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Hunger Strikers Son Demands Human Rights Intervention

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Saturday November 26, 2005 21:33author by Prisoner solidarity Report this post to the editors

Message Of Solidarity With The Political Prisoners: Hunger Strikers Son Demands Human Rights Intervention
Until All Are Free, We Are All Imprisoned!
Until All Are Free, We Are All Imprisoned!

The son of a Derry INLA hunger striker, Micky Og Devine has added his voice for the release of the nine political activists who have been on hunger strike for the last three weeks whilst awaiting trail in France. On November 16th the trial commenced in a Paris court room against activists of PCE (r) [Communist Party of Spain reconstituted] an underground political party and GRAPO [First of October Anti-Fascist Revolutionary Group] and SRI [International Red Aid]. The French state aided and commanded by the Franco’s Spanish Civil Guard is collaborating in a so-called ‘anti-terrorist campaign’.

In a statement released on behalf of the Devine Family, Micky Og Devine, has called on human rights organisations to “bear witness” the unfolding events, requesting them to “step into the arena before deaths occur due to high levels of brutality and systematic torture” by French & Spanish State authorities. In the statement he also called for an “immediate cessation of the continuing ‘Show Trials’ against the political activists”.

“I and countless others around the world have been following this latest round of injustice which has been simmering over the past number of years in both French and Spanish goals. In the last few years the Spanish state has illegalized dozens of social-political and cultural organisations of the left which all are non-armed, under the anti-terrorist laws. Basically it’s erasing out of the equation all those politically opposed to the establishment.

“The Spanish authorities have been attempting to link PCE (r) and GRAPO as one sole organisation for the last 25 years without success. Now they are seeking assistance from neighboring France for it to arrange new laws that will permit, or to achieve their agenda.

“Isolation, torture and abuse have been relentless ever since their capture and imprisonment. They will try anything to break them down. I would call on those who monitor human rights violations to bear witness to what has been developing both in France and in the Spanish state, step into the issues involved here before deaths occur due to high levels of brutality and systematic torture. Greater solidarity is needed at this time for those incarcerated.

“We are now in the era of mass pacification, were anyone who attempts to stand up against injustice and oppression, protests or struggles politically against the establishments rule, are likely to be silenced and that is clearly a matter of fact.

“We don’t need new laws or further regulations to justify internment by state forces without trail, torture and even murder. The state is already carrying these activities out without hesitation or hindrance. And this is not an isolated occurrence against political activists in France, in the Spanish State, or in the hellholes of Turkey as it is an unwritten policy alive and well in the occupied six counties.

“I am reminded of the miscarriage of justice victim, Tyrone man John Brady, a republican activist who has been held in goal since his detention back in June 2004 with not a single charge against him. That was until trumped up charges appeared in September 2005 concerning the murder of a British soldier in 2002, the case itself is remarkably similar to that of Derry republican Seamus Doherty, now freed following widespread protests by his family, friends and neighbours against a host of false charges.
“In order to fulfill their pursuit the imperialist states are going to do anything they can to silence any voices of resistance by locking them up in isolation, torturing them, denying them basic rights, such as communication with one another as political prisoners or defence of themselves. That’s why the nine communist, anti-fascist and a prisoners solidarity activists that the state wanted to put away in order to diminish any political opposition in the region (France or Spain), had to carry out a hunger strike.

“A scene, only too familiar to that of my own family and that of other families of former political prisoners as we draw near to the 25 anniversary of the 1981 hunger strike.

“This may be seen by some as an isolated issue however you can be sure that other states are watching very closely at these unfolding developments just as many did whilst my father and his comrades and our class fought back against British imperialism during 1981 hunger strike. It is now policy of the imperialist states to hunt political activists that can be seen as a threat for any involvement in the building of a successful working class resistance movement.

“On behalf of myself and the Devine family, I would like to offer our heartfelt support and solidarity in your struggle, and the strength to stand against continuing oppression and unremitting brutality. You are not alone in at this time, the whole world is watching!”

Micky Og Devine

Stop The Show Trails!
Stop The Torture!

El hijo del huelguista del INLA muerto en 1981, Mickey Devine, ha añadido su voz por la liberación de l@s nueve activistas polític@s que han llevado a cabo una huelga de hambre durante las últimas tres semanas mientras esperaban juicio en Francia. El 16 de Noviembre empezó el juicio en París contra los miembros del PCE(r), de los GRAPO y del SRI. El Estado Francés, ayudado y comandado por la Guardia Civil de Franco, está colaborando en una llamada “campaña anti-terrorista”.

