Independent Media Centre Ireland

Remove the Funtasia Roof Farm immediately-risk to animals and environment

category meath | animal rights | press release author Friday July 03, 2009 08:04author by Bernie Wright - Alliance for Animal Rights, (AFAR)author email berniew at esatclear dot ieauthor address PO Box 4734. Dublin.1author phone 0872651720 /

Hoisted animals suffering among amusement rides and revellers.

END the pathetic conditions for over 20 animals,including a Pregnant donkey in FUNTASIA’s noisy rooftop Petting Farm.
A noisy amusement and casino establishment in Bettystown has airlifted (by CHERRYPICKER) over 20 animals onto its roof in an effort to attract more clientele to its arcade and boost profits at 3 euro a head.
Funtasia last week got many of these animals from Jesse Callaghan, a farmer in Lunderstown, Duleek to use as a spectacle for the roof farm on their two story building. Chicken wire, plywood and a fully cemented roof is all that was provided by way of accommodation for a variety of animals including:
A pregnant Donkey in poor condition....
animals suffering from neglect on Funtasias building
animals suffering from neglect on Funtasias building

A noisy amusement and casino establishment in Bettystown has airlifted (by CHERRYPICKER) over 20 animals onto its roof in an effort to attract more clientele to its arcade and boost profits at 3 euro a head.
Funtasia last week got many of these animals from Jesse Callaghan, a farmer in Lunderstown, Duleek to use as a spectacle for the roof farm on their two story building. Chicken wire, plywood and a fully cemented roof is all that was provided by way of accommodation for a variety of animals including:
A pregnant Donkey in poor condition, Two calves, one with diarrea, a Shetland pony who cannot get under the makeshift shelter due to a stepped up ledge,2 baby kids (GOATS) aged about 3-4 weeks,(minus their mother), a young collie dog, Kittens and a rabbit together in one enclosure, ducks and ducklings housed with the goats who have no bedding,2 guinea pigs,2 sheep. 1 Ram, and some Turkeys.
TWO PIGS are also sleeping under a piece of plywood nailed to a wall.
Meath county Council, Environmental agencies and welfare agencies were also contacted by concerned animal lovers in the area. A lift and stairs lead up to Funtasia’s roof but the animals were subjected to being hoisted by a Cherrypicker from the arcades car park.
A possible environmental issue and the elimination of animal faeces and waste which could possibly enter a water pipe leading under the road and to the sea is a cause for concern according to locals in the area.
There were empty feeding bottles lying on the ground near the kid goats but no sign of bedding, fresh food or a cleaning or care routine was evident.
• The Farm is open 7 days 12 to 7pm.
• On the weekend the animals will be subjected to the noise of gigantic mechanical rides beside them on the roof combined with the loud screams of punters as they get their thrills.
• A rollercoaster,70ft drop zone, submarine rides, skyglider, flying planes and balloon rides are among the other roof attractions.
• If fire broke out how would these animals be saved. Only a young teenager throws a glance at those visiting the roof.
• Locals pitying the animals are supplying food to them as none is evident.
• Will the pregnant donkey have to endure the noisy environment whilst giving birth?
‘We are appealing for this ill-advised, cheap shoddy and cruel display to be closed immediately. We will rehome the animals if they are unwanted. We are publicising this issue internationally to force closure and are calling for a full investigation into who is responsible for this animal violation.’
Write to Meath Co Council, Navan, Co Meath. Environment section and ask that this Petting Farm be closed down.
o+353 (046) 9097001, email:
O Council Emergency Telephone Contact Outside Office Hours: 1890 445 335
1. Funtasia is owned by Vinmoe Traders Ltd.Whitworth Hall. Laurence St. Drogheda.
Directors VINMOE are Bernard and Tara Mc Cormick, The Glebe Bettystown.
Ph. 041 9827150
Also Director Phelim and Elizabeth Mc Closkey, 17 Bryanstown ,Dublin Rd. Drogheda

3. Manager Funtasia, Nicola Mc Carthy, email
Phone 041 9828301
4. ANIMALS SUPPLIED BY Jesse Callaghan ,Lundrstown, Duleek, Co Meath, Phone 00 353 41 9823961.

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