against humanity ever committed, like Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his international network of lawyers rightly state.

PCR test is fraud
The whole pandemic is based on a completely unreliable PCR test that produces high percentages of false positives, and is not able to accurately detect any kind of infection. All the lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccines are based on this fraud.

cures are hidden
Governments and health institutions are hiding the cures for covid from humanity. Millions have died, because of this. Nobody needed to die. Not a single person. Every physician who treats covid patients with one of these medicines has a virtually 100% success rate. Hiding these cures from the world is a crime of immense  proportions.

medical experiments
A rushed, untested, dangerous experimental gene therapy, which is falsely labeled as a ‘vaccine’, is imposed on humanity, which is a direct violation of the Nuremberg code and several other international agreements. This already results in tens of thousands of deaths, and countless more people who are severely damaged for life. Experts say many millions will die from this experimental product, in the next 2-3 years…

proof of planned pandemic
This in depth report lists dozens of facts that show how the pandemic has been prepared and announced for decades. Nobody with an honest heart who sees this information, can deny that a criminal agenda is being worked out. 

mass murder
Patients have been murdered in several hospitals, to inflate death rates. The World Health Organization has murdered more than a thousand people during a fraudulent HCQ trial, so they could tell the world there is no cure for covid. Physicians testify how hospitals receive large sums of money to register every patient as covid, and every death as a covid death. Suddenly all flu deaths have vanished, because everyone with a fever, cough or headache is registered as ’covid’. Tens of thousands of people around the world testified on social media how they have been falsely registered as covid patients, while they went to the clinic for issues that were unrelated to covid. Funeral directors exclaimed how they saw that literally every dead person was labeled as covid, while the knew it wasn’t true. And there is so much more. You can see the evidence for all this in the full report. 

police violence
All over the world there is a sudden eruption of uncommon police violence against innocent, law abiding citizens. In the Netherlands police officers testify before the Extraparliamentary Investigative Commitee how they are ordered by supervisors to use maximum violence and beat up the people as much as they can. This is contradictory to their training, ehere they were taught to always avoid viokence. Law enforcement is forced to betray their oath to protect the people, and are ordered to become the enemy of the people.

laws violated
Many universal human rights, constitutions, medical codes, oaths, national laws, international agreements are being violated by the authorities. There is extreme lawlessness and criminal behavior by those who have sworn to serve and protect these very laws.

bribery of politicians
There are testimonies from politicians about bribery. The president from Belarus for example said that he was offered almost a billion dollars to lock down his country. See evidence for bribery in the the full report.

Respected medical experts and leading scientists all over the world are being censored, because they speak out about cures for covid, the destructive lockdowns, the fraudulent PCR tests, and other basic scienfitic truths. Examples of censorship.

media mind control
Mainstream media is used to spread dangerous and life threatening misinformation, resulting in millions of deaths. The news media and Big Tech steer people away from cures for covid, and brainwashes humanity to believe that only an experimental gene therapy can save them. 
.  .  .
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and lawyers around the world are correct:
these are the worst crimes against humanity ever committed.

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