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| Campaign Websites & Links
Gaza Slaughter by Israel Coveragehttps://electronicintifada.net/https://www.MoonOfAlabama.org/ -Moon Of Alabama https://imemc.org/ - International Middle East Media Center https://www.youtube.com/@Mahmood_OD/community Mahmood YouTube channels. He does multiple updates per day https://www.tiktok.com/@mahmood -TikTok channel https://english.palinfo.com/ -Palestine Info (English site) https://israelpalestinenews.org - Israeli Palestine News https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/ https://t.me/s/VanessaBeeley -Vanessa Beeley Telegram https://t.me/s/PalestineResist Resistance News Network https://www.MiddleEastMonitor.com/ https://ChrisHedges.substack.com/ -Chris Hedges substack https://www.MiddleEastEye.net/ https://www.scottRitterExtra.com/ - Scott Ritter Extra -former Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction inspector https://strategic-culture.su/ -Strategic Culture https://mikopeled.com/ -Miko Peled – Author. Writer. Speaker. Human Rights Activist Ukrainian War Coverage at Odds with Mainstream Media Coveragehttps://simplicius76.substack.com/ -Covering tactical and strategic dimensions of the warhttps://www.MoonOfAlabama.org/ -Moon Of Alabama https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/ -Blog of Andrei Martyanov https://sonar21.com/ - Larry Johnson https://kolozeg.org/ http://thesaker.is/ -The Saker https://johnhelmer.net/ -John Helmer https://t.me/s/patricklancasternewstoday/ -Patrick Lancaster News Today Telegram https://odysee.com/@PatrickLancasternewstoday:c Patrick Lancaster News Today on Odysee See https://fpif.org/seven-decades-nazi-collaboration-americas-dirty-little-ukraine-secret/Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret https://www.youtube.com/c/GrahamPhillipsUK/videos https://raymcgovern.com/ -Ray McGovern -former CIA analyst. In January 2003, Ray co-created Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose how intelligence was being falsified to “justify” war on Iraq. https://julianMacFarlane.substack.com/ https://chroniclesofhaiphong.substack.com/ -The Chronicles of Haiphong with coverage of wider strategic events in relaton to the confict. See also his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxLhz6B_elvLflntSEfnzA https://ingaza.wordpress.com/ - In Gaza and beyond by Eva K Barlett or see https://linktr.ee/EvaKareneBartlett or on Telegrapm https://t.me/s/Reality_Theories Freedom from Controlhttps://t.me/keepItCash -Keep It Cash Telegram Grouphttps://www.CashMatters.org/ https://GlobalWalkOut.com/ -Global Walk Out - a unified unified pushback against the globalist agenda Finance & Moneyhttps://archive.org/details/TheCreatureFromJekyllIslandByG.EdwardGriffin- The Creature from Jekyll Islandhttps://theGreatTaking.com/ https://www.federalReserveHistory.org/ Questioning the Creeping Green Agendahttps://sandiAdams.net/Anti War / Peace Groupshttp://www.shannonwatch.org - Shannon Watchhttps://wikileaks.org/+-War-Military-+.html http://www.irishantiwar.org - Irish Anti War http://www.pana.ie- Peace and Neutrality Alliance http://www.raytheon9.org/ - The Raytheon 9 http://www.people.ie/ - People's Movement
Health and Relatedhttps://TheIrishInquiry.com/ -make discussion videos discussing important topics in Irish Socieyhttps://www.mercola.com/ -Leading alternative Health site censored by BigTech https://fight-parkinsons.org/ https://tomSeyfried.com/ -Professor Thomas Seyfried -Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease https://www.ElectricSense.com/ -Site about dangers of electro-magnetic radiation etc. https://es-ireland.com/ -Electromagnetic Sense Ireland https://www.IrelandForSafeTechnology.com/ Ireland for Safe Technology http://www.bioInitiative.org https://www.truthForHealth.org/ - Truth for Health https://humanLongevityInstitute.com/ https://www.cellphoneTaskforce.org/newsletters/ -Cell Phone Task Force newsletters https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/The-Most-Dangerous-Technology-Ever-Invented-Part-One.pdf https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/The-Most-Dangerous-Technology-Ever-Invented-Part-Two.pdf https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/The-Most-Dangerous-Technology-Ever-Invented-Part-Three.pdf http://www.SaveStLukes.ie/ -Save Saint Luke's Cancer Hospital in Rathgar. http://ConnollyForKidsHospital.com -Campaign to have new children's hospital located in Connolly Hospital instead of St James http://www.saveourhospital.com - Save our Hospital - Monaghan (site now gone) https://www.facebook.com/savenavanhospital -Save Navan Hospital on Facebook https://redwexford.wordpress.com/save-wexford-general-hospital-campaign/ -Save Wexford General Hospital Campaign http://www.saveroscommonhospital.com - Save Roscommon Hospital / Roscommon Hospital Alliance (website gone) http://www.bebo.com/our-ladys-hospital - Save Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin