Press Release: How communities can secure their food supply in a time of ecological peril
national | environment | press release
Tuesday May 07, 2019 22:41
by Feasta
PRESS RELEASE: Food for Thought event, Friday May 17 2019
At a time of growing climate chaos and biodiversity loss, a public event in Castlebar, Co. Mayo on May 17th will look at the importance of food sovereignty. This issue centres on how communities will secure their food supply in a time of ecological peril.
At a time of growing climate chaos and biodiversity loss, a public event in Castlebar, Co. Mayo on May 17th will look at the importance of food sovereignty. This issue centres on how communities will secure their food supply in a time of ecological peril.
"Among the many critical issues now needing to be addressed is the elementary one of how we will feed ourselves," says Mark Garavan of Feasta, one of the organisers for the event. "We need to establish independence from the small number of global corporations who control global food supply and equip local communities and small farmers and growers to produce high quality and locally available food."
"In the midst of global collapse we need to ensure the provision of elementary life materials such as food and clean water. It is as serious as that."
The key speaker will be Hanny van Geel from the organisation Via Campesina, which has over 200 million small farmer members globally. Michael McGaughan, a journalist with long experiences in South America, will also address the event. There will be sharing of food, music and plenty of group discussion during the day.
The event is organised by Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, with collaboration from Afri (whose annual Famine Walk will take place the following day), Food Sovereignty Ireland and Teacht Anair. It will be part of the National Biodiversity Week organised by the Irish Environmental Network.
More information is on our Eventbrite page at .
Contact: Mark Garavan at or 087-9023687.
Interviews: Hanny van Geel is coming from the Netherlands for the event and will arrive on the afternoon of 16 May, so could be interviewed then if that was suitable. We could also help to arrange interviews with Michael McGaughan.