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Dolours Price reviews Ruairi O'Bradaigh biography

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | other press author Monday June 26, 2006 20:11author by Dolours Price Report this post to the editors

Cardboard in their Shoes.

"This book belongs on all shelves, in all libraries, in all schools.This is the story of a man, a movement who toiled on, against all odds, who stayed with his choices, he is not the last Republican, he has been a custodian of Republicanism, for generations yet to come. Read this book again and again."

Cardboard in their Shoes.

By Dolours Price.

There is not a time in my remembered history within the family of Republicanism that I did not know the name Ruari O' Bradaigh.

As a child, and later as a girl, I knew him as Mr. O'Bradaigh and I sat silently in the presence of my elders listening to stories of daring and struggle that had been the lot of Republicans throughout the ages. Ruairi O'Bradaigh figured often in these tales.

It is in the nature of life, of tgrowing up, of having 'done one's bit' that I can now call him ''Ruairi'' as he calls me 'Dolours'. The years and the deeds have brought some form of equality of status between us. My respect for him has never faltered and I like to think that I, in my turn have earned his respect also.

It was in Monkstown Culturlann that a biography of Ruairi was being launched. I rarely attend such affairs but the spirit moved me.

The biography by Professor Robert W. White, an American academic, looked impressive and copious copies were being signed by the subject himself, by the author and by anyone who felt a part of this period of Republican history. The fallow years when my father left for England to fight a war with cardboard in his shoes!

A look around the room took me back to Bodenstown commerations of many years agto, men still staunch but grown bent by the years and hard times in and out of prisons. Still true to the Faith as Ruairi would define it.

Bob White astounded me by the depth of research he poured into this work; names that I thought I had long since forgotten popped up regularly and a history I once thought I knew back to front became a whole new experience for me.
Having heard it all, as I thought , at my father's knee - I realised I had only heard a bit. Pieces, chunks, fell into place, some were elating and some were more depressing than even I could have imagined having lived through this time of deceit, double dealing and sell-outs. It was always there. Yes history does repeat itself!

Cathal Goulding, when the subject of constitutional politics, was first raised by the Official Movement is quoted as saying, ''We'll never take Ruairi with us'', they never did, nor did Gerry Adams. This easily read book makes that clear, this is a man who stood and stands in the face of others, willing to compromise, to cut corners, to convince themselves of the ''unimportance'' of the extremely ''important'' positions.

This vast work of academic and personal achievement will be read and re-read, will be thumbed by students, other academics, politicians and those who wish to know the real truth. The intrigue the 'fixing' of conventions, the devious dealings of those full of self concern and importance, the would be ''democract'' all is laid bare and makes for riveting, yet depressing reading.

Bob White describes Ruairi as the ''last Republican'', I think Ruairi would agree with me when I say I believe this to be not true. There are many of us, slightly younger, and many younger again who hold true to Republicanism as Ruairi defined it in 1950. We will always have our small differences (that is part of being a Republican) but overall we are united, no more so than now against the Good Friday debacle.

Asked would he make money from this book Rurai laughed and said, ''Sure when did Republicans ever make money?''. This is not a heavy tome to be laboured over, rather it brings a smile on every other page. They were not the greatest organiisers in the world of war and revolution but what they lacked in expertise they made up for with pure heart and cardboard in their shoes.

Had I been asked to undertake a work of this magnitude I would have shriveled at the thought. Bob White did not, thankfully, and we now have a very important record, not just of one man's life, but of a whole period of Irish history for too long neglected.

This book belongs on all shelves, in all libraries, in all schools.This is the story of a man, a movement who toiled on, against all odds, who stayed with his choices, he is not the last Republican, he has been a custodian of Republicanism, for generations yet to come. Read this book again and again.