Campaign http://www.SaveOurLadysChildrensHospital.com/ http://www.nationalcdf.blogspot.com/ - Campaign to Save Community Development Projects Still Waiting Ireland Health Campaign Facebook page http://www.iuhc.org/ - Universal Health Care for Ireland http://www.Regret.ie/ -Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma" (R.E.G.R.E.T) Support Group http://www.rdi.ie - Rare DIsease Ireland https://www.kimwitczak.com/ -website of Kim Witczak is a leading global drug safety advocate Community and Societyhttps://www.facebook.com/Parents-For-Informed-Consent-Ireland-PFICI-782434428600668/ -Parents for Informed Consent Ireland - PFICI https://www.facebook.com/SPARKsingleparents - SPARK -Single Parents Acting for the Rights of their Kids http://NationalOneParentFamilyNetwork.com/ http://www.SafeIreland.ie - Safe Ireland - Creating Safety for Women and Children https://www.WomensAid.ie/ http://www.PaveePoint.ie We'reNotLeaving Facebook - Youth Group who are taking a stand about having to emigrate from Ireland http://www.stmichaelsestate.ie/ - St Michael's Estate Regeneration http://www.SeomraSpraoi.org - Seomra Spraoi Social Center - Now Jigsaw https://barricadeinn.squ.at/ -Barricade Inn - Squatted Anarchist Social Centre https://www.facebook.com/barricadeinn -Barricade Inn Facebook http://www.GrangeGormanCommunityCollective.com Grangegorman-Community-Collective Facebook http://www.galwayspace.org/.- Galway Social Space http://www.unlocknama.org/ - Unlock NAMA -site no longer exists http://www.thelandleague.net/ -The Land League (1879 - 2014) http://PublicBankingAlliance.ie - Public Banking Alliance https://www.facebook.com/ClonakiltyFavourExchange/ - Clonakilty Favour Exchange Facebook page http://ces.org.za/exchparams.asp?country=IE - Community Exchange System - Exchanges in Ireland. (These are LETS alternative currency systems) https://www.community-exchange.org/ http://www.creditcommons.net/ -Credit Commons http://localpay.tech/ Human Rights / Social Justice / Workers Issueshttp://adoption.ie/ - Adoption Rights Alliancehttp://jfmresearch.com/ - Justice for Magdalenes Research http://clannproject.org/ - Clann: Ireland’s Unmarried Mothers and their Children: Gathering the Data https://stopisds.org/ -Stop Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement (ISDS) https://corporatewatch.org/ -Corporate Watch http://www.Right2Water.ie - Right 2 Water https://www.facebook.com/MahonSaysNo https://www.facebook.com/DublinSaysNo.DSN -Dublin Says No -to water charges https://www.facebook.com/pages/Communities-Against-Water-Charges/292957637566771 -Communities Against Water Charges https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Fight-Against-Irish-Water/327335334115554 -The Fight Against Irish Water https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cavan-Says-NO/610185419039358 - Cavan Says No -to water charges - facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WaterProtestsInfoPageIreland https://www.facebook.com/DublinSaysNo.DSN/ Dublin14.16.18 Facebook CAP-Citizens-Against-Privatisation Facebook NationalHomelessandHousingCoalition Facebook -National Homeless and Housing Coalition https://www.icsh.ie/ -Irish Council for Social Housing Facebook - Take Back The City An Spréach: Housing Action Collective Facebook http:/IrishHousingNetwork.org/ https://housingactionireland.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/irishhousingnetwork/ -Irish Housing Network Facebook http://www.antievictiontaskforce.com -Anti Eviction Taskforce https://www.facebook.com/HousingActionNow - Housing Action Now http://www.thehub-ireland.com/ -The Hub Ireland - https://www.facebook.com/ClondalkinHelpingHomeless https://www.facebook.com/pages/Homeless-fightback/350956741767845 -Homeless Fightback https://www.focusireland.ie -Focus Ireland -non profit working to prevent people becoming, remaining or returning to homelessness. https://www.pmvtrust.ie/ -Peter McVerry Trust -Opening doors for homeless peoplehttps://www.facebook.com/homelessireland/ -Homeless Ireland Action Collective https://www.facebook.com/dublintenants -Dublin Tenants https://housingactionireland.wordpress.com/dublin-tenants-association/ - Dublin Tenant's Association http://afri.ie -Action from Ireland -Justice, Peace and Human Rights http://www.comhlamh.org - Action and Education for Global Justice https://www.facebook.com/eda.cork- Ethical Development Action Cork (Facebook) http://www.debtireland.org - Debt and Development Coalition Ireland https://www.facebook.com/AttacIreland -ATTAC is a global organization opposed to neo-liberal globalization http://www.IntegrityIreland.ie/ -Citizens for Justice, Transparency & Accountability http://corruptlaw.com/ -Victims of the Legal Profession Society http://www.ceartaslaw.org/ - Irish Lawyers for Human Rights http://dunnesworkers.com/ Decency for Dunnes Workers Third Level Workplace Watch - And Facebook page http://www.lasc.ie/ - Latin