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We Must Fight!

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Friday March 31, 2006 19:46author by Socialist Report this post to the editors

Do you want revolution or don't you?

All societies are divided into classes that are "oppressed" and those who oppress them. Capitalism is no different, even though its revolutions may have instituted democratic political structures designed to enfranchise the "oppressed." For the very idea of democracy in a society where private property exists, according to the Manifesto, is an illusion: "The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie." In other words, democratic elections are a sham. Civil war is the political answer to humanity's problems: "Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains." The solution to all fundamental social problemsto war, to poverty, to economic inequality lies in a conflict that will rip society apart and create a new revolutionary world from its ruins. This is the enduring message of the Manifesto, and why its believers have left such a legacy of human freedom in their wake as they set about to create a progressive future.

All societies are divided into classes that are "oppressed" and those who oppress them. Capitalism is no different, even though its revolutions may have instituted democratic political structures designed to enfranchise the "oppressed." For the very idea of democracy in a society where private property exists, according to the Manifesto, is an illusion: "The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie." In other words, democratic elections are a sham. Civil war is the political answer to humanity's problems: "Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains." The solution to all fundamental social problemsto war, to poverty, to economic inequality lies in a conflict that will rip society apart and create a new revolutionary world from its ruins. This is the enduring message of the Manifesto, and why its believers have left such a legacy of human freedom in their wake as they set about to create a progressive future.

Comrade Castro and Kim Jong IL today are the remaining burning flames of the revolution which refuse to flicker and die. While they remain the dream of Marx will not die. Cuba and North Korea are societies in transition to pure communism - how long this transition may take is an open ended question.
The setbacks in Europe, Russia, China and worldwide were due to the premature and artificial attempts of wrongheaded leaders who misunderstood the dialectic progression of revolutionary Marxism. The continued survival of Castro and Kim demonstrate that their experiments however are working - they have eliminated the class enemies of the bourgeoise.

However their revolutions remain under threat from the bourgeoise capitalists especially in the US who in their desperate death rattle make war as their economies flounder under the weight of their unsustainable systems and alienation of their workers. Why?
Because we in the West are not pulling our revolutionary weight!
Where are the Red Army Faction gone? Disbanded!
Where are the Red Brigades? Disbanded!
Action Direct?!

Instead we have the pathetic ALF!
Animal Liberation Front?
It is people not animals who need liberation!
As billions of PEOPLE survive on less than a dollar a day you are trying liberate animals INSTEAD??????

Instead we have spoilt college kids with rich parents to bail them out and pay for their fat cat lawyers indulging in recreational vandalism in the name of marxism!!

we dont need a few borken windows and spray can slogans?


If you need money for the struggle? ROB BANKS!

If you want to defeat the bourgeoise? KILL THEM!

You want to control the means of production? TAKE IT BACK!

author by Pythagoraspublication date Wed Apr 05, 2006 17:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

True the book is Anti-Semitic but that doesn't mean the quotes are false.
Actually read the whole book, many of the opinions I consider vulgar myself, but its worth reading for Historical refference.

author by Socratespublication date Wed Apr 05, 2006 14:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Lenin was bad enough without inventing quotes for him. These are from a vicously anti semetic book. The page which you extracted those quotes from also contains.

"Stalin is neither a Jew nor a Russian but a Caucasian. His Deputy however, is his father-in-law who is Jewish, Lazarus Mosessohn Kaganowitsch, who by Government decree enjoys full rights and privileges and is to all intents and purposes the Supreme Ruler. Kaganowitsch ensured that criteria for key positions in the Police Force, the Red Army, the Department of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and in the Foreign Office, is to be of Jewish race.

"Three-quarters of mankind may die if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism." - V.I. Lenin

"In principle we have never and can never renounce terror." - V.I. Lenin"

author by Platopublication date Wed Apr 05, 2006 13:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Marxism doesn't work, it was an experiment set up by the establishment.
Jacob Schiff funded the marxists for 20 million dollars

"Three-quarters of mankind may die if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism." (V.I. Lenin)


"In principle we have never and can never renounce terror." (V.I. Lenin)

"We Bolsheviks are going to bring the Social Revolution as much to America as to Europe. It is coming systematically, step by step. The struggle will be long, cruel and sanguinary. . . what matters the loss of 90% by executions if 10% of Communists remain to carry on the revolution? Bolshevism is not a seminary for young ladies. All children should be present at the executions and rejoice at the death of the enemies of the proletariat." (V.I. Lenin)

author by ay carmela!publication date Wed Apr 05, 2006 13:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

