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Martin McGuinness to run for Uachtarán na hÉireann

category national | politics / elections | news report author Sunday September 18, 2011 00:07author by Ruaidhrí O' Conghaile Report this post to the editors

It was announced earlier today that Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness is set to run for the office of Uachtarán na hÉireann, President of the Republic of Ireland.

The former Provisional I.R.A leader has said that he will run on a broad progressive platform building upon his role in the peace process in the north of Ireland.

It was announced earlier today that Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness is set to run for the office of Uachtarán na hÉireann, President of the Republic of Ireland.

The former Provisional I.R.A leader has said that he will run on a broad progressive platform building upon his role in the peace process in the north of Ireland.

McGuinness says, "This is an opportunity for the people of Ireland to make a stand for the new Ireland, this is an opportunity for a new beginning and I do new beginnings"

McGuinness has extensive experience in the area of reconciliation having played a pivotal role in both the formation and implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, and has promised that if elected Uachtarán na hÉireann he will continue to reach out to the Unionist minority on the island.

Asserting his commitment to true and progressive change, McGuinness says "it's about bridge-building on the island, it's about bringing into place a process of national reconciliation, being a unifier of all the people that live on this island"

"My vision is to be someone who inspires, someone who has a track record in bringing important change, someone who will be seen as a figurehead, representing Ireland on a world stage."

McGuinness secured his nomination with the backing of his party, Sinn Féin, as well as four Independent Teachtaí Dála, deputies Luke 'Ming' Flanagan, Finian McGrath, Michael Healy-Rae and Tom Fleming.

If elected, his term will oversee the significant 100 year anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, and the prospect of a distinctly Irish Republican president for this occasion is sure to resonate resoundly amongst the republican and nationalist sections of the Irish electorate.

McGuinness' nomination is also likely to bring to the fore the debate over the extension of voting rights to Irish citizens living in the north of Ireland. At present, Irish citizens living in the north are not entitled to vote for their president, however Martin McGuinness has signaled his support for the extension of voting rights to Irish citizens in the north, as well as the Irish diaspora at large.

Expressing his thoughts on the campaign, Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams said “I believe that this election will give Martin the platform to continue the work which he has led in the North and in the peace process and to put it on a national footing.

“I believe he can be the people’s president. If elected he will draw the average industrial wage. He will dedicate himself to a genuine national reconciliation and the unity of our people. He will personify hope in the great genius and integrity of all the people of this island, Catholics, Protestants and Dissenters."

Adams asserts "Oileáin amháin, tír amháin, Uachtaráin amháin". That is, one island, one country, one President.

This promises to be an intriguing campaign with a few twists and turns to come yet.

Related Link: http://dord-fian.blogspot.com/
author by independent republicanpublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 00:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is he a covert british agent or an overt british agent,he has been accused of being a covert agent from many quarters,but what is obvious is what he does in the public sphere,which could hardly be described as anti imperialist now could it???
He is an agent in one form or another.
Martin mcguinness,is an agent of british influence if you will

he is involved in administrating britsh rule ,he now endorses informing ,something which saw people sent to their deaths for(frank hegarty) in many cases informers especially those who betrayed arms dumps to british and garda special branch were found with a bin liner over their heads and found with two bullets in the back of that head,for disobeying the rules layed out in the green book,not our martin,its ok for the leadership to do it in other words! Decommisioning is something he was at the heart of,a breach of the IRA constitution,which saw a split which produced the 'Real IRA'.

he now supports a police force that is firmly in british control,and supports the incarceration and internment of irish republican activists in maghaberry,where a dirty protest against the brutal prison regime is ongoing.

martin mcguinness is part of a stormont parliament that implements tory cuts on the working class on the orders of their british masters.

these are the facts,eventhough martin mcguinness has been accused of being british agent jiii8
we have yet to see proof of this.
what we do know however is that he in no way is a republican,endorsing the british occupation,endorsing informing,endorsing the ruc/psni and the selective internment policy currently being pursued by the northern state of which he is now firmly part of.

if sinn fein or martin mcguinnes represented republicanism,they would be challenging the british occupation,not updating it.

author by old bangerpublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 04:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

President McGuinness will have to reckon with the blazing trail of his predecessor, President Mary McAleese. She, sorry, Her Excellency 1. visited Buckingham Palace and had cupan deas tae with Banrion Elizabeth II, 2. had Banrion Elizabeth II to the Arus for a return cuppa, 3. visited an Orange museum in East Belfast and smiled in delight on seeing sashes and insignia, 4. took the communion cup in a Church of Ireland service in Dublin and got croziered by the Archbishop of Dublin, 5. praised Islamic morality on a state visit to Saudi Arabia, 6. criticised the Simon Wiesenthal Foundation for casting slurs on the art collection at Limerick's Hunt Museum, 7. bought a cosy rural retirement home in the County Roscommon.

If he wants to be Uachtaran do gach eine, McGuinness will have to learn some clever figure skating.

author by Jaysuspublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

''...he is involved in administrating britsh rule''

Yeah, lets bring back the days of death and violence. The only thing he has administered is the hard work of thousands of republicans across the island to bring about relative peace in the Northern part of out beautiful little island. And guess what pal, he had a mandate to do it. Elected, well supported and well funded whether you like it or not.

