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Big Bang in Rush not Blue White Flash (Thunder without lightning)

category dublin | sci-tech | other press author Monday July 02, 2007 17:20author by o as if Report this post to the editors

move along there nothing to see.

LEt it be known, recorded acknowledged & easy to find through search engines that during the nightfall which befell the coastal settlement of Rush [population 6,679] in the county of Dublin, the assizes of Fingal of the first to the second dates of the seventh month - A BIG BANG MORE OF A BOOM COMPLETE WITH RATTLES AND A BIT OF SUBSIDENCE AND TOTAL HORRIFIED EFFECTS LIKE wasn't really reported or paid attention to.

The BBC sent their man in Rush, Lush and neighbouring Dunabate to talk to locals as the Gardai began their daylight search for bearded men with foreign accents and mindful of the historical resonance of Rush as being the location chosen for two movies shot in 1965 by the names of " The Face of Fu Man Chu", "Ten Little Indians" and the even more significant "Rocket to the Moon" in 1966 were quickly rumoured to extend their search to all strangers in general with or without a TinTin crest.

Then something awesome happened. The Gardai found no evidence and no suspects and the finger of suspicion began to point out eastwards where the saxon foe lives.

Oh well bejaysus that wasn't going to go down well. We 'd be burning their embassy again, turning their queen away, and have no government department computers left unsinged. And so a top secret and hush hush meeting of the very discreet republic of Eire's equivalent of the COBRA commitee was had. They had me on a videoconference yoke from about 6am Central European Time. "Dr O'as-if!" said they - "we need a spot of crises management on the RushLusk thing what do you suggest?"

blame it on the freak weather said I and keep the kids with their geiger counters off the beaches, switch off the seismic graphs & yiz are all better off on bottled water for the while.
works every time.
done and dusted.
so - yiz are on bottled water till I give you the all clear.
remind me.
Learn more about the settlement of Rush & its bizarre movie past here :-

Learn more about freak weather systems and how noisy they can be - we use the technical term thunder and associate it with lightning or as I prefer to call it the blue white flash. Not a puff of blacker than black smoke just lingering there all malignant on the beach.

Listen to the audio and note that the BBC though risking their man being abducted somewhere between Dunabate & Portane didn't think to carry the story in the end and sold it to RTE instead.


author by officiouspublication date Sun Jul 29, 2007 23:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

you're getting better every time. I'ts very easy to make a comment at the bar on your stool, or in those moments of near dopameine flash when you realise you are part of a global movement of people. But alas! many of those comments are really footnotes to your reading of the text, the preliminary warm-up with the opinion pollster or rigged ballot box. Never turns out as well it seemed at first tip tap typing.

I reckon you've done your time now. She's off the ban. unblock her ISP & give her a bit of respect.

author by G.O.C.Epublication date Sun Jul 29, 2007 18:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The goce system is about to be launched. Its a probe that specialises in measuring the
gravitational changes caused by 'heating'- we need a multi-million euro probe apparently,
cos we have 'wobbly' bits. Google -precession- magnetic fields- goce.

for the lazy the newsbit is in Today's Observor- (sci-tech) its in the main edition of the
world news section. 'Heating ' is a euphemism, btw, for global warming. There are
some mock up photos of the probe and lots of L'oreal 'science bits' for the nerdlike.
We all know that the earth has a precessional wobble due to the flattened poles
and the degree of change in the magnetic field is something that has enlivened
doomsayers for many is a year- incl. Luminaries involved in the astrological fields.
The precessional wobble theories account for the dating of the Giza pyramids and
specially developed technologies created for the purposes of creating star maps
that wd date back to the claims of amongst others Cayce (who claimed the Giza
complex is dated to 10,600 BC) which freaks out the Egyptologists (who put it at
4,000 BC (ish).