America Solidarity Centre http://www.ipsc.ie/ - Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign http://www.palestinesolidarityproject.org/ http://www.irishmap.ie - Irish Medical Aid For Palestinians http://www.msf.ie - Medecins Sans Frontiers Ireland https://www.facebook.com/Corruption-Awareness-Ireland-1104846566256038/ -Corruption Awareness Ireland http://www.publicinquiry.eu/- Public Inquiry - Examining corruption in Ireland http://corruptioninireland.com/- Corrupt Ireland http://AntiCorruptionTaskForce.com/ http://floatingcarpentry.com/garda/ -The Thin Blue Line https://anti-corruptionireland.com/ http://www.reform.ie - Reforming the Republic http://www.relativesforjustice.com - Relatives for Justice http://nobordersdublin.blogspot.com/ - No Borders Dublin http://www.theredcard.ie - Ireland's campaign against racism in sport and society www.AbortionRightsCampaign.ie/ https://twitter.com/ROIsaysno/ - Republic of Ireland Against Racism https://www.facebook.com/arnireland - Anti Racism Network Ireland (Facebook) http://www.iprt.ie/ - Irish Penal Reform Trust http://www.irva.ie/ - Irish Road Victims Association http://aimsireland.com/ Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services - Ireland http://www.suicideireland.com/ -Suicide Ireland http://www.rcni.ie/ - Rape Crisis Network Ireland http://www.paw.ie - People's Association Watchdog Connonlly Media Group - Facebook and on Vimeohttp://vimeo.com/connollymediagroup http://www.ProgressiveFilmClub.ie/ Privacy / Digital Rights / Censorship & Repressionhttps://reclaimthenet.org/ -Reclaim The Nethttp://www.digitalrights.ie - Digital Rights Ireland https://www.iccl.ie/ - Irish Council for Civil Liberties Environmental Poisoninghttps://www.geoEngineeringWatch.org/ -GeoEngineeringWatchhttp://globalSkyWatch.com/ https://chemtrails.substack.com/ http://chemtrailAwareness.forumotion.co.uk/ http://gsw.bz/deathtrails - The Mercury Apocalypse: Chemtrails Contain Mercury! https://www.mercuryMadness.info/ http://www.nuclearPlanet.com/ http://www.nuclearplanet.com/Evidence_of_Undisclosed_Global_Geoengineering.html Environmental / Resource Theft / Animal Rights / Fish Farminghttp://saveourskibbereen.ie/ Save Our Skibbereen -from a pollluting plastics factoryhttps://www.facebook.com/futureproofclare/ -Future Proof Clare Facebook -campaign against LNG terminal http://StopShannonLNG.ie/http://ZeroWasteIreland.com/ http://voiceireland.org/ - Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment Mountaineering Ireland Environmental Defense Fund http://iwt.ie/ - Irish Wildlife Trust http://www.shelltosea.com - Shell to Sea Campaign http://www.corribsos.com - Shell to Sea Campaign https://www.facebook.com/SaveOurSperrins Save Our Sperrins Facebook from Gold Mining http://FishingForJustice.eu/ http://www.Right2Water.ie/- Water is a human right and a public good, not a commodity. http://www.nowatertax.ie- No Water Tax Campaign http://www.nohouseholdtax.org- Campaing Against Household and Water Taxes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Independent-Resistance/230497473763335 http://www.gluaiseacht.ie/ -Gluaiseacht for Global Justice -Environmental Campaigning http://www.afarireland.org - Alliance for Animal Rights http://www.banbloodsports.com - Ban Blood Sports http://www.dogrescueireland.com - Dog Rescue Ireland http://www.aliberation.org - Animal Liberation Dublin https://ExtinctionRebellionIreland.com/ http://www.stopclimatechaos.ie http://www.youngfoe.ie/ -Young Friends of the Environment http://ien.ie/ - Irish Environmental Network http://www.iwdg.ie/ -Irish Whale and Dolphin Group https://www.facebook.com/unitedfarmers/ - United Farmers Association Facebook www.sliabhban.org - Roscommon's holiest mountain -Save Our Mountain. http://www.crewe-ireland.org/ - Communities for Responsible Engagement with Wind Energy http://lwig.net - Lakelands Windfarm Information Group http://www.woodlandleague.org - Stop the sale of Coillte! http://www.NativeWoodlandTrust.ie http://www.BurrenBeo.com http://www.feasta.org - Feasta - The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability http://www.cultivate.ie - Cultivate Center http://IrishCycle.com http://galwaycycling.org/ - The Galway Cycling Campaign http://www.dublincycling.com/ - Dublin Cycling Campaign http://cyclist.ie/ -The Irish Cycling Advocacy Network https://twitter.com/IrishPedestrian Irish Pedestrian Network Twitter Page http://www.ilpac.eu/ - Irish Light Pollution Awareness Campaign Stop-The-Poolbeg-Incinerator Community on Facebook http://www.CovantaWatch.org/ -tracks pollution violations and fines by Covanta -builder of Poolbeg incinerator http://www.chaseireland.org - Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment http://ChaseCorkHarbour.com/ http://toxicdump.net/ - East Galway Against Incineration http://www.noincineration.com/ - Louth No Incinerator Campaign http://www.SafetyBeforeLNG.ie - Safety Before LNG http://nofrackingireland.wordpress.com/ -Campaign against Fracking (Shale Gas) in Lough Allen Basin http:://www.what-the-frack.org http://www.FrackingFreeIreland.org/ -Fracking Free Ireland Facebook - No Fracking Dublin https://sites.google.com/site/frackingireland/ -Fracking Ireland http://www.frackaware.com/wordpress/ -Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network (FFAN) http://www.LoveLeitrim.org http://notofracking.com/ -No To Fracking https://www.facebook.com/belcoofrackfree Belcoo Frack Free -Fermanagh Anti Fracking group https://www.facebook.com/pages/Artists-Against-Fracking-Northern-Ireland/592915354081696 Artists-Against-Fracking-Northern-Ireland Facebook page http://www.protectourcoast.net - Fighting against Oil Drilling off Dublin shoreline (site gone as of Apr 2014) http://www.loughshinnyvillage.com/ReclaimFingalAlliance.htm Reclaim Fingal Alliance - No Monster Sewage Plant Campaign Against Sewage Plant in Portmarnock http://mountainmeitheal.ie/ - Mountain Meitheal is a volunteer group who undertake projects to protect and conserve mountain and forest areas in Ireland http://www.keepirelandopen.org/ -Keep Ireland Open https://www.facebook.com/keepirelandopen Keep Ireland Open Facebook https://CobhRightOfWay.net/ -Save Cobh's Right of Way https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaveCobhRightOfWay/ http://www.alternativea5alliance.com/ -campaign against more road building in Co. Tyrone http://no2gm.com/ - Organic Trust and no2GM http://www.corkfoodweb.ning.com - Cork Food Web http://www.SouthCircularGarden.blogspot.ie/> -South Circular Road Community Garden, Dolphins Barn http://www.SalmonFarmsIreland.com/ -Ireland Against Salmon Farms http://www.NoSalmonFarmsAtSea.com - No Salmon Farms At Sea http://bantryblog.wordpress.com/ -Save Bantry Bay http://galwaybayagainstsalmoncages.wordpress.com/ - Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages https://www.facebook.com/GalwaybayAgainstSalmonCages -Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages Facebook http://www.salmon.ie/ -Salmon Watch Ireland http://www.wildfish.ie/ http://www.SlowFood.com/ - Slow Food International http://www.SlowFish.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ISAPireland - Irish Surfers Against Pollution (facebook) https://www.ghostfishing.org/projects-all/south-west-ireland-project-2018/ -Ghost Fishing Ireland Project 2018 -cleanup of discarded nets still killing marine life off Ireland https://www.facebook.com/ghostnetsIreland/ - Ghost Nets Ireland facebook https://www.facebook.com/wiredatlanticway/ -Wired Atlantic Way and 5G Awareness Dingle https://es-ireland.com/5g-5th-generation-greater-dangers/ -Electromagnetic Sense Ireland - Dangers of 5G http://ffwireland.blogspot.ie/ -Fluoride Free Water -Why is the government still forcing this poison down our throats? http://www.TheGirlAgainstFluoride.com/ http://www.shannonprotectionalliance.ie -Campaign to prevent Water pipeline to Dublin from the Shannon http://www.AnTaisce.org/ -An Tasice -Ireland's National Trust. It's actually a charity http://www.bebo.com/savebrayseafront http://www.savetara.com - Save Tara http://www.tarawatch.org - Tara Watch http://bremore.blogspot.com/ - Save Bremore Save Moore Street Facebook -Campaign to protect the historic Moore Street area of Dublin Environmental Citizen Efforts at Cleanuphttp://www.PureProject.ie/ -PURE (Protecting Uplands & Rural Environments)http://www.CoastWatch.org -CoastWatch -enables public to take part in annual coast watch to survey state of our coastline -Europe wide http://www.DodderActionDublin.com -organizes cleanup of river Dodder in Dublin each year http://www.CleanCoastsIreland.com https://www.TrashFreeTrails.org -Trash Free Trails (UK) https://www.CleanTrails.org/ -USA based https://www.mossy.earth/ -Restoring ecosystems https://www.hometree.ie -Our work is to establish and conserve permanent native woodland in Ireland, encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity through afforestation, restoration and education Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown Updateshttps://www.fairewinds.org/fukushima-latest-updates/?rq=latest%20updates - Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown -Regular Video updates from nuclear expert Arnie Gundersenhttp://fukushimaemergencywhatcanwedo.blogspot.ie/ - FukushimaEmergencyWhatCanWeDo http://fukushima-diary.com/ Educationhttp://www.steinerireland.org - Irish Steiner Kindergarten Association https://1lib.eu/ -ZLibrary of eBooks https://truthUniversity.substack.com/ -Turth University Substack https://truthuniversity.substack.com/p/what-is-the-purpose-of-education - What is the Purpose of Education and are Universities now failing us? https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/can-we-trust-our-universities-and-colleges - Can we trust our universities and colleges? Historyhttps://www.facebook.com/GriptMedia/posts/749887948802609 - HISTORIAN Brian Nugent says the evidence from