I won't support Martin for my own reasons but I welcome this competent man into the presidential race. By the by, the very much dislike Sinn Fein, but I have real political reasons, not because he is an 'agent of Imperialism', or 'British rule.' delusional

author by Des - Nonepublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes, I bet all the people in our country who are unemployed, homeless or sick (without private insurance) are positively quivering with excitement. Still, if he should end up in the park, he will have a bigger holiday cottage than Gerry.

author by independent republicanpublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 13:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

some people are delusional? like who you? are trying to pass yourself off as being politically aware by saying 'yeah,lets bring back the days of death and violence' is that a political arguement think its more of a rant really?
you seem happy that sinn fein embraced the status quo,ever wonder what denis donaldson,martin mcguinness,freddi scappaticci gerry adams have in common.?they all worked hard to install the good friday agreement/peace process.they all had the same goals as regard the GFA,some were covert british agents others were british ministers......what does that say about their loyalty to republican politics? it says they have none.

As a movement,they actually got nothing,peace is great,im not prmoting violence,but lets set the record straight,the leadership of the PRM were still sending volunteers to their deaths up untill 1997
they embraced the status quo as part of some agreement where by they got nothing.
they abandoned anti-imperialist politics,decommisioned their weapons accepted the ruc/psni which they fought for 25-30 years etc etc
the provisional movement gave up everything,and got nothing,not one of its objectives were achieved
they achieved none of their stated aims,they were in a nutshell a failure...it was ok for them to use armed struggle then but not ok for others to use it today is the kind of gibberish we hear from the average ceasefire soldier today....

who said anything about bringing back violence jaysus???,i have made valid points that he isinvolved in administrating british rule,which he is. the fact that his party is involved in implementing tory cuts doesnt bother you?

the fact that they were only allowed into stormont as long as they left republican ideology and republican activism behind them doesn't dawn on you no?
are you one of these people who think sinn fein are great now because the betrayed their base ,left the communities which put them where they are defencless?
the fact that republican prisoners are on dirty protest,some even debating the use of a hunger strike at the moment 30 years after the hunger strikes which saw ten men die? does any of this dawn on you? people ignore protesting republican pows at their peril.

the GFA and all that came with it isnt acceptable to republicans,the unionist veto is unacceptable,the ruc/psni are unacceptable,the northern state/partition itself is unacceptable.
the real republican struggle goes on.

author by JoeMcpublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 14:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was speaking to a long-standing PSF member a couple of weeks ago about the prospect of McGuiness standing for Uachtarán na hÉireann . He said that it was being discussed actively at the time - he thought it would be very difficult politically for the party not to stand a high-profile candidate - but that, as somebody who still regarded himself as a left-winger , he personally wouldn't be able to bring himself to vote for McGuiness because of the Deputy First Minister's support for right-wing policies in the north .

You can understand how a McGuiness presidency would appeal to the likes of Micheal Healy-Rae, of course But Luke Ming Flanagan TD raised his profile , and in many ways made himself electable , by making a huge issue out of his support for the decriminalization of pot , didn't he ? Or was that someone else? Shortly after winning a seat in the Dail , Flanagan announced that he was giving up smoking pot - which was entirely his own choice at a personal level . But he is now an elected representative in the Dail , and he is sponsoring and thereby endorsing an opponent of the legalization of cannabis for the presidency . That's a very different matter .

Whether you think pot should be legal or not , surely the sponsorship of McGuiness was an act of hypocrisy and betrayal by Luke Ming Flanagan. Gerry Adams' re-states Sinn Fein's firm opposition to the decriminalization of cannabis at the link below . In it you will see that, when it comes to their pot-smoking policy , PSF remains resolutely anti-revisionist .

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 20:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I know this may be against Indymedia 'House Rules' and , as such , may very well be deleted by an Admin but, nonetheless , in the interest of fairness to Lord McGuinness (!) , the 'interview' at the 'Related Link' , below, should be of interest to some readers.....

Lord McGuinness receives a welcome boost to his Phoenix Park campaign from his employer....
Lord McGuinness receives a welcome boost to his Phoenix Park campaign from his employer....

Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com/2011/09/1169-exclusive-this-blog-has-been.html
author by Well Wellpublication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 22:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We're very techy* over this nomination in the various dissident republican camps aren't we. I presume the awards won by sharons blog weren't from the catholic police widows association or the relatives of dead Omagh babies.

*aargh...thats TETCHY! - ed

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Sep 18, 2011 22:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Well Well !
Actually , we were only nominated for the Award (:-() as stated on the page you clicked on.