Anyway the costs of the gravitational exploratory probe is in the billions.
(London Observor- News Edition)

author by o as ifpublication date Tue Jul 03, 2007 19:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you Bertie!
Bertie reminded the dail that seaborne trafficking is big business and intelligence didn't lead to this record find. Quite.
As I said when I started this article - I advised them to blame the weather for it works every time. We now know freak weather caused the boom and bang off the coast of Rush and a Coke dingy to capsize in Cork. Stupidity reigns amongst the beta class who have not realised the extent to which freak weather casts asunder the best laid plans. Now last word from me as I close a delightful tale of human nature, good and evil, chance and climate is simply "know your enemy"

:- I want you to look at Fu Manchu's fingernail in the illustration I left above just before the Mizen twist. Now if you see someone wearing an ornamental fingernail like that whilst you're on camping holiday, terrorist training camp, language school abroad, fishing or paying the IFA 5,000euros a kilometre for a ramble on the coast - chances are you're looking at a coke fiend with delusions of global grandour. Trust me. Only coke fiends wear nails like that. They use it to snuffle huge mounds of the stuff & then they spend the rest of their time smoking smack & more often than not instead of a sex life they just gurggle mystically about religion or philosophy and yep they all live up mountains. They don't actually do their own sailing, bombing or killing. Please Don't work for these people.

& so here endeth the lesson
thank you for your attention.

Related Link: http://www.rte.ie/news/2007/0703/drugs.html
author by o as if - "operation rush"publication date Tue Jul 03, 2007 17:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Don't go taking it all in one go. Obviously the big bang in Rush, the lack of a Blue white flash in the tit night club or glasgow airport, the needs of NHS doctors to stay awake, the appaling suffering of the palestinians, the largest accidental drug find in the history of the state & the missing high speed yacht believed to have come from the carribean - are all unconnected.

all the same - don't go talking it all in one go. tóg a bog é it would be wise not to even try flogging it through websites like "daft" or "loot" just yet. Of course true grass-roots activists will remember the heydays of "Mr nice's" reign when you could keep the turf fire in Donegal or Mizen alight with bales of hashish through the winter and no complaints from anyone. Cocaine is different. It doesn't burn well. Of course if you lose 200 million squids of it you're probably looking at getting burnt at the very least. Now for sake of the spirits of confusion & clarity that pair of mythical copulation I'd like to add the local newspaper "cork examiner" speculative timeline for what I'm calling operation rush -
5am: Inflatable boat with two men on board rendezvous with a yacht about a mile off Mizen Head. Up to a tonne of cocaine, with a potential street value of up to €200m, is off-loaded onto the smaller vessel.
8am: Alarm is raised after a man swims ashore at Dunlough Bay, north of Mizen Head, following the capsize of the rib.
9.15am: Lifeboat crew recover a second man close to the overturned boat.
10am: They discover bales floating in the water close to where the boat capsized. They count up to 60 and retrieve up to 55. Drugs squad alerted.
Noon: Officers arrive in West Cork to take possession of the bales. Tests today could put the value of the haul at €200m.
Afternoon: A man in his 20s is arrested under misuse of drugs legislation and is taken to Bantry Garda Station for questioning. A second man is under Garda supervision at Bantry Hospital. Two vehicles seized as part of the follow-up operation.
8pm: Naval divers arrive to conduct safety assessment ahead of a planned dive for more bales. Searches continue for two other possible suspects.

If you spot the missing high-speed yacht probably best not to approach it unarmed. These are very dangerous people who'd more than likely destroy the evidence themselves than let it fall into the right hands.... such as the harbour master of Skerries, or the British coast guard we rely on, or the Gardaí or the local accent BBC man who does Lusk..,

the mind boggles. I think I'll just have a lie down.

author by o as ifpublication date Tue Jul 03, 2007 14:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Funny lot are the doctors. Whilst we await with bated breath the reports of our citizen journalists on the ground in the Fingal peninsula on beach radiation samples & of course the lightning strike count for last night on both sides of the Irish sea - it seems a pity to waste this thread on anything else but the current TERROR story. For those of you who missed it (the official version) an expensive mercedes was observed to be filled with smoke the other night outside a nightclub called tiger tiger in central london. It's one of a chain of places which does shite music, has cctv in the jacks so you can't even snort your drugs in privacy and many of the women like to be called girls and let their tits hang out. Thereafter London had a terror alert, in the way the brits alone can do. You know the form - if you don't get in there paying attention from the word go and cutting & pasting the rss feed you're going to have complete bollox as history by teatime. Of course the Americans knew first. yes. of course they do. They give their psychics swimming pools & proper resources. http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,,2117352,00....html

