Independent Media Centre Ireland

Live coverage of Budget day protests

category national | arts and media | news report author Wednesday December 09, 2009 10:48author by Andrew - WSMauthor email wsm_ireland at yahoo dot com

Today will see the greatest budget attack on workers in Ireland in a couple of decades with services and pay being slashed. Many unions and other organisations have called protests outside the Dail from the early morning to the late evening. WSM members will be taking part in these protests throughout the day and providing live updates, photos and video from them via our twitter account. During the 24th Novemeber strike we provided 70 updates from the picket lines throughout the day using this method.

You can follow our updates at at or on the twitter box on the WSM home page at

The 3 most recent updates follow as a sample
- yesterday Newstalk ran editorial every hr calling 4 tough budgets cuts - its owned by a tax exile Denis O'Brien
- Press Statement: Anarchist Organisation calls on workers to organise to “get rid of ICTU traitors”: Anarchist O..
- Garda Ballot on Industrial Action -

The 24th November updates
Final pre strike planning meeting underway in UCD
Solidarity poster in Maynooth
SIPTU posters for tomorrow
SIPTU explains reasons for strike,11....html
1st pickets on in UCD so far just students in their way home after a night out (5.30am)
1st delivery turned back at UCD
1st student joined us on UCD picket line (6am)
About 1 third of cleaners refuse to pass UCD picket (6.10am)
Reported that there are now 100 picketing at TCD (8am)
At UCD public transport buses refusing to cross picket
Part of picket at UCD
Over a quarter of a million people on strike today
Over 100 INTO members picketing DES building on Marlbourough St. along with members of CPSU, IMPACT, SIPTU, & PSEU
Strong Picket of Local Authority Workers on Boombridge Road - Cabra D7
Pickets at the Aras, and at other places in the Phoneix park.
Lively IMPACT picket at Parkgate hall
Good crowd at local government computer services centre
Huge picket at St Johns hospital
30 or so CPSU on the Picket at the DSFA building in Kilmainham, not too many have crossed the line; Mood is good!
Main gate to Trinity College Dublin closed and 30 strong SIPTU picket outside
Picket shift change happening at UCD carparks quite empty although some students and many managers going in
Car park very empty in Maynooth university. College quiet. IFUT, UNITE and SIPTU pickets on the gate.
CPSU Branch Sec. Anne Quinlan at Dept. of Tansport says there's 'no option' to go on strike 'the public sector is under attack'.
Supporter delivers sweets to picketers at Maynooth university
Students from Free Education for Everyone march down and join the picket in solidarity with the strikers.
Students from FEE
Couple of students went into UCD to check it put report a lot of stuff closed down
Trinity College solid, only one gate open and large picket of UNITE, SIPTU & IFUT. Campus deserted.
Raining now in kildare
RTE and Irish Times reporting unions may be about to announce strike next week
Local Business supplying workers at Bishops Sq. SW office with Free food and coffee! 20 pickets outside DSFA in Store Street
About 3000 people attended INTO rally at DES a few hours ago. Still 500 on rolling picket.
NCAD in Thomas Street closed down and SIPTU picket of seven people in place on the front gate.
Thomas Street Social Welfare office closed with twenty strong picket outside
INTO Picket at the Department of Education has swollen to about 1000 people
All Dublin City Public Libraries closed due to strike. Some cranks giving gip though most of the public appear supportive
A man in 09 Jag speeds past the picket in Kilmainham shouting 'get a job' to the assembled pickets - Brave man! :)
INTO picket on DES has just finished. Over 5000 including SNA members of Impact - took part during the day

You can follow our updates at at or on the twitter box on the WSM home page at

Comments (3 of 3)

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author by Cassiepublication date Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:30author address author phone

It's hardly strange that the vast swathe of angry union members, alledgedly itching for strikes and protests but currently being held back by their union leaders, failed to turn up. There's a gaping plot hole in the lefts narrative. Fair play to those that did turn up though.

author by Andrewpublication date Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:30author email wsm_ireland at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone

The feature of the WSM site has been updated with images, video and audio recorded live yesterday and posted to your twitter its at

Indy editors of you want any of this feel free to nick the HTML. You might also want to add tweetreel to your embedded video list



Why the INTO had called a protest on budget day at the Dail

Gregor Kerr speaks at INTO rally ICTU negotiations and need for alternative

author by Shelver - Rossport Solidarity Camppublication date Sat Feb 06, 2010 15:45author address author phone






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