Independent Media Centre Ireland

A musical rant at the system

category international | arts and media | other press author Wednesday June 13, 2007 11:32author by paul o tooleauthor email pauljotoole at eircom dot netauthor phone 086-351-2469


This was a poem, a censored version was read out on the 'wide angle' on Newstalk. Later turned into a song it got some wonderful diverse reactions from abuse to applause, while playing it in the Happenny Bridge Inn, tuesday open mike night (comedy) , it almost won the prestigious...rubber duck award...see what you think

I've written and recorded many songs and poems over the years and had relatively good success in record deals (six albums) and in film, and toured in the States for about ten years, recorded in Abbey road with renouned producer Steve Albini, shared stages with Shane Mcgowan, Christy Moore, Johnny Lydon (sex pistol) but, since 18 th Mar 2003 all my energy has focused on the UN sponsored genocide in Iraq, and Irelands participation-though the government denies it. Musically , it is a very cold place to exist compared to the red carpet treatment.

When International law is undermined, wepons inspections were a success as far back as 1992 - sanctions should have been lifted, Ireland had opened an embassy in Baghdad to sell Sadam Irish beef. The massacre begins with Dan Rathers on CBS tv opening comment...'good morning Baghdad' shock and awe is unleashed , and the English newspapers carries a front page how Tony Blairs kids looses two nights least someone in that family showed some sign of possessing a concience, i got angry, and have remained angry, and I havent slept a night since.

I wrote and released an album called...Fron Shannon With Love.. and copylefted it which meant it could be copied and sold for causes rather than private gain from a label or an individual including myself. It sold well and many benefits were gained from the proceeds.

New society
audio New society 11.93 Mb

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author by paul o toolepublication date Wed Jun 13, 2007 18:07author address author phone

If you cant hear the song here, go to and search for.. fish out of water/paul o toole, or go to link at bottom of page

New Society

..I’m not some lefty liberal, I’m angry and I’m bored
I’m a working man with a wife and kids and a life I cant afford
I’m the silenced majority whose voice is never heard
Every time we get close we know we’ll be ignored
We can blame our politicians but its too late now for that
‘Cos there already richer, now there living off the fat
Of this parasite they’ve called the Celtic tiger cat
The calm before the storm is what were looking at.

They keep us in our corner they know that we cant move
Working sixty hours a week keeps this economy on the move
The bank gets all my wages and in the bank it stays
Paying for a house I cant afford a hundred miles away
I’m stopped dead in miles of traffic every day
On a road already paid for with my taxes every day
And when I reach the crossing you know what they’ll say
You cant go any further .. ‘your gonna have to pay.’

Were all doin’ better so the politicians say
Were all living longer and were healthier to-day
Well I’ve been to the graveyards and I’d love to spoil your day
‘Cos there full of suicide-kids who couldn’t stand the pain.
But they dont bother count them they dont heed the warning signs
Anyway, they dont affect the all important bottom line.
There victims of this life and they’ve died of it’s disease
‘Cos they tried to make their way in our new society.

Every week for years I’ve paid up PRSI
Now they line us up like cattle in the corridors at night
There privatising hospitals so many more will die
‘Cos we all got to stand aside for the man with VHI.
You better stay healthy boy, you better stay on your feet
You better die with your boots on when you go to meet St. Pete
‘Cos they’ll privatise the road between deaths door and heavens gate
If you wanna get to heaven now ... put your money on the plate.

If your hands are dirty with the people at the top
It doesn’t really matter even if you get caught
‘Cos they’ll define the ‘terms of reference’, you just play along
The tribunal will conclude, and find that you’ve done nothing wrong.
Thats not the way it is, for you or for me
We get arrested first, then they throw away the key.
The tribunals will ensure that the rich will all walk free
Thats how they keep their millions in our new society

A man was framed for murder by the cops in Donegal
They knew that Frank was innocent they knew it all along
For ten more years they dragged his family name through the mud
They made their lives unbearable any way they could.
They dragged him down to the ‘courts of justice’ as there known
The corridors we’re crowded with the wigs and the gowns
There were twenty legal eagles all dressed up like clowns
To save the State embarrassment and put Mac Brearty down

The investigators sealed the scene of this non existent crime
The evidence was planted, confessions forged and signed
The Mac Breartys were going down Cos they wouldn’t pay the bribe
And the press obeyed their masters as the cops continued lying.
With nothing left but dignity the family stood alone
To face MacDoughalls private army marching from the Dail
The innocent are found guilty ...until the guilty all walk free
Thats what he’s calling justice in our ‘new society’

They tell us who to love they tell us who to hate
They tell us it’s the immigrants stealing from our plate
As bertie smiles for the cameras with all the little coloured children
MacDoughall rounds their mothers up, sends them back to be killed
Then they tell us its the homeless just begging where they sit
Then they tell us it’s the addict whos out looking for a hit
Then they tell us its single mothers, or the old folks blocking beds
Then they tell us it’s its the widowed wives and all the unemployed

The Gardai down in Shannon are protecting the peace
There protecting Mr.Bush and his facist new regime
Six hundred thousand innocent Iraqi’s now lay dead
We voted not to go to war but still we went ahead.
‘Cos the arms trade is booming here and we all have a stake
We put the brains in every bomb that Uncle Sam can make
For the Five billion dollars every year that we get paid
We help kill about a thousand innocent people every day.........

And if you dont like it you can take it to the street
You can march from here to kingdom come till your bleeding from your feet
There not gonna listen, they’ll pick you off like sheep
Then the wolf comes back to eat you, cos all the shepherds fell asleep ...
You can vote if you want to on there dodgy new machines
With no paper-trail to prove that weve all been deceived
Just because you didn’t see it on the news on RTE
It doesn’t mean it didn’t happen............ our new society

Related Link:
author by weepublication date Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:24author address author phone

about time, heard something real for a change.. thank you......

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