Thanks anyway,

Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by Tom Williams - Nonepublication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 15:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anything that brings Michael McDowell out of the woodwork, minus his glasses, with vitriol and venom dripping off his fascist chin is

good for the political debate in this country. The same could be said for Joe 'man of the people' Duffy whose programme yesterday was

less balanced than a man with lead in his inner ear. I hope Martin gets there, because it'll shake the complacency out of the centre-

right consensus (which includes the Labour Party) which has driven this country into the hands of the receivers and is determined to pay

off losing bets to international gamblers,at the expense of life-saving healthcare for our citizens. So suck it up, guys, this is the

best thing that's happened this country since Italia '90.

author by independent republican.publication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 17:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

get real. in all fairness,are you living on a different planet

'it'll shake the complacency out of the centre right conscensus'

martin mcguinness is centre right FFS,they are implementing tory cuts in the north whilst pretending to be against cuts in the south. wake up .i'll leave sucking up for those in sinn fein who want to climb that ladder.

author by Dorothy Galepublication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 17:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

you think about McGuinness re cuts in the 6 counties or if you think he betrayed the struggle, certain people should be faced up to.

Today in the IT Fintan O'Toole was ranting about how unfit McGuinness was for the job. Maybe O'Toole should be reminded that Eamon Gilmore was in OSF/SFWP/WP while the OIRA were running arounf killing soldiers, RUC and Republicans. Did Gilmore ever object to any of these killings? No record of it.

Labour lapdogs should be a bit more careful in their glasshouse.

Eoghan Harris was also in OSF/SFWP/WP but even longer. He should be reminded of this when he attacks McGuinness. The Sindo may not publish such letters but other papers will.

author by independent republican.publication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 17:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

yes i agree,but mcguinness is also no stanger to attacking republicans and denouncing them from on high standing side by side with the hated enemies of republicanism the ruc/psni-

'traitors to the people of ireland' comment comes to mind.

he denouced them the same way the stickies denounced the provos back in the day.
he is firmly part of the establishment now,its just that some people of the establishment aren't too comfortable with that.

author by Gary Barlowpublication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 18:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I am heartened by the debate on this topic, it actually has given me hope for the future of this country. Hope that this person will not be voted into the presidency.

If so called republicans cannot agree on the guys politics and character it will be easy for the electorate to see through all his puff and hyperbole.

The guy is not even paing taxes down here, he is I suppose an Irish citizen by default, sure he never even recognised the constituition or the state until recently.

Now he wants to be the Commander in Chief of the the real "Oglaigh na hEireann" the Irish Defence Forces, I am not religious but GOD GRANT ME PATIENCE with republicans.

author by Voterpublication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 21:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hatchet job on David norris

Hatchet job on Martin mcguinness

Evidently somebody thinks this post is important. So important that they want to control who gets in.
Nobody who will upset the applecart that is.

They want another harmless uncontroversial controllable pro business royal sycophant like Mary Mcaleese it seems.

Fuck that!

author by independent republican.publication date Tue Sep 20, 2011 22:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

how about getting rid of it,aside from it being completely unnecessary,its a waste of money especially
when we keep hearing that we have no money,especially for vital services.

author by W. Finnertypublication date Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Reply to "independent republican" at Tue Sep 20, 2011 22:15

The President of the Republic of Ireland is the principal "Guardian of the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland" -- the HIGHEST law of the land that is -- and, to the very best of my knowledge, no other President of the Republic of Ireland has ever shown more contempt (for so long) for this extremely important job than President Mary McAleese.

"In a very rough and ready way, I estimate that Republic of Ireland President Mary McAleese, during her almost 14 years in office, has already signed her name to enough legal papers -- for the purpose of turning unconstitutional bills into unconstitutional laws (i.e. bogus and illegal "laws"), and many of which are highly supportive of the "Global Banking Cartel" and their PPP toll road projects -- to choke a dozen horses or more." (From: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/EuropeanCentralBankPr...leese )

All of the ultra rich, powerful, and influential people who have benefitted so greatly from the 14 years or so of socially destructive and insidious legal and political wrongdoings of President Mary McAleese, will undoubtedly (in my view) be doing everything they possibly can to try to ensure her replacement (i.e. the next President of the Republic of Ireland) is of the same treasonous and treacherous kind, or as close to it as they can find (which will take some doing!!), and then slyly manoeuvre them into the "Presidential" position from behind the scenes, so that nobody (or very few) will even be aware of it.

author by Well Well 2publication date Wed Sep 21, 2011 20:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

None of the above

what a non choice

even is one wanted to give only a second preference

100 years on ?

author by Tom Williams - Nonepublication date Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Did anybody understand that?

author by Redundant Republicanpublication date Thu Sep 22, 2011 16:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mc Guinness is on record at the Saville tribunal stating that he left the IRA in 1974. Apparently, in his resignation speech he addressed an army council meeting after his release from portlaoise prison. He told them that he wanted to be president of the free state for the centenery of 1916. He stressed the importance of having a stormont assembly in the six counties. He promised to lead sinn fein at the front and to destroy the sdlp vote in the occupied six and to destroy the fianna fail vote in the bastard republic. He encouraged the removal of abstensionism, support for the ruc/garda, decomissioning of all weapons and removing articles 2/3 of the free state constitution. He guaranteed success by having a ballot paper in one hand and a ball point pen in the other. He implored them to have faith in his dealings with MI5, they trust me he said, with a cheecky grin. He informed them that a belfast writer called adams would be his left hand man. He said that he would create adams as the public face of the IRA. and that the brits would believe all the propaganda. He believed that the brits would ilfitrate adams,his close friends, drivers, advisors and nutting squad. He demanded secrecy, only those present would know the 40 year plan. Republicans could not be trusted with the truth,in fact he screamed,they can not handle the truth.
I like it when a plan comes together,keep her lit Martin.

