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500€notes : Russian double agents : Spanish Treason

category international | crime and justice | other press author Wednesday July 25, 2007 22:01author by iosaf .:. ipsiphi Report this post to the editors

The title of this story might intrigue some and put others off but I can think of no other way to report on the mass media news spin which Spanish people & then various westerners learnt today of the charges of treason brought against a former employee of the Spanish secret service. As we must have noticed by now, things are changing on the geopolitical stage & media manipulation as much as exposure is increasingly pointing to the end of any entente between the former Soviet Union or its citizens and NATO or its dependents.

Roberto Flórez García (41 years) passed from being a sergeant in the Spanish Guardia Civil to an employee of CESID the interim secret service of the Spanish state which under Aznar became the CNI. As suxh he was a typical product of late Fascism, the sort of intelligence operative who saw beating and raping people as normal as long as you locked them to the plumbing later so as not to make too much of a mess on the tiles.

the He was in their employ for a period of 12 years and so far his CV seems most interesting for his role as unspecified attaché to the Spanish embassy to Lima, Peru during the Toledo presidency on whom he is alledged to have snooped big time in between collecting clippings and phone numbers and blackberry international ID codes.

By which stage of course Spanish espionage (like most of course) had improved by strides and bounds. Out with the plumbing & bleeding and in with the goggles and LSD.

But Mr Garcia didn't hit the news yesterday for anything Peruvian, even if his antics in that state led to his early retirement complete with a decent pension in 2000. Oh no. He was charged at his home in Tenerife (Canary islands) yesterday morning under article 584 of the Spanish legal code the former spy was arrested for treason amidst a rake of evidence that he had sold information on the Spanish secret service and its employees to a foreign power

well now...............who could that be?

As I've just alluded, Spain under Mr Aznar reformed the CESID with its nasty associations and leftover elements and structural blaa blaas from pre-democracy times to create the CNI which meant a named and accountable head of secret services who can go on telly and smile at newspapers once in a while & let the lowest common denominator know everything is ok in patriotic spooky land. The last man was a decent enough bloke who wrote a book on Basque ethnicity & did his public appearance after the March 11th bombing and then went off to be the ambassador of the kingdom of Spain to the Vatican. The current man hasn't been on telly or in the newspapers before. His name is Alberto Saiz. You can think of him as a sort of equivalent of the un-known person who directs the Irish secret service who isn't accountable nor named....not even a letter like the Brits give theirs. Mr Saiz didn't actually say it was the russians - but we all know it was. It's no secret. Alas - we don't know exactly how much yer man the former guardia civil sold the ruskies but we've been fed loads of stuff including identities of the CNI agents who were killed in Iraq (don't forget Italy, Spain & Denmark all lost their top secret service personel stationed in Iraq) and of course the mafia.

Which brings me to the 500 euro note.

I'm pretty sure most of you haven't seen one in your own paw. They're cool - very big as far as bank notes go and a wad of them will go further than a haversack full of sterling pound coins at your AIB office. Over here in the Spanish state (where I do my peer to peer communication bollox) we nickname them "bin ladens" coz everyone knows they're there but no-one ever sees them. & we've reason to joke. 23% of the 500euro notes issued in all of the EU since Bertie celebrated the euro and burnt all the punts are found in Spain. That's a mystery for the Spanish tax people which they explain using the word "laundry".

It's like this - you open a restaurant or a telecommunication centre or a wash and go car service or even a chewing gum removal firm & you record healthy profits and employ the staff your mates in the government give visas to. Bingo. Julia. you've cash in your shoebox.

Maybe I've to make it more simple for the feastai economist types or attac hanger ons who need videos of Al Gore splendour...

In the last 3 years, 25 Russian mafia "bosses" have been arrested in the Spanish state, the majority of whom had chosen banking and financial services in Catalonia to cook their little books. They have charming nicknames like "the invisible" and "the cruel" and "bite your face off".


Ás the Buddha is often misquoted :-

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

source - Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

read it in English - & note you in Ireland do money laundering too.
It's easy pizzy. Are the Russians your enemy too? Coz the trashiest newspapers over here are asking their readers (generous a term at best) to poll on whether they should ask Russia for the money back it paid to learn their secrets. As you know every pound and penny counts.



author by coopublication date Thu Jul 26, 2007 21:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It has emerged that he received 200,000 euros for the secrets he sold the Russians. To put that in easy to carry terms (because they don't write cheques) that would be lots of 500 euro notes I'm not good with zeros. Feel good and work it yourself, you're smart. http://www.elpais.com/articulo/espana/espia/Florez/cobr...4/Tes
I forget to give you all good tips on the money laundry yesterday. You see to get really good satisfaction out of the trip you need either cash in hand dirty biz to begin with or you need to be a builder or as the Brits are warming up to - you need to be doing deals with either Russian or Chinese entrepeneurs and larger than life characters as they're called. When I say "larger than life character" i'm not actually telling you the twins are coming through the walls with their dreadlocks or you've got a sentiel on your skull creeping down your ulotrichan deficit there mr wiggy.

Go with the building. you pay a small amount through the bank & the tax man and he gives you a certificate and you hand over the rest in your shoebox julia. Sure it's paid for half of europe's new roads, well invested long term high risk real estate bubbles and destroyed the mediterranean coast with casino hotels & but I'm boring you.

So you see - with a little imagination and co-operation you don't need over 50 days internment and it doesn't leave a mess. He had records of it all. Old fashioned ones too not your new fangled cyber untidy spider searched echolon breaking blogs and spam. He's in "non-communicate prison", & going to jail for 6 years. And that's really all you're going to hear from him - his already yesterday's news. Now a word of advice to ye all - building is a bad trade to get greedy in. & you know the best thing a boy or girl can do is avoid the bubblegum & never be tempted by the flying through the air and yacht lifestyle with the fast girlies or boyos. it catches up with you.

Stay poor.
Stay humble.
Don't be a smartarse expert.

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