the Tuam site shows that babies were not 'thrown in a septic tank' but actually re interred in an ossuary after the county council started building in the area.https://FalseHistory.ie/ Political Parties, Movements and Peoplehttp://www.wsm.ie - Workers Solidarity Movementhttp://www.socialistworkeronline.net - Socialist Workers Party http://www.socialistparty.ie - Socialist Party http://www.greenparty.ie - Green Party http://www.sinnfein.ie - Sinn Fein https://republicansinnfein.org/ - Republican Sinn Fein http://www.WorkersParty.ie/ - Workers Party https://www.facebook.com/socialequality.ie Socialist Equality Group - Ireland - Facebook http://www.labour.ie - Labour Party http://www.finegael.ie - Fine Gael http://www.finnafail.ie - Fianna Fail -wrecked the economy http://pirateparty.ie/ - The Pirate Party of Ireland http://www.CommunistPartyOfIreland.ie - Communist Party Of Ireland http://fisnua.com -Fis Nua (recently formed) http://www.renuaireland.com// - ReNua (recently formed) https://www.DirectDemocracyIreland.ie - Direct Democracy Ireland (recently formed) http://www.PeopleBeforeProfit.ie/ - People Before Profit http://www.paulmurphytd.ie/ -Paul Murphy ( formerly of the Socailist Party ) https://www.facebook.com/ClareDalyMEP/ Clare Daly MEP https://www.facebook.com/wallacemick Mick Wallace MEP https://www.facebook.com/RuthCoppingerSP -Ruth Coppinger http://ruthcoppinger.ie/ https://www.letusrise.ie/ - Let Us Rise http://www.socialistdemocracy.org http://www.unitedleftalliance.org - United Left Alliance (site no longer exists) https://wuag.wordpress.com/ - Workers and Unemployed Action Group (WUAG) http://www.people.ie - People's Movement http://www.right2change.ie/ -Right2Change http://https://www.facebook.com/Right2Change/ -Right2Change Facebook http://www.cppc.ie - The People's Convention http://grassroots.pageabode.com/ - Grassroots Gathering https://www.brianleeson.com/ - Brian Leeson Eirigi http://claredaly.ie/ Clare Daly TD http://mickwallace.net/ Mick Wallace TD Unionshttp://www.siptu.ie - SIPTUhttp://www.union.ie - Independent Workers Union (IWU) http://www.ictu.ie/ - Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) http://www.inmo.ie - Irish Nurses & Midwives Organisation (INMO) http://www.into.ie - Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) http://nbru.ie - National Bus and Railworkers Union http://www.cwu.ie/ - Communications Workers' Union https://dctu.wordpress.com/ - Dublin Council of Trade Unions Dublin Council of Trade Unions Facebook https://www.nasra.ie/ -National Ambulance Service Representative Association (NASRA) Blogs of Interesthttp://www.irishleftreview.org/ - Irish Left Reviewhttp://www.dublinopinion.com/ - Dublin Opinion http://notesonthefront.typepad.com/ - Notes on the Front http://cedarlounge.wordpress.com/ - Cedar lounge http://www.mediabite.org/ - Mediabite. http://irish-revolution.blogspot.ie/ http://irishmarxism.net/ -An Irish Marxist Blog http://www.tuLeftForum.com/ -Trade Union Left Forum https://RadicalWhispers.wordpress.com/ http://NamaLeaks.com -NAMA Leaks http://www.notonama.blogspot.com/ - No To NAMA http://bondwatchireland.blogspot.ie/ - BondWatch http://thechatteringmagpie14.blogspot.ie/ - The Chattering Magpie - short articles on the BallyHea Bank Bailout Bondholder protest http://www.progressive-economy.ie/ http://bealtainecottage.com/ - Perma Culture Blog - A Life in the Country Think Tanks & Miscellaneous Linkshttp://www.tascnet.ie/ -TASC a Think Tank for Action on Social Change -is an independent think-tank dedicated to addressing Ireland's high level of economic inequalityhttp://www.nerinstitute.net/ - The Nevin Economic Research Institute is a research organisation which, at its core, has a vision of the achievement of a better, fairer society. http://www.publicprivatepartnership.net/ -An analysis of the failure of Public Private Partnerships in Ireland https://www.facebook.com/ClaimingOurFuture -Claiming Our Future is a progressive movement for an equal sustainable and thriving Ireland http://www.feasta.org - Feasta - The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability Community Radio & Podcasthttp://www.wdar.ie/ - West Dublin Access Radio - Broadcasting on 96 MHz from West Dublinhttp://www.near.ie/ - NEAR FM. Broadcasting on 90.3 MHz from North Dublin http://http://www.iolfree.ie/~phoenixfm// - Phoenix FM. Broadcasting on 92.5 MHz from North Dublin 15 http://LiffeySoundFM.ie/ Liffey Sound FM http://dublinsouthfm.webs.com/ - Dublin South. Broadcasting on 93.9 MHz from Dublin South http://www.raidionalife.ie/ - Raidi� na Life . Broadcasting on 106.4 MHz from North Dublin http://www.corkfm.ie/ - Cork FM Community Radio -Broadcasting on ???? MHz from Cork city http://www.connemarafm.com/ -Connemara Community Radio on 87.6 MHz FM & 106.1 MHz FM For more see Community Radio Listings from Community Media Network Ireland Also more comprehensive list here at BAI Note: All these broadcast on FM and are low