author by Go On Martinpublication date Thu Sep 22, 2011 17:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Toward a New Republic – I dTreo Poblacht Nua

Martin outlines his vision for a republican presidency for 2016 at Sinn Féins 2011 Ard Fheis: Towards a New Republic: Martin McGuinness Ard Fheis 2011 ( http://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/21436 - see vid below)

As republicans we have cause and we have purpose. And given the progress of recent years we rightly carry great expectations of what we can achieve in the future. And those expectations go way beyond simply Sinn Féin supporters or even those who want to see a united Ireland. The expectation of us to continue to succeed is shared by many who don’t ultimately share our primary political goal of unity and independence. But it is our duty to continue to reach out to unionists and it is our duty to persuade them of the merits of a new Republic and of their treasured place in it.

In the five years between now and 2016 I want to see us lead a national conversation on the future of this island. We are haemorrhaging our young people to far flung parts of the world in search of work. A combination of greed and arrogance has left much of the Irish people demoralised. That is not the vision of 1916 and it is not my vision for Ireland approaching its centenary.

And our national conversation needs to be truly national and indeed global. Our Diaspora have a stake in our future. Let us begin the work today of structuring a proper engagement on the type of new Republic we want to build – let us engage without preconditions and engage with those who have previously not had their voices heard.

As expected Martin McGuinness is getting plenty of flak from the media and politcal groups, he is dealing with it well. He has explained the hows and whys of his joining the IRA, he doesnt apologise for it. At a time when Ireland is in a terrible situation it looks like SF are playing the long game, possibly they will win the presidential race. It would be great to see an ex "terrrorist" (freedom fighter) holding the office. Before Martin entered the race, it all seemed so insignificant. Now with him in and he has really stirred things up, we are talking about things that were not adressed during the tiger years; North - South relations, What exactly are "republican" values, Why is there so much inequality in Ireland and how can it be tackled... Some are saying this is Sinn Feins boldest political gamble since Bobby Sands and the H-BLOCS... And do you know what, they might indeed just pull it off, wouldnt that be a good one.

Go on Martin boy,

Campaign updates and notes from the media wars:

- This morning: In a text poll run by the radio station, Cork 96FM, this morning, Mr McGuinness emerged with 61% support, followed by David Norris on 15%. All other candidates came in on single figures. 2,241 votes were cast in just over an hour on the Neil Prendeville Show .

- Sep 20: Sinn Féin Ireland: Martin McGuinness wins the Joe Duffy liveline 10 minute text poll. He secures 28% of the vote. Over 22,000 took part in the poll. Well done to all who voted for him.

- Martin McGuinness as Irish president? You never know (The Guadian)

- ‘McGuinness for President!’ – Eamon Dunphy

McGuinness: I won’t say sorry for past
- MARTIN McGUINNESS has said he would not apologise for his IRA past as he criticised “west Brit elements” for trying to derail his campaign to be President.


RTE and related state flak:

- McGuinness push for park is a step too far - FINTAN O’TOOLE

- Mondays Pat Kenny show on RTE: The Presidential Election.September 19, 2011 2:00 PM
found at http://www.rte.ie/radio1/podcast/podcast_patkenny.xml

Frontline – Monday, 19 September 2011
Pat Kenny looks at reaction to the announcement that Martin McGuinness has entered into the presidential race. Major air time given to Miky Mc Dowell

Joe Duffy; Liveline Podcast- The Martin McGuinness slating


related vids:

Martin McGuinness at SF Ard Fheis 2011 |

Gerry Adams; Martin McGuinness proposed as Presidential candidate

Martin on Late Late show January 2011 part 1

Martin on Late Late show January 2011 part 2

Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

Toward a New Republic – I dTreo Poblacht Nua
Toward a New Republic – I dTreo Poblacht Nua

Martin McGuiness gets huge support from GAA fans on Sunday before the Dubs huge win
Martin McGuiness gets huge support from GAA fans on Sunday before the Dubs huge win

Caption: Video Id: VePRThN6sus Type: Youtube Video
SF Ard Fheis 2011 Martin McGuinness MP MLA

Caption: Video Id: a8cqXI-kX2Q Type: Youtube Video
Martin on Late Late show January 2011


Joe Duffy; Liveline Podcast- The Martin McGuinness slating


Mondays Pat Kenny show on RTE: Martin Mc Guinness running for President

Related Link: http://itsafunnyoldworld.wordpress.com/2011/09/17/martin/
author by radio republicanpublication date Thu Sep 22, 2011 18:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Danny Morrison + Kevin Myers - skin and hair flying (Today FM 22 September 2011)
- Last Word with Matt Cooper - Danny Morrison and Kevin Myers - skin, hair, teeth (all's fair in this war) 2.53 Mb

Fintan O'Toole 'hissy fit' on Radio Ulster
The Full Show Pt 1 - Fintan got a long innings 2.74 Mb

from Fintan O'Toole 'hissy fit' on Radio Ulster - Ed Moloney refuses debate with Danny Morrison Da

RTE: recent audios

- Who Are the West Brits Undermining Martin McGuinness’s Campaign: September 21, 2011
Pearse Doherty, Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson, Fintan O’Toole, Irish Times

- Martin McGuinness and The Presidency. September 20, 2011
Ed Moloney, Author and Historian and Danny Morrison, Author and Commentator

- Martin McGuinness and The Presidency. September 20, 2011
Danny Morrison, Author and Commentator.

