Anti-Russian backlash over LGBT matters, what's the real agenda at play????
Thoughts on the recent upsurge in stories on Gay rights in Russia and the links with the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA ...
I'm in no way advocating anti-Gay sentiment or homophobia, but does anyone else find it co-incidental there is major backlash against Russia fornew laws surrounding Homosexuality, at the same time there relations between the US and Russian Federation are at an all time low, as low as the cold war stages due to the Edward Snowden fiasco and nuclear disarmament talks, with America openly chastising Russia.
So this concentrated focus on Russia's laws around gays isnt it all abit convenient???
Why isnt there any populist campaigns against other countries and states that have horrific and grossly unjust and shameful anti-gay laws and penalties.
For example:
Saudi Arabia-Any gay sex, male or female, illegal, death penalty by beheading
Jamaica-illegal for men, ten years hard labour
Oman-illegal for both sexes, 3 years imprisonment
Yemen-both sexes, death penalty on spot
Afghanistan-illegal both sexes, death penalty
India-Legal since 2009, no laws to protect against discrimination
Iran-both sexes Death penalty
Pakistan-Illegal, 2 years imprisonment
Sri Lanka-Illegal, life imprisonment
Malaysia-imprisonment and corporal punishment(whippings)
Tongo-Illegal, 3 years imprisonment plus corporal punishment
Sudan-Illegal for both sexes, imprisonment for women, death for men for third offense
Libya(since Ghadaffi executed, previously legal),-5 years imprisonment
Algeria-Illegal, 5 years imprisonment
Nigerian-Illegal, imprisonment, hard labour, institutionalised or death
Sierra Leone-Female legal, men-life imprisonment
Above is only the tip of the iceberg.
Where are the protesters outside the doors of these embassies?
Where are the famous celebrities and footballers coming out to condemn them
Where are the mouthpieces of the world powers to condemn ?
In no way is homophobia tolerable, but in the Russian Federation, homosexuality is not illegal or criminalised, there is just no promotion of gay sex or homosexuality from the state(how is this different from here in Ireland??????)
This reeks of US black op propaganda and dirty tricks to blacken and put the pressure on an enemy
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Jump To Comment: 1You have totally missed the real "why now" while ignoring the "why not NOW" for all these other places listed.
The LGBT community has limited resources and so can't be protesting against EVERYWHERE at the same time. It's "firefighting" with the protest target jumping from place to place as each exhibits the most recent outrage (from their point of view).
THAT is the not co-incidental here, the reason for why Russia now.
You simply haven't been paying attention if you missed noticing other earlier examples where the LGBT community has protested things happening in the other places you have listed. Understandable, you presumably have other fish to fry.