''the working class in ireland dont give an shit about anything except getting a few beers in at the weekend!''
you've just demonstrated your ignorance here

author by !publication date Sun Apr 02, 2006 02:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

why bother wait for the working class?
the working class in ireland dont give an shit about anything except getting a few beers in at the weekend!

fuck class war,

fight the war agianst igorance!

author by Anthonypublication date Sat Apr 01, 2006 15:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Socialist" has been posting on Indymedia for quite some time. Previously, he/she was playing the role of a cardboard cut-out lefty far too obviously. Coming close to the position held by some Stalinist types, this article is a little more subtle and all the better satire for it. I particularly enjoyed the audacity of this statement: "Cuba and North Korea are societies in transition to pure communism - how long this transition may take is an open ended question.". Such an open-ended question! I fear we'll be waiting a very long time for that particular transition.

author by producer of meanspublication date Sat Apr 01, 2006 13:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

i work in a video and DVD library, from closing time tonight I will take back this jewel in the crown of capitalist oppression. I urge all my fellow workers in insurance companies, banks, fast food restaurants, advertising agencies, and horrible dark mines to do the same.

They are not their DVDs
they are ours!
& we're taking them back.

author by Decisopublication date Sat Apr 01, 2006 13:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Let me get this straight.....? Killing people, getting rid of people from the earth because there are too many of them, robbing banks, murdering people because of their class, putting North Korea (an inhumane brutal dictatorship not a socialist republic) as a political template for progress. You are simply on another planet. Where humans don't exist thankfully.

If this is the socialist creed propounded by Marx (it's not by the way) then I'll give it a miss thanks. Please wake up and come back down to earth people. You don't change inequalities with murder and depopulation. That's not a revolution. There are other options besides murder and chaos. Socialist.... relax the head. It's a sunny day out there. You need to get out more. We live in an unequal society but don't ever think that North Korea is a substitute for an unequal society. Social revolution doesn't come at the end of a jackboot.

author by Coillte, and proud of it!publication date Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

With the current Social Policies being pursued, it is immaterial what kind of society that we have whether this is capitalism, socialist, communist, rule by a particular class. The Class thing is interesting. Did you know that usually 60% of the Sunday Times annual Rich List is made up of New Money i.e. people from the poorer classes becoming rich. See yesterday's reply to Kathy Sinnott's article "EU population: reaching the point of Terminal decline"
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/75148?author_name=Coillte, and proud of it!&comment_limit=0&condense_comments=false#comment144332

Class or capitalism or whatever; we need to come out off our stupor, because we are all in a sinking ship! Take care what you wish for. The essence of Capitalism is ripping off the guy with money e.g. loaded interest or fees, double invoicing, robberies, scams, pension funds (which will be used to defend elderly societies from outside buccaneers, get the drift!) houses in sinking Europe and on and on! Why do the rich have fortresses for houses, afraid to mingle with the rest of us, they are constantly living in fear. If the above pirates don't get them, the government will! I for one, am happy with my below average industrial earnings. Confucius said "Show me a man that knows when he has enough, and I will show you a wealthy man!".

author by Roswell75 - The Froggiespublication date Fri Mar 31, 2006 22:50author email Roswell75 at yahoo dot co dot ukauthor address 24, rue campo-formio 75013 Parisauthor phone 087 456 1823Report this post to the editors

Well some people around here have respect for life.

Some people do not believe a human is anything else than a intelligent animal.
The first to be protected are the one who cannot realize what's happening to them or understand, animals and young childs for me.

Do I believe humans should disappear from earth... yes I believe so because there are no hopes for earth with humans multiplying on it.

Oh yes, this world would be wonderfull if no humans would feel the need to have more than another ... but this will never be the case... because of human nature.

Have you already been in a situation where you were giving things you really need ? not just what you could afford to give without lowering your little confort of life ? some people like St Theresa gave all she had to help people who had nothing or almost, I have lots of respect for her.

What you are defending here is the idea that people like you in a rich country should ALL have the same wealth, meaning an average wealth. Are you ready to assume your ideas fully and living with 5 Euros a month ?

Start acting like this Saint Theresa and I believe you'll have the right to ask others to do the same, all I see here is a poor mind angry not to be one of these rich people.

People who have a lot and do not help others around them are lacking respect for life, for humans BUT the same way you're lacking respect for rich people (even if some might give more in percentage of what they have to people in need) ... the only difference between you and these rich people is you're not rich, forget your aggressivity and first become someone respectable.

author by Masked indy posterpublication date Fri Mar 31, 2006 22:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

mmmmmm yes yes.. i just love control and power, wait for it brother, the war will soon come this way,
the world needs people like you

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