The Presidential Election. September 19, 2011- Stephen Collins, Irish Times.


Danny Morrison + Kevin Myers - skin and hair flying: Last Word with Matt Cooper


Fintan O


Who Are the West Brits Undermining Martin McGuinness’s Campaign: Pearse Doherty, Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson, Fintan O’Toole, Irish Times

author by independent republicanpublication date Thu Sep 22, 2011 19:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

lets set the record straight,martin mcguinness is not a republican,i know that may come as a shock to sinn fein supporters,who have been taught how to not think or question things so its fairly understandable that they might view this as a major coup for sinn fein,and be confused at the thought of someone questioning them or their british minister leader.

sinn fein have embraced the establishment north and south,and the establishment is quite clearly capitalist.the very existence of the border and its solidification with the GFA/deletion of articles two and three shows that those within the establishment are determined to thwart republicanism at every juncture,catholics were allowed 'about the place' simply because they abandoned republicanism.

now lets take for example martins story about leaving the IRA in 1974 which we all now is bullshit
for those who buy into that story maybe a glance at this video might help you.


and for those that collaborate with the british authorities or even the special branch in the 26 counties
maybe you should take heed from wee martin as he explains in this video the dangers of informing or 'going over to the other side'.....


once a sticky,always a sticky eh martin?

author by Go On Martinpublication date Tue Sep 27, 2011 08:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Martin McGuinness hailed ‘a great leader’ by Presbyterian minister

The first Presbyterian minister to address a Sinn Fein party conference last night praised Martin McGuinness as one of the “great leaders of modern times”.

On his arrival at the Waterfront Hall for the conference, the Rev David Latimer said: “I haven’t come here for soundbites.”

But he was undoubtedly the star turn of the first night of the first Sinn Fein ard fheis to be held in Northern Ireland.

Delegates asked to have their pictures taken with Mr Latimer on mobile phones and many shook hands with him. “I am among friends,” he said, stressing that people could work together whatever view they took of the border.

- from http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/martin-....html

- Martina Devlin: Electing Martin McGuinness as President would be a fitting acknowledgement of his crucial role in the peace process

- McGuinness’s track record augurs well for Áras run

- Only Norris can stop McGuinness becoming president

- Belfast Telegraph: Martin McGuinness continues to astound with his progress

- Martin McGuinness speaks to Claire O’Sullivan of the Irish Examiner

- related article from examiner: Martin fishes in footsteps of the Queen

Caption: Video Id: 5CDqX6ZBOSw Type: Youtube Video
Martin McGuinness speaks to Claire O’Sullivan of the Irish Examiner

author by Pete Bogpublication date Tue Sep 27, 2011 20:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For anyone who actually believes that McGuinness and Adams are peacemakers I pose the question. How could they be be peacemakers if they always had the power to bring the conflict to an end?

After all they had the majority of the leadership behind them and they say themselves that the majority of the IRA backed them. Therefore why didn't they bring an end to it sooner-many years sooner?

Many people, including their own membership died as pawns, hardly the stuff of peacemakers.

author by rebpublication date Tue Sep 27, 2011 20:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the timing was not right to polarise enough support to carry it through. There were still many who believed that military force had a part to play in strengthening the negotiating hand. Ask north korea whether this is true!

9/11 made it impossible to continue as a "terrorist" or "freedom fighter" group and any negotiation advantage gained by being backed by military force had already been capitalised on at that stage so only then was the time ripe to discard any notions of further violence as a means of achieving the aims of the IRA

Thats my opinion anyway. Adams and McGuinness could not have carried it through until then no matter what people say.

author by Pete Bogpublication date Tue Sep 27, 2011 22:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

9/11 didn't occur until at least 10 years after Adams and McGuinness began to talk to the Brits about ways out of the conflict. Most of those nodding in agreement behind the two these days were in leadership positions then, as was the likes of Brian Keegan.

Don't forget the so called peacemakers were still urging war while talking to the Brits behind the backs of those they sent out to continue that war.

author by Marty 4 prezpublication date Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Given much of the Irish media onslaught against Martin McGuinness it was good to hear clearly made logical arguments in favour of Martin on last fridays Pat Kenny show by Irish Independent journalist Martina Devlin. The main points were repeated on Saturdays radio review of the week:

PK: Martina, you have said that this would be a good thing if Martin McGuinness was to succeed

MD: Its taking democracy to its logical conclusion, as far as Im concerned. For years Sinn Féin were told by commentators and politicians in the Republic that they had to embrace democracy. They have embraced democracy, this is a logical step and it seems to be a little too much democracy for some people

PK: The question of the proximity of his carreer, shall we say as a paramilitary, to his carreer as a potential president, thats what some people invoke

MD: Its just a question of time really, I mean if you look at the history of the foundation of of the Irish state, the Republic, it was founded in violence and moved painfully towards democracy. And same situation in the north too, just took a longer timeframe in getting to democracy, your talking about 20 years ago as opposed to 90 or 100 years ago. I mean if you look at the first Dáil, most of the cabinet were slinging their guns into the bushes before going into Leinster house. I think this has to be a positive thing because its bringing together Orange and Green, as far as im concerned. Whats been terrific for Ireland in the past 20 years, its been the peace process, its made a real difference to peoples lives, north and south. When I look at the candidates the one person who stands out is Martin McGuinness, im not taking away from any of the other canditates.


