The sustainable lifestyle festival. 24th-26th July-Wexford
Seanchas is planned for the 24th to the 26th of July. This 3 day event combines many aspects of sustainable living. Over the weekend workshops will be available, reskilling people in native heritage crafts and practical living skills, as well as educating them on the issues that face us as society today. We believe that by coming together, sharing ideas and skills we can initiate great positive change both locally and globally.
The event is taking place in Templeshelin, Adamstown, Co.Wexford. See for map details
Gates will be open noon on the friday. There will be an opening ceremony that evening with introductions, fire performers and music to kick off the weekend.
Workshops will kick off on Saturday at 10am for those who wish to partake and will run untill 4pm with lunch at 1pm to be provided by the wonderful people at lentil disorder. All meals are vegan and are will be eaten together around one big table. We wish to create a strong sense community, a sense of magic that happens when people come together for the joined purpose of doing something positive.
Some of the 2 day workshops on offer include:
Building a cob oven
Stone carving
Boat building
Handspinning and natural dying
Straw-bale building
The art of storytelling
Sugán chair making
Willow sculpture
Hand pottery
More may be added so keep checking our website:
Aside from the 2 day courses there will be other shorter workshops on offer, as well as many talks, information stalls, movies/documentaries, discussions groups, meditations, yoga, therapies, music, sweat lodges, inspiration and fun. We'll also have a great children's area with loads of inspirational and fun activities planned.
There will be many topics covered over the course of the weekend, some of which include:
Transition towns
Sustainable development
Climate change
Peak oil
The upcoming Lisbon treaty referendum
People's right to land in Ireland
Direct action for positive change
Social centres
Renewable energy
Green technology
Dowsing and land energies
The economy in Ireland
Connecting with the land
Save Tara campaign
Shell to sea and the current situation in Rossport.
Climate camp '09
The setting up of credit unions in wexford
And much more...
The event is built on people coming together to share information, so if you have something to share come along. The timetable will be open for people to lead a workshop or facilitate a discussion.
We wish to create awareness, infact this is our main aim. We wish to empower people, to renew in them the ability and confidence to sustain themselves and have their voice heard.
There is some great music planned. Friday night is trad night with a fusion of local and West Cork Talent. Bring along your instrument and join in the session. Then on Saturday night we have red chair live on tour with whom we will be treated to the finest local singer songwriters in an acoustic session in the woods. Then on Sunday night we'll finish off the weekend with a bang. We've loads of bands planned including our own wexford based 'The Hundred Flower Campaign' and Galway reggae band 'Intinn' along with many more.
We will be cooking pizzas and other tasty treats in our cob oven in the woods so you wont be left hungry. All meals are vegetarian and etically sourced with percentage of proceeds from the café going to Etiopian reforestation.
We hope to run the whole event on renewable sources of energy with solar panels, wind turbines, bio power generators and bike power technology. There will also be compost toilets.
We wish to set an example of how we can all live together sustainably, both socially and environmentaly.
For more information on the structure of the weekend and on ticket prices etc. go to our website
For Tickets contact Kim on 0871211189
You can also reach us via e-mail or contact Tara on 0861767985
The event location in Templeshelin, Adamstown, Co.Wexford is between New Ross and Wexford Town. See for map details
We can achieve great things when we come together so come be part of the reveloution towards a more positive and sustainable future.
Everyone gets their hands dirty!
Seanchas poster-Spread the word!
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