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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link News Round-Up Thu Sep 05, 2024 01:05 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Keir Starmer Calls Rishi Sunak ?Prime Minister? FIVE Times. It?s a Sign He?s Not Taking Responsibili... Wed Sep 04, 2024 20:00 | Will Jones
Keir Starmer seems to be confused about who's running the country, calling Rishi Sunak "Prime Minister" five times today. It's a sign he isn't taking responsibility for his Government's decisions, says Laurie Wastell.
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offsite link Robert Jenrick Wins Round One as Priti Patel Eliminated Wed Sep 04, 2024 19:05 | Will Jones
Robert Jenrick has found himself in an early pole position in the Tory leadership race as he topped the first round ballot ? as Priti Patel became the first to be knocked out.
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offsite link How Long Until People Are Willing to Hear That Lockdown Wasn?t Worth It? Wed Sep 04, 2024 16:17 | Daniel Hannan
Sweden clearly showed that lockdown wasn't worth it and didn't work, says Daniel Hannan. But how long until people are willing to hear that?
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offsite link Australia?s Excess Deaths Inquiry Suppresses Majority of Submissions, Omitting Key Evidence from Rec... Wed Sep 04, 2024 13:49 | Rebekah Barnett
Two thirds of submissions made to the Australian Government?s Excess Mortality Inquiry have been suppressed and key evidence omitted from its concluding report, calling the inquiry?s integrity and findings into question.
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NIFC Statement regarding the Twelfth

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | press release author Thursday July 12, 2007 19:46author by NIFC - National Irish Freedom Committeeauthor email nifcmem at optonline dot net Report this post to the editors

For over three centuries, the nationalist/republican community has dreaded The Twelfth as the high noon of fury. The annual terror onslaught of countless acts of intimidation including murder, burnings of homes and forced relocations (ethnic cleansings) under British rule

Cumann Na Saoirse Náisiúnta
National Irish Freedom Committee

NIFC Statement regarding the Twelfth (of July)
July 11, 2007

The Twelfth ---The Glorious Twelfth, those words continue to be a battle cry to the rabidly sectarian Loyal Orange Order (LOL) and to far too many in the Unionist/Loyalist community in the British occupied six counties of Ireland.

For over three centuries, the nationalist/republican community has dreaded The Twelfth as the high noon of fury. The annual terror onslaught of countless acts of intimidation including murder, burnings of homes and forced relocations (ethnic cleansings) under British rule

It is incredible that a self-styled civilized country, such as Britain encourages these displays of raw tribalism with their gory brutality. The excuses of promoting a religious cultural identity in the occupied six counties are reprehensible. However, British imperialism has flourished imploring such tactics. It has been seen in India, Kenya, Malaya and anywhere the British have colonized. The idea is simply: Divide and Rule.

Considering that Loyal Orange Order was the father figure and working model upon which the Klu Klux Klan was established. The decision by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington to sponsor the Loyal Orange Order this July leaves a lot to be desired. They have demonstrated a lack of wisdom and a failure to understand history.

The fact that a leading former republican is in attendance, merely states the obvious, that he and other Provisionals are slavishly attempting to shore up the British encouraged policy of normalcy, while administering British rule in the six occupied Irish counties under the guise of the Peace Process (1998).

This British orchestrated Peace Process has been modeled on the previously failed sectarian partition of Ireland that could only be maintained by state intimidation has deceived the government and the people of the United States. At the moment, while communities are being further divided by the erection of “peace walls”, the people of America are unwittingly supporting the growing sectarian division of the people in the British occupied six counties and sowing the seeds for future discord.

It is un-American to think that while the Loyal Orange Order, conceivably the father figure of all modern hate groups is welcomed to Washington, that Ruaırí Ó Brádaıgh, co author of Éire Nua (New Ireland) a non sectarian Irish authored peace plan has been denied entry to the US for over thirty years.

It has been said that The Peace Process is conflict management while Éire Nua is conflict resolution. It will be to our benefit to take a closer look at how we, the people, are being used by self a serving ally that has started many conflicts but resolved none.

-Cumann Na Saoirse Náisiúnta /National Irish Freedom Committee

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author by BKpublication date Sat Jul 14, 2007 09:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Can whoever submitted this substantiate the claim that the 'Loyal Orange Order was the father figure and working model upon which the Klu Klux Klan was established.'?

I understand the parallels, though there are differences in the two organizations (by the way, KU Klux Klan, Not KLU), but know of nothing which points to a direct connection. Enlighten me.

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