The show can be found on FRIDAY show, at http://www.rte.ie/radio1/todaywithpatkenny/2011-09-23.html This section is found at 1hr 33 mins into show.

“Up until last weekend the campaign for the presidency was a dull, lack- lustre affair, with no candidates of any great charisma. Then Sinn Fein’s Martin Mc Guinness burst onto the stage and it looks like David Norris is not far behind joining him. Joining Pat to review a pretty remarkable week were Martina Devlin from the Irish Independent , Paddy Duffy , PR Consultant , and John Drennan from the Sunday Independent.”

Martina Devlin is a columnist in the Irish Independent and her last positive article about Martin:

- Electing Martin McGuinness as President would be a fitting acknowledgement of his crucial role in the peace process

Oddly enough, the archive for this day is missing ??? whereas all days before and after are online for podcast??? was it pulled http://www.rte.ie/radio1/podcast/podcast_patkenny.xml

Martin McGuinness for president - the peoples president
Martin McGuinness for president - the peoples president

author by Ray Darcypublication date Wed Sep 28, 2011 13:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Martin spoke on todays Ray Darcy show on Today FM, theres now a vid up of the interview

much discussion on the interview on both the facebook pages

Today.fm: http://www.facebook.com/todayfm
Martin McGuinness: http://www.facebook.com/Martin4President

Ray Darcy chats to Martin McGuinness on Today FM today
Ray Darcy chats to Martin McGuinness on Today FM today

Caption: Video Id: RvvQ5kkw7Fw Type: Youtube Video
Martin McGuinness spoke on todays Ray Darcy show on Today FM

author by Pacinopublication date Thu Sep 29, 2011 06:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

David norris is being given a much harder time than martin mcguinness just for writing a letter 15 years ago. Yet Martin was involved in killing people.Where is the logic here?
(now don't get me wrong, Im still all for martin having a go at the presidency! just pointing out the hypocrisy of a homophobic media)

It seems that the establishment see Norris as much more of a threat than martin. Go David! Go Martin!

author by owainglyndwr1416publication date Thu Sep 29, 2011 23:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

History O History where for ar't thou ? I find it fascinating that when people call a Presidential nominee on their past like in the case of Martin McGuiness and his role in the Provisional IRA because they never bother to delve deeper into the History of the troubles. The fact is the IRA would never have been created in the first place if Northern Republicans were not treated as second class Citizens in their own country and there would have been no need for any violence if Ireland as a whole hadn't been invaded and occupied for centuries by Foreign nations and Empires.

When i see leaders of the Republic laying wreaths at Glasnevin Cemetary or Bodens town and especially Bodens town http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/taoiseach-to-lay-wre....html i am left feeling that there is a double standard and it is those double standards that should not be allowed to manifest themselves in the Presidential race.

Martin McGuiness track record in the peace process should be applauded .. A war was fought and it was a War that the Republicans did not start or want and it was a War that from the perspective of the brutality meted out was not only inevitable but in many ways necessary as Bloody Sunday was an open and shut case and with that in mind many Republicans knew that there could or would be only one justice for crimes committed against them and that was their own justice .. If periodical Wars are examined since and before 1916 you will understand that there have been half hearted attempts at securing a permanent peace but we now live in changed times ,, Sadly the Peace wall will remain but there is hope for a permanent peace being a reality and Martin McGuiness has played a major role in that .

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...in all the moral high-horsing, is the hypocrisy of the po-faced and righteous(why does gay Mitchell spring to mind?), as they castigate the muderous Martin McGun-us, is the collaborative collusion with the massacres of the last ten years being facilitated through the Shannon logistical support for the resource wars across the Middle East and North Africa.

From depleted Uranium to torture rendition we're all pacifist saints and scholars. Look, clean hands, we never SAW any torture. Look???er...

And Hillariious Clinton twisting her knickers about an egg hitting her ambassador in Syria(as he meets with those subverting his regime)as they pepper the region with more death and destruction than they dropped since Viet Nam. But then, we couldn't unfriend Hillary, she likes us.

gag-bag republic.

author by Leftypublication date Sat Oct 01, 2011 00:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yeah Lets have dustin for president. Might as well at this stage. After all we've currently got a puppet government. Seems kind of appropriate! Puppets representing us are nothing new in Ireland.

The last president was certainly a business / establishment puppet. She was a lousy president and certainly didn't represent me with her eye watering salary and her corporate business junkets abroad and kissing the queens ass. Bah. Give me dustin any day!

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sun Oct 02, 2011 13:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

she kept inside a bucket
and every time it jumped right out
mary reached for the mint sauce.