power radio meaning transmissions only reach a few miles https://NiallBoylan.com/podcastfilter/free/ -Niall Boylan Podcasts Podcasts (international)https://docmalik.com/ -Dr Ahmad Malik Podcast -ex Surgeon whose career was destroyed because he spoke out against the narrative in 2020 to 2023https://jermwarfare.com https://www.unz.com/audio/channel/kbarrett/ -Kevin Barrett Interviews http://guadalajarageopolitics.com/category/podcast/ -Geopolitics & Empire Podcast http://www.ecoshock.org/ - Eco Shock http://www.extraenvironmentalist.com/ -The Extra Environmentalist http://www.kpfa.org/archive/show/34/ - Guns and Butter http://gunsandbutter.org// - Guns and Butter (new site) http://antiwar.com/radio/- Anti-War Radio -archive only https://www.corbettreport.com/category/podcasts/ - Corbett Report -probably limited hangout http://prn.fm/shows/health-shows/the-gary-null-show/ - Gary Null covers wide range of issues. Most popular show on PRN http://fromalpha2omega.podomatic.com/ - From Alpha 2 Omega Porkins Policy Review http://www.UnWelcomeGuests.net/ -Another excellent podcast http://www.rdwolff.com/ -Prof Richard Wolff Economics Podcast https://i4ctrouble.simplecast.com/ - The Independents 4 Change (I4C) Trouble podcast with Clare Daly MEP and Mick Wallace MEP https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald - System Update Podcast - Glen Greenwald -formerly of The Intercept ( See also http://www.indymedia.ie/videos ) Publications & Archives of Interesthttp://rabble.ie/ -Free quarterly satirical Dublin based newspaperMost of these sites contain some archives of their publications http://www.lookleftonline.org/ - Look Left (available in Eason's too) https://villagemagazine.ie/ -Village Magazine -a left-wing Irish current affairs and cultural monthly magazine http://www.redbannermagazine.com/ - Red Banner Magazine -website no longer exists http://www.wsm.ie/magazine Workers Solidarity Newspaper / Magazine http://www.socialistparty.net/home/the-socialist -The Socialist newspaper. Back issues online https://socialistvoice.ie/ - Socialist Voice -Monthly publication of the Communist Party of Ireland http://www.socialistdemocracy.org/Bulletins.html - Socialist Democracy Bulletins http://www.irishsocialist.net/content.php?id=3 - Resistance - from the Irish Socialist Network http://www.irishmarxistreview.net/">http://www.IrishMarxistReview.net - Irish Marxist Review https://www.alternativeradio.org/collections/spk_michael-parenti# -Michael Parenti Archive James Connolly Internet Archive http://www.ssisi.ie/journals.php -Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland -a useful source of interesting statistical information. http://www.people.ie/english5.html -People's News Newsletters. Archives from 2004 to present http://IrishAnarchistHistory.wordpress.com - Archive of Anarchist History http://struggle.ws/ -Articles and documents mainly from WSM. https://IrishRepublicanMarxistHistoryProject.wordpress.com/ -Irish Republican Marxist History Project https://TheIrishRevolution.wordpress.com/ - The Irish Revolution https://dublin7peopleshistory.wordpress.com/ -Stoneybatter & Smithfield People's History Project East Wall History Group Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DublinSouth1916CC/ -Dublin South 1916 Centenary Committee - Facebook An Tasic publications See also http://www.ClrIrishLeftArchive.org OR Online Archive of Irish Left Documents - Cedar Lounge Irish Left Archive http://theirelandinstitute.com/republic/index.html -The Republic - A Journal of Contemporary & Historical Debate - (4 issues online) http://theirelandinstitute.com/citizen/ The Citizen - (4 issues so far) http://IrishElectionLiterature.wordpress.com - Archive of political and election leaflets since 1982 Environmental Related Publications & Organisations of InterestSherkin Comment -covering Marine Matters by Matt Murphy, Sherkin Island, Co. Cork.Shale Gas Bulletin Ireland -covers fracking https://www.IslandConservation.org/ -Island Conservation�s mission is to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species (e.g. rats) from islands. https://www.5gyres.org/ - 5 Gyres Org -dedicated to cleaning up the 5 gyres of the ocean of plastic Citizens Information about Bord Pleanála -useful to find out how to make appeals against planning http://www.pleanala.ie/ -An Bord Pleanála TASC: Open Government Toolkit page https://moneyless.org/ -A rich life without money International Alternative Media and Related Publications of Interesthttps://freespeechireland.ie/ -Free Speech Irelandhttps://winteroak.org.uk/acorn/ -The Acorn -anarchist magazinehttp://www.unz.com/-The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection http://theSaker.is/ -The Saker covers Russia and Middle East https://www.moonOfAlabama.org/ -Moon of Alabama https://journal-neo.su/ - Near Eastern Outlook https://www.truthdig.com/ -Truth Dig https://HangTheBankers.com/ https://ratical.org/ http://theEmpireFiles.tv/ -Empire