This was a poem, a censored version was read out on the 'wide angle' on Newstalk. Later turned into a song it got some wonderful diverse reactions from abuse to applause, while playing it in the Happenny Bridge Inn, tuesday open mike night (comedy) , it almost won the prestigious...rubber duck award...see what you think
I've written and recorded many songs and poems over the years and had relatively good success in record deals (six albums) and in film, and toured in the States for about ten years, recorded in Abbey road with renouned producer Steve Albini, shared stages with Shane Mcgowan, Christy Moore, Johnny Lydon (sex pistol) but, since 18 th Mar 2003 all my energy has focused on the UN sponsored genocide in Iraq, and Irelands participation-though the government denies it. Musically , it is a very cold place to exist compared to the red carpet treatment.
When International law is undermined, wepons inspections were a success as far back as 1992 - sanctions should have been lifted, Ireland had opened an embassy in Baghdad to sell Sadam Irish beef. The massacre begins with Dan Rathers on CBS tv opening comment...'good morning Baghdad' shock and awe is unleashed , and the English newspapers carries a front page how Tony Blairs kids looses two nights least someone in that family showed some sign of possessing a concience, i got angry, and have remained angry, and I havent slept a night since.
I wrote and released an album called...Fron Shannon With Love.. and copylefted it which meant it could be copied and sold for causes rather than private gain from a label or an individual including myself. It sold well and many benefits were gained from the proceeds.