Now I'm not going to speculate. Nor am I going to add to the rudyard kipling and fu manchu links above. But I will ask you to ponder why doctors being men who are under oath to save life and maintain the class system by dutifully paying off big mortgages would buy a small fleet of expensive cars and then assemble the oddest types of bombs yet seen. Coz I'm going to be straight with you again. The details describe hybrid devices which are both resonant of the madrid bombings (still in trial) and the brixton/brick lane/Soho hate nail-bombings of 1999. Last little titbit - the first doctor to be arrested is of palestinian origin but jordanian citizenship and had exceptional work right status in the UK. Obviously upset at the palestinians I hear some of you say. 'tis the zygotes a few more bleat reminding us all that is very difficult to be devote muslim and a doctor in britain these days. His girlfriend was run off the M6 as she travelled northbound by one of those teams of brit security you only read about in my comments or see in gangster movies. Watch out for those in north county dublin.
Think that through again. Not his wife. Not at home in a burka. At the wheel of one of those expensive cars. Now let's not speculate anymore. Doctors are afforded an intimacy which allows them to circumvent many of the usual obstacles to illegal as well as legal organisation. It is not because they are pillars of society that so many end up as political representatives, TDs etc... but because once you've an excuse to stick your finger up someone's arse and make them feel better you've a good chance of getting their vote. Ah! but it's still too smart....too polished....

maybe we will never know what happened in Rush in the wee hours of July. if lightning doesn't strike the same place twice then it is plausible thunder doesn't either.

author by organic kiwipublication date Mon Jul 02, 2007 20:48author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What has happened in my grand-parents land? I'm shocked I can't take it in, New Zealander tellyvision is full of this sick theater. I urge the people of Rush and Lusk to stand shoulder to shoulder with the nightclubbers of the Tiger Tiger (TiT)chain of discotheques and not bow down to this sort if intimidation. Full marks to the cross-border co-operation and hyp-hens who saw the BBC deploy a local accent man so quickly and the gardai move to stop photographic evidence of the black smoke and (time to mention it) the missing camping stoves.
We've got at least seven camping stoves which went missing. Discretion the best part of the little known hush hush your duty as a boy or girl of Eire republic state to do your effin thing & don't be daft...

See through the Fu Manchu hypnosis. you don't get smoke without fire. except in freak weather.

m'as é do thoil é. I'm your discreet dr o'as if telling you straight.

This will happen again. Be alert & learn-.Time to ask if we need specially trained psi-Gardaí patrolling the beaches from just south of Balbriggan to just north of Portmarnock? Or is their market perhaps? Can Ireland under the new and brilliant coalition of the Green Party, the radical independent deputy "smokeycase Harney" and prime minister Brown sell us freak weather aucustic shielding umbrellas? in time for the marching season? Maybe that will help us pick up on our grades on R&D!? Are perhaps (silly I know) on an intergalactic route of war machines of awesome ability to fall into pieces?!?

These and more questions will be tossed like the meat you didn't see the animals eat in Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. Thing about that. Neither Kaa nor Sherekhan took casualties. You can't put copyright on this stuff. It's too clever.


We need Gardaí patrolling the beaches
We need Gardaí patrolling the beaches

author by fu manchupublication date Mon Jul 02, 2007 17:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

MAny fo you will have forgotten the reptilian alien base / secret bunker anamoly which saw a Dublin Port mole machine crack tiles in the Marino area of Dublin 3 back in March 2003. & you jsut thought it was overbudget and came in late - you forgot it was off course half the time. didn't you?

(Eamon Woods, a homeowner in Marino, explains how Port Tunnel work
caused cracks in the floor of his house
28k - http://www.rte.ie/news/2003/0314/morningireland/morning...a.ram )

But the good news is we are well-equiped to expose this smoke screen & it is our duty as Irish boys and girls to do so. Casual and Committed readers might not be aware that indymedia ireland has close links to fortean, dischordian and other freak monitoring networks.

So -

We need the weather report for yesterday.
We need beach samples.
We need witness reports.
We need the seismic record.
We need (hee hee) data from our neighbours on what submarines they had in our waters last night.
We need evidence of one - just one similar occurence in any other place of similar latitude.
We need to mobilise the garden growers of Dublin the backbone of not only our organic spuds and herbs industry but the once cherished soul and beating heart of the Greenies...

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