Files -Abby Martin https://off-guardian.org/ -Off Guardian as real Guardian is just propaganda now https://DarktTuth.org/ https://TheFreeThoughtProject.com/ https://UnLimitedHangOut.com/ https://www.ukColumn.org https://911pilots.org/ https://www.winterWatch.net https://www.PaulCraigRoberts.org/ https://www.anti-empire.com/ https://OrientalReview.org https://21stCenturyWire.com/ https://www.ActivistPost.com/ http://www.InvestigAction.net http://www.OpenSourceTruth.com/ http://www.PeoplesCourt.org/ http://www.DeClassifiedUK.org and Declassfied UK facebook https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/ Lobster Magazine - Politics, parapolitics, history https://imemc.org/ -International Middle East Media Center https://www.roku.com -Roku TV -streaming service. Need to sign up. Carries lots of videos censored from Youtube, Facebook & Twitter http://www.FreePress.ie https://WeThePeople.ie https://www.greanvillepost.com/ -GreanVille Post http://dilyana.bg/ -Website of Dilyana Gaytandzhieva journalist and Middle East correspondent https://caitlinjohnstone.com/ -Caitlin Johnstone http://theSaker.is/ -The Saker smoothiex12.blogspot.com/ -Andrei Martyanov -author of numerous books on Russian weapons https://TheNewKremlinStooge.wordpress.com/ -The New Kremlin Stooge https://www.MoonOfAlabama.org - Moon of Alabama [[URL https://sonar21.com/] -Larry Johnson Campaign Toolshttps://www.WhoIsMytTD.com/https://www.votewatch.eu -VoteWatch -how Euro MEPs vote https://security.ngoinabox.org/ -Security in-a-box: Tools and tactics for your digital security http://www.irishleaks.ie - appears to have closed down http://www.dctv.ie - Dublin Community TV -broadcasts on UPC 802. http://revoltvideo.blogspot.com/ - Revolt Video Collective http://www.politube.org -alternative to corporate owned YouTube. Site closed down http://www.oireachtas.ie - House of the Oireachtas (i.e. Dail). See what they said. http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/mediazone/pressreleases/ - Oireachtas / Dail. press releases. http://www.merrionstreet.ie/index.php/category/news-room/government-press-releases/ --Govt press releases. http://www.budget.gov.ie -Archives of Irish government budgets and spending -very useful http://www.freedomboxfoundation.org/ http://ces.org.za Community Exchange System / Local Currencies http://timebanks.org/ http://www.lietaer.com/ -website of Bernard Lietaer author on currencies - Currency Solutions for a Wiser World https://www.skytruth.org -Keeping an eye on the environment through open source remote sensing where anyone can participate >https://globalfishingwatch.org/ -Global Fishing Watch -community based monitoring of fishing in the oceans http://ejatlas.org/">http://ejatlas.org/ -Environmental Justice Atlas http://www.majestic12.co.uk/ -Distributed Community Search Engine http://www.CleanWater.org/ -US based but contains background info and history on numerous corporations and their polluting history See a brief guide to starting a campaign Link to sample HTML page. This is a very very brief guide on how to write HTML page for people interested in starting campaigns. Quick guide to free software Alternative to Facebook & BigTech - Open Source / Community Social Network SitesIt is a certainity that mainstream sites like Facebook, Instagram, messenger, gmail and all other services run by Big Tech make all of their data available to the intelligence services. Some of the alternatives claim they do not share the info because it is encrypted. But you can never be sure since the NSA are expert at encryption and decryption and ways around it. So treat all of these free services with caution. Same for any email services you use, particularly email. There are reports now that gmail blocks email from certain sites that they censor even though you might be signed up to their newsletters.https://mewe.com -Social media and social networking service http://stallman.org/facebook.html -Why you should not use Facebook. https://the-federation.info/ -The Federation -online social messaging network using only free-licensed software http://diasporafoundation.org// -Diaspora Foundation Project. Allows you to own your data. https://radar.squat.net/en https://framasoft.org/en/ https://parler.com/ -Alternative to Twitter https://gab.com/ -Alternative to Twitter https://telegram.org/ -Alternative to Twitter & Facebook https://delta.chat/en/ -Delta Chat is like Telegram or Whatsapp but without the tracking or central control. Keeping your Priavcy on the Internethttps://geti2p.net/en/Alternative to YouTube and VimeoYoutube now officially bans and takes down any information that does not adhere to the corrupt and big pharma controlled World Health Organisation (WHO)http://bitchute.com -This will probaly fall in time to the censors. https://webtorrent.io/ -the technology that will let you play video directly on the browser. See https://webtorrent.io/intro for details https://instant.io/ where