 #   Title   Author   Date 
   you can't knock cardboard in anyone's' shoes.     a very impressed iosaf    Tue Jun 27, 2006 00:27 
   Belfast launch     Barry    Tue Jun 27, 2006 01:23 
   Ruirí Ó Brádaigh - Legend of the Continuity     Donnchadh    Tue Jun 27, 2006 03:09 
   Reading it now     Support the POWs    Tue Jun 27, 2006 07:20 
   Tá an leabhar seo ar fheabhas!     Seaicilín F    Tue Jun 27, 2006 13:03 
   A story some might not want told     John    Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:36 
   ROB biography     Ghandi of North Strand    Fri Jul 07, 2006 15:21 
   Second print on way     Donnchadh    Fri Jul 07, 2006 18:21 
   if it's already going into the 2nd printing, won't be long before we see Ruarí O Bradaigh the movie     well now indeed.    Fri Jul 07, 2006 20:04 
 10   Hunger Striker Dinner Plates at your nearest New PSF store - Hurry while Stocks last     Donnchadh    Fri Jul 07, 2006 21:11 
 11   well now indeed     please    Fri Jul 07, 2006 23:06 
 12   oh please - your prejudice clouded the joke for you. (I've already praised the book in my real name)     well now indeed    Sat Jul 08, 2006 01:05 
 13   Haven't you omitted a few points of detail ?     annals of the four masters    Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:34 
 14   800 years     Don Scotus    Sat Jul 08, 2006 16:12 
 15   Don Scotus - Irish Resistance Events 1169-1500     Seaicilín F    Sat Jul 08, 2006 21:02 
 16   One too many     Donnchadh    Sun Jul 09, 2006 02:32 
 17   thank's mr o' bradaigh     robert    Tue Aug 08, 2006 02:42 
 18   Adams Militia     Belfast Repubkican    Sun Aug 13, 2006 01:34 
 19   What's in a name?     An Saoithín Súgach    Sun Aug 13, 2006 19:53 
 20   What's in a nit-pick ?     Sharon    Sun Aug 13, 2006 22:30 
 21   An Saoithín Súgach - truamhéalach ar fad!     Seaicilín F    Mon Aug 14, 2006 01:02 
 22   irrelevant     sure_an_begorrah    Wed Aug 29, 2007 03:30 
 23   Eight Hundred Years Of Oppression     Susan Isabella Sheehan-Repasky    Wed Aug 29, 2007 04:47 
 24   Rory O Brady is a hypocrite.     Muiris O Neill    Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:25 
 25   genesis of hate     sure_an_begorrah    Fri Aug 31, 2007 04:30 
 26   Early Free State Period     Sceptic    Fri Aug 31, 2007 17:08 
 27   closed shop     sure_an_begorrah    Sun Sep 02, 2007 05:54 
 28   Ballyseedy links     Molly O'Reilly    Sun Sep 02, 2007 08:10 
 29   " sure and begorrah" ??? why the need for this language ?     Barry    Sun Sep 02, 2007 21:56 
 30   That language     Lurkalot    Sun Sep 02, 2007 23:30 
 31   dont be so sure Lurkalot     Barry    Mon Sep 03, 2007 00:30 
 32   Sure-and-begorrah     Cael    Mon Sep 03, 2007 19:33 
 33   True Revolutionary     Cael    Wed Sep 05, 2007 02:30 
 34   no, you've got that wrong, lads     sure_an_begorrah    Wed Sep 05, 2007 02:55 
 35   Rory?     Cael    Wed Sep 05, 2007 14:07 
 36   Moral responsibility?     Sceptic    Wed Sep 05, 2007 18:47 
 37   1974     Barry    Wed Sep 05, 2007 19:18 
 38   What aboutery     Sceptic    Wed Sep 05, 2007 19:23 
 39   Sceptic is quick on the draw to defend those who perpetrated the atrocity at Ballyseedy     Seaicilín F    Wed Sep 05, 2007 19:30 
 40   sceptical hypocrite     Barry    Wed Sep 05, 2007 20:36 
 41   Muddying wwaters again     Sceptic    Wed Sep 05, 2007 21:50 
 42   fact     Barry    Thu Sep 06, 2007 00:05 
 43   Chuig: Sceptic     Seaicilín F    Thu Sep 06, 2007 01:11 
 44   Malcontent     Sceptic    Thu Sep 06, 2007 22:18 
 45   No Absolute Rights to Freedom of Expression under 26 Cos. Constitution     Seaicilín F    Fri Sep 07, 2007 09:02 
 46   just read it     late reader    Fri Jul 25, 2008 09:11 
 47   muchisimo gracias     El Peregrino    Sun Dec 21, 2008 19:54 
 48   Eat and stay healthy     Michael    Sun Dec 21, 2008 21:40 

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