Her elegance
The President
Waxed eloquent

Remarking the irony
Of the appellation
Fatima Mansions
On this urban desert
Cast concrete concentration
Incarcerating our economic-untouchable encorporation
All along the banks
Of that Grand Canal

Expressed her fervent solidarity
And commitment
Reworking the current profundity
That rising tides can fail to float
Beached and long-neglected boats

Stretching and turning the metaphor
With lunar gravity
She cast to the shore
Of the public ear
The dangled gem
That the ebb frees
Even fewer

Damp kerchief in crocodile bag
She bid her driver quench his fag
And leaving her subjects nodding consent
The people's president
Flapped the cape and off she went
To her own vice-regal tenement.

This piece of scurrilous doggerel is here reproduced.....because she 's worth it.

author by Redundant Republicanpublication date Sun Oct 02, 2011 20:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The future free state president Marty Mc Guinness told the saville tribunal that he left the IRA in 1974. WHY? Provisional SF president Gerry Adams has told the world that he never joined the IRA. WHY? Marty and Gerry should have led the republican military campaign from the front and perhaps the IRA may have won the war. WHY did they both mislead hundreds of young republicans to join the IRA? Their words led to death, destruction,misery and long years in prison. WHY?

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Wed Oct 05, 2011 15:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors


As I remember it the war was started by the Orange mafia running the 6. The British army were sent in to preserve the sectarian status quo(aka de peace) and opened fire on civil rights marches, triggering a reaction Adams and McG got a grip on, disciplined, and finally woke up to the low odds of the armed methodology and the fact they were in a stalemate of escalating shit, which gradually dawned on Westminster/Whitehall also.
To say they should have led the campaign from the front seems deluded bitterness, and contradicts your condemnation of the waste you seem to simultaneously decry.

Correct me if I misread.

author by Redundant Republicanpublication date Wed Oct 05, 2011 22:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes you misread. Why is a simple question. Why did Marty leave the IRA? Why did Gerry never join the IRA? Why did Marty and Gerry encourage young nationalists to join an organisation that one of them say that he had left and that one of them say that he never joined? I have not and will not condemn the IRA. I may be bitter against the Marty and Gerry "only show in town" turning republican principles on its head. I asked WHY did those two leaders demand military action by young nationalist/republicans which led to death,destruction,misery,long years in prison if they were both not prepared to be part of that military campaign and its consequences. Simple question WHY?

author by Joe - Nonepublication date Wed Oct 05, 2011 23:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There's another question that's exercising the minds of a lot of people in the South - We like the look of McGuiness, so WHY should we

give a rat's ass about stuff that happenned before many of us were born? That's why many of the movers and shakers in the cosy little

establishment concensus down here are acting as if they mistook the laxative tablets for the vitamin pills.

author by Dunkpublication date Thu Oct 06, 2011 22:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

(Red C poll, the one they call the most accurate, results today)

1 - Mikey D 23%
2 - Sean Gallagher 20%
3 - Martin McGuinness 19% (wasnt on last red c poll)
4 - Mary Davis 12%
5 - Mr Norris 11%
6 - Gay Mitchell 9%
7 - Dana 6%

Poll shows Áras race narrowing

WITH THREE weeks to go to polling day, the presidential election has turned into a race between Michael D Higgins and Seán Gallagher, while Martin McGuinness is performing strongly in third place.

We had the TV3 debate with Vincent Browne the other night, including Vincents library books trying to prove McGuinnes was still head of the RA till recently... He came out very well, in Journal.ie poll next day, people voted he did best. Also TV3's LIKE-O-METER that night also had him come out on top. Im not sure how they worked it out, but final % votes were:

1 - Martin McG- 33%
2 - Norris- 19%
3 - SG-15%
4 - Mikey D- 13%
5 - Gay- 8%
6 - Dana- 6%
7 - Mary D- 5%

TheJournal.ie: Poll: Who came out on top in last night’s debate?

1 - Martin McG-28%
2 - Mikey D-21%
3 - SG-14%
4 - Norris-8%
5 - Gay-7%
6 - Mary D-2%
7 - Dana-1%

Their earlier polll: Who do you want to be the next President of Ireland?
gave the following results, its still open:

5 - David Norris 34%
3 - Martin McGuinness 20%
1 - Mikey D 13%
2 - Sean Gallagher 7%
4 - Mary Davis 5%
6 - Gay Mitchell 2%
7 - Dana 1%

Anyways. From afar, it seems a lot of people have gone "what the fuck, gallagher at #2" what you reckon, is it? Norris really bombed, no? some commentators have said that if he continues to go down (no pun intended) that a lot of the youth vote, a lot of the angry ones, will give their vote to mcguinness...

I still think mcguinness will do it, i think many people are either fed up with the constant irish media barrage "when did you leave the RA, but when did you really leave the RA...." as opposed to constructive intelligent questioning they could be asking, maybe are afraid of asking, hence are not asking, like "So your talking about creating "Toward a New Republic – I dTreo Poblacht Nua"... what exactly do you mean by that"

Looking at last general elections it was very interesting to see the dublin vote, how FF were shafted, (hopefully this will be how things go for the rest of the country soon) and how sinn fein are doing. also i can see many people around the country, rural and republican who in past voted, or gave their allegiance to, fianna fail. I can see many of them swinging to sinn fein. Irish are intelligent, and many are well fucked off with the absolute mess the country is in, and little by little they are agreeing with mc guinness vision for the future, and coming to the conclusion that indeed it is time to give SF a chance, they have left the gun, have brought more in and done what was thought impossible...