you upload your video that will give you a link back to post here or anywhere https://www.brighteon.com -While owned by NaturalNews.com owner, the site allows anyone to host videos. https://odysee.com/ https://Rumble.com/ https://BrandNewTube.com/ Alternative to Google & Bing Mapshttps://www.OpenStreetMap.org -Open source mapsAlternative to Google SearchDo not use google for your searches. They are heavily censoring a wide variety of issues and topicshttp://www.DuckDuckGo.com -seems to be based somewhat on google searches https://www.PreSearch.org/ -probably best so far https://brave.com/search/ -Brave search engine https://www.moJeek.com/ -new search engine that respects privacy http://yandex.com -Russian search engine and good for digging up stuff hidden by the West https://swisscows.com/ https://www.searchencrypt.com/ https://www.qwant.com/ Reddit - Why You Should DeGoogle & Intro Deoggling Techniques Here is a number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. http://www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. http://www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. http://www.bioline.org.br - is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. http://www.science.gov - is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. http://www.pdfdrive.com - is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. http://www.base-search.net - is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free. Re Use / Recyclinghttps://www.FreeTradeIreland.ie -Free Trade Ireland -site for re-using stuff.https://www.freecycle.org/browse/IE/Ireland -FreeCycle.org Groups In IrelandIndymedia does not necessarily endorse these campaigns and the content of these other sites is a matter of concern to those involved. Down Sizing / Alternative EconomyWe are facing very uncertain times and major changes are underway and one thing is certain living standards are going to drop. Also those who don't want to take the #clotshot (i.e. the deadly vaccine) are being forced out of mainstream. So they need to setup alternative structures and learn lots of new skills and these include low-tech and medical since mainstream medicine has gone over completely to Big Pharma and is an outright dangerous place to be. https://heritagecrafts.org.uk/ -The Hertiage Craft association are trying to keep alive knowledge of crafts and skillshttps://www.lowtechmagazine.com/ - Wealth of knowledge from Low Tech Magazine https://archive.org/details/ARCHomeNursingTextbook1951 -This used to be standard practice. Also, a copy of the old Red Cross Home Nursing textbook can teach you how to avoid most of the problems that might land you in hospital. It’s well worth having. https://archive.org/details/books - The Internet Archive Books collection -over 5 million books. ...more to be added later... http://www.CommunitySupportedAgriculture.ie/ -Community Supported Agriculture https://www.MoyHillFarm.com/ -is a YES to: - feeding our community with good food- reforesting with more native woodland- sovereignty over our food, water and education https://www.seedsavers.org/ - Keeping Heirloom Seeds Where They Belong In Our Gardens & On Our Tables Cooperativismhttps://www.ica.coop/en International Cooperative Alliancehttps://medium.com/cooperative-futures/cooperativism-a-sustainable-and-empowering-alternative-8518d7dec376 Cooperativism: A Sustainable and Empowering Alternative https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.224462/page/n181/mode/2up Book: Introduction To The Cooperative Movement Distributismhttps://archive.org/details/servilestate00belliala Book: The servile statehttps://distributistreview.com/archive/an-introduction-to-distributism An Introduction to Distributism https://www.mofga.org/resources/local-food/distributism/ Distributism Social Credit.https://www.socred.org/ The Clifford Hugh Douglas Institute for the Study and Promotion of Social Credithttps://www.douglassocialcredit.com/ Douglas Social Credit https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.217824 Book: Social Credit https://archive.org/details/creditpowerdemoc00douguoft Book: Credit-power and democracy Alternative to Amazon Bookshttps://www.theGreatAwakeningBooks.com/Energy Conservation & RetrofittingThe Master Conserver program was active in the early 1980s in Oregon and Washington states. Drawing on ideas from the appropriate technology movement, but funded by state energy offices, it was modeled on the Master Gardener programs active in many states then and now. Master Conservers completed a set of classes, and then volunteered a minimum amount of time to the community, helping to insulate and weatherize community buildings and the homes of the poor. This collection of instructional handouts, 190 pages, covers energy conservation, insulation, weatherstripping, solar energy, wood heat, and many related subjects. -See link below for a copy, courtsey of John Michael Greerhttps://greenwizards.com/node/1471 |