En el comunicado escrito en nombre de la familia Devine, joven Mickey ha llamado sobre organizaciones por los derechos humanos a ser testigos de los acontecimientos y a intervenir en el terreno antes de que alguna muerte ocurra, debido a los altos niveles de brutalidad y tortura sistemática en las cárceles españolas y francesas. En el comunicado Mickey también exigió el cese immediato de los actuales juicios farsa contra l@s militantes polític@s.

Yo y much@s otr@s alrededor del mundo hemos estado alerta en la continuidad de las grandes injusticias que el Estado Español y Francés han llevado a cabo en los últimos años: la ilegalización de docenas de oraganizaciones culturales y socio-políticas de la izquierda, ninguna armada, bajo las leyes antiterroristas. Básicamente borrando de la ecuación tod@s aquell@s en oposición al régimen establecido.

Las autoridades españolas han intentado ligar al PCE(r) y a los GRAPO como una sola organización durante los últimos 25 años sin conseguirlo. Ahora buscan la ayuda de los vecinos franceses para que éstos arreglen nuevas leyes que les permita satisfacer su agenda personal.

“Aislamiento, tortura y abuso han sido constantes en las cárceles francesas. Intentarán cualquier método para intentar destruir física y psíquicamente a l@s pres@s. Yo haría un llamamiento a aquellos que monitoran la violación de los derechos humanos a intervener antes de que alguna muerte ocurra. La solidaridad es muy necesaria en estos momentes para l@s militantes pres@s.

“Estamos ahora en la era de pacificación de las masas, donde cualquiera que se atreva a alzarse en contra de la injusticia y la opresión, que luche o proteste contra las normas establecidas, se intentará silenciarles y esto es claramente un hecho real.

“No necesitamos nuevas leyes o mas regulaciones para justificar el masivo encarcelamiento sin juicio, tortura y hasta asesinato por parte de las fuerzas del Estado. El Estado ya esta llevando a cabo estas actividades sin vacilaciones ni obstáculos. Y esto no es un hecho aislado que ocurra contra l@s activistas polític@s en Francia, Estado Español, o en Turquía ya que son normas no escritas y que siguen muy vivas aquí en los seis condados ocupados de Irlanda.

Me vienen a la memoria el chico de Tyrone, Irlanda Norte, John Brady, un militante republicano que está encarcelado desde su detención en Junio del 2004 sin ningun cargo en contra de éél. Eso fue hasta que cargos manipulados aparecieron en Septiembre del 2005 sobre el asesinato de un soldado británico en el 2002. El caso en si es muy parecido al del republicano de Derry Seamus Doherty, ahora en libertad después de muchas protestas por parte de su familia, amig@s y vecin@s en contra de falsas acusaciones que le imponían.

“En orden a satisfacer sus intereses, los estados imperialistas harán todo lo que puedan por silenciar las voces de resistencia: las encarcelarán, torturarán, negarán derechos básicos, como la comunicación entre ellas como pres@s polític@s y a su propia defensa. Por eso l@s nueve comunistas, antifascistas y solidari@s polític@s han sido quitados de la calle, para así intentar disminuir cualquier oposición política en que pudieran influenciar, llevaron a cabo la huelga de hambre.

“Una escena, ya muy familiar a la de mi propio padre y a la de otras familias de otros presos políticos ahora que nos acercamos al 25 aniversario de la huelga de hambre de 1981.

“El juicio farsa del que son victimas est@s militantes polític@s puede parecer para algunos un hecho aislado, por otra parte pueden estar seguros que otros estados estan observando muy de cerca en como éste se desarrolla, así como muchos observaron cuando mi padre y sus compass y nuestra clase lucharon contra el imperialismo británico durante la huelga de 1981. Es ahora norma para los estados imperialistas ‘cazar’ activistas políticos que puedan suponer una amenaza o por cualquier vínculo que tengan en la construcción de un exitoso movimiento de resistencia de la clase obrera.

“En mi nombre y en el de la familia Devine, queremos ofrecer nuestro mas sincero apoyo y solidaridad en esta lucha, y la fuerza a mantenerse en pie en frente de esta continua oppressión y brutalidad. No estais sol@s en estos momentos, el mundo entero está mirando!

author by Justin Morahan - Peace Peoplepublication date Sun Nov 27, 2005 03:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I add my voice to the demands of all prisoners whether in Ireland, France, Spain, Turkey etc that imprisonment without trial and torture must be stopped. What kind of world do we live in? Has the darkness of Bush invaded all minds and rendered them all powerless? This must stop.
Solidarity in all your non-violent efforts to obtain justice.

author by Sean Patrick - 32 C.S.Mpublication date Sun Nov 27, 2005 23:05author email seanpatrick at indigo dot ieauthor address Mayoauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Its a shame that Prisoners like these freedom fightin Irish ones are not given their rights while in prison. Fair play to them for voicing their grievances. My heart is with them.

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