In a few weeks time we will see.

I for one was happy to see him start his 32 county wide campaign in the bogside, Heres vid from that night:
A Man of the People

Related article: Martin McGuinness hoping to be Irish president for 2016

Interesting article from todays Irish times, again, most directed in favour or against Martin McGuinness:

Perspectives on the presidency

Fine Gael Ministers, including Enda Kenny, have sat with McGuinness on the North-South Ministerial Council for years without demur. No one in Fine Gael queried his worthiness until he decided to stand for the Irish presidency. Good enough for the unionists, but not for the good people of the Republic?

poll 1 - journal.ie Who do you want to be the next President of Ireland? (Norris 1 - Marty McG 2)
poll 1 - journal.ie Who do you want to be the next President of Ireland? (Norris 1 - Marty McG 2)

TV3 live debate LIKE O METER - (Marty McG 1)
TV3 live debate LIKE O METER - (Marty McG 1)

poll 1 - journal.ie Who came out on top in last night’s debate? (Marty McG 1, mikey d 2)
poll 1 - journal.ie Who came out on top in last night’s debate? (Marty McG 1, mikey d 2)

Caption: Video Id: yildx6j6ee4 Type: Youtube Video
Martin McGuinness: A Man of the People

author by Robert Ballagh endorses Martin McGpublication date Thu Oct 06, 2011 23:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Robert Ballagh opened the Dublin launch of Martin McGuinness's Campaign with a great endorsement which was a condensed version of an article he wrote in favour of him.

Vid- Artist Robert Ballagh on Martin McGuinness

“Unfit to be President? If that’s the case, what about Dev and the rest?*” (Robert Ballagh)

However, has been the resurrection, in certain quarters, of hysterical atavistic hatreds that I had hoped would have remained buried once the peace process had been successfully bedded down.

In my opinion, such biased interventions go way beyond fair comment and are of no benefit whatsoever to the public. The main argument put forward by such people in both political and media circles has been to suggest that Martin McGuinness is unfit to contest the presidential election because of his past role in physical force politics.

Well, as far as I’m concerned, such a proposition displays woeful ignorance of the historical realities of this state. Certainly, if taking up arms were a disqualifying factor in seeking high office, the pages of Irish history would be filled with a totally different list of players...

I believe that this presidential election provides the Irish people with a unique opportunity to have their say on a series of issues that have been decided upon without their involvement or consent.

Here I speak of the bank guarantee, NAMA, the socialisation of private debt, the loss of economic sovereignty to the EU and IMF and the austerity programme which has brought untold hardship to the poor, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged.

I am convinced that any candidate who takes a critical stand on these issues and who is willing to become a voice of opposition to the swingeing measures that are being unfairly imposed will gain the support of the majority of Irish people who are both angry and hurting as a consequence of the present unjust situation.

Along with him giving thier support are many more, perhaps not the most well known or the creme de la creme of irish society, but many that are very well respected by many normal people in their communites; Film, Sport, Art, Writing...

Colm Meaney, Roddy Collins, Peter Canavan, Peter Sheridan...

full growing list of endorsments at http://www.thepeoplespresident.ie/endorsements

Colm Meaney - I'll be supporting Martin McGuinness. Hopefully he'll be there for two terms.
(Who said this on todays RTE Pat Kenny show, sure they were kicking themselves on that one)

Roddy Collins - I like his dedication and his concern for his community.

Peter Canavan - He's a very grounded man...very selfless in his work and the time he gives to people at a grassroots level.

Peter Sheridan - If you were sending in somebody to negotiate the future of Ireland you'd certainly be picking Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams as the two guys you'd want in there.

Related: Martin McGuinness, Presidential Candidate on RTE's Pat Kenny show - September 29, 2011 2:00 PM

Robert Ballagh, Colm Meaney, Roddy Collins, Peter Canavan, Peter Sheridan... all behind Martin
Robert Ballagh, Colm Meaney, Roddy Collins, Peter Canavan, Peter Sheridan... all behind Martin

Caption: Video Id: eFQM5aV4OAQ Type: Youtube Video
Artist Robert Ballagh on Martin McGuinness

Caption: Video Id: GAtlyXGsNis Type: Youtube Video
Colm Meaney - I


Martin McGuinness, Presidential Candidate on RTE

author by Joe - Nonepublication date Fri Oct 07, 2011 23:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The mud hasn't stuck, the black propoganda has failed, and the Redundant Republican has descended into a hysterical, gibberring

basket case, as evidenced by the previous post. Sinn Féin are heading towards the heady heights of 2nd. most popular political party in

the Republic, and the desperate defenders of the disintegrating centre-right concensus rail and bleat and empty their stores of invective,

pergoratives and poorly constructed irony, and all the while, their champion, non-Gay Mitchell, fights a battle with Dana to decide 6th and

7th place. Maybe there is going to be a New Era after all.

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