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The world wipes its crocodile tears with Prada whilst Palestine is slowly broke on the Zionist wheel

category galway | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Sunday August 26, 2007 13:03author by TD - Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign Report this post to the editors

"…Israeli rabbis solemnly debate to this very day whether Moses demand to exterminate the Amalekites is a coded commandment to do away with the Palestinians" (Christopher Hitchens)

Not prepared to weep crocodile tears, not prepared to wallow in vicious hypocrisy, instead, Galway IPSC did an eight hour slog outside Lynch's castle, Shop st, yesterday, in an attempt to wean people away from the 'aul sins of indifference and apathy towards the plight of Palestine and, instead, do something ; from boycotting Israeli Blood Diamonds, spuds, herbs, plastic garden sheds/containers sold by the Grafton Group (Atlantic Homecare/Woodie's DIY stores) to expressing their outrage to TD's, mainstream media, etc, on the obscenity of an Irish company; Cement Roadstone Holdings, profiteering from the construction of the illegal West Bank Apartheid Wall.
Juliette : Portsmouth (UK) Palestinian Network
Juliette : Portsmouth (UK) Palestinian Network

Unfortunately, the Zionists and fellow travellers were out in strength, subjecting us and the SWP activists manning their nearby stall to the usual Pavlovian mindless taunts and accusations of "anti-Semitism," "supporting terrorism" etc.That was the nadir, the zenith of the day was experienced when members of the public intervened to blunt their attack, milk their venom and send them on their way, crest-fallen and later on, the solidarity of noted actor, James Cromwell (L.A. Confidential, Babe, Spider-Man 3) and empathy from members of the Gay Community as they passed in their Gay Pride march.

The courtly Cromwell stopped at out stall for some 10 minutes, chatting amiably to Palestinian/Irishwoman woman, Sarah, and her brother, soaking up where we were coming from and graciously accepting our gift of the powerful, new documentary on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict; Occupation 101 - he is in Galway for the Druid Theatre's production of O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey into Night" (Town Hall Theatre Wednesday 19 – Saturday 29 September, directed by Garry Hynes).

No crocodile tears by the Gays for Palestine, only tears of empathy in a communion of suffering and discrimination long endured by both.

Related Link:

Actor, James Cromwell (L.A. Confidential, Babe, Spider-Man 3)
Actor, James Cromwell (L.A. Confidential, Babe, Spider-Man 3)




author by TD - IPSCpublication date Sun Aug 26, 2007 13:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors





author by Michael Martinpublication date Sun Aug 26, 2007 17:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Since the IPSC has now made the gay issue part of of their debate, I would like to ask these people why they condemn the only state (Israel) in the region where gay people enjoy some legal protection? But on the other hand support people who to a large degree support a religious agenda whose treatment for gays includes stoning to death?

author by Donpublication date Sun Aug 26, 2007 18:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'll remember not to buy Prada. They make shoes or something right? I'm no fashion guru. As to the guy who seems like hes an Israeli supporter, if I had to chose to ban a gay pride parade or fire rockets randomly at peoples houses, I think I'll put my rainbow away.

author by Uspublication date Sun Aug 26, 2007 18:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The people on the Gay Pride march obviously didn't realise that the supporters of Palestine in Galway couldn't care less about the rights of the Gay community not to be stoned to death.The only rights that interest them are the right to be smug with a holier than thou attitude to others who disagree with their vilification of Jews and Israel.Ask not that they think of how their blanket unquestioning support for one side alone leads to blindness on the denial of rights to the Gay community .

author by Nodinpublication date Sun Aug 26, 2007 18:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I wasn't aware of any Gay people being stoned to death in the occupied territories. Nor do I see how the religous conservatism of some sections of Palestinian society can be used to justify their being subjected to a semi-apartheid brutal regime for 40 years.

author by Mike Novackpublication date Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A more general question is being raised about "interests". When trying to get people to work together really need to take into account that thier interests in the matter MAY indeed be quite different.

So yes -- although I am personally hetero I can very well understand that when choosing up sides in the Isreali-Palestinian conflict the gays might reluctantly prefer the Israeli side because for themselves (even for Palestinian gays) the Israelis might be preferable.

Have you followed the news from that part of the world? There is indeed homophpobia in Israel, it's a contentious matter in Israeli society. BUT (a big but) by and large gays are protected. That goes as far as the court system inventing "creative" solutions to protect gay Palestinian "illegals" (one was "sentenced" to "house arrest" in his partners aparatment -- allowed to go out to work/shop).

The reason I said this was a "general" problem with organizing is that it isn't only sexuality that can be divisive in this way. When trying to organize people it is going to be ineffective to ask them to give up their own "close to the bone" interests in the name of unity on some great cause. The people are NOT being unreasonable when they turn you down, not making a poor judgement. It's not just the Palestine-Israel question where this comes up. Ask yourself honestly, which would be worse, to be exploited in the work place (the capitalist-socialist fight) or in the bedroom.

author by Nodinpublication date Mon Aug 27, 2007 14:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Valid points Sir.

author by David L - IPSCpublication date Mon Aug 27, 2007 17:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In reply to some comments, Israel’s actually got a pretty dire record when it comes to gay rights. It still maintains its policies of torturing gays, assassinating members of their families, and humiliating them at random checkpoints. Not to mention demolishing their houses, depriving them of food and running water, and not letting many gays into their own country.

Perhaps, this is alright because the gays it acts this way towards are Palestinian, and Israel treats all Palestinians with the same brutality – gay or straight. Or perhaps (crazy thought) human rights are indivisible.

Though I wasn’t there in Galway, it seems that many people at the Pride march seem to have thought the latter, and more power to them!

author by uspublication date Mon Aug 27, 2007 23:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

When one's own religion permits and encourages torture and murder, yes murder, of the gay community, with no sign of this practice ever changing, one should fear the actions of one's own religion every bit as much, if not more, than one should fear anything Israel is accused of doing.

author by Nodinpublication date Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As any number of religons have been used to justify any number of atrocities, its hard for one to know which one one refers too. As an atheist, one finds them all rather "odd".....

But given the context you're probably trying to pull a "IZLAM IS TEH EBBIL" as if disagreeing with a religons tenets justifies armed occupation and colonisation....just a wild guess on my part of course....

author by Michael Martinpublication date Tue Aug 28, 2007 15:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So far I am not aware of even one single attack carried out by Israeli law enforcement agencies or the military against gay people because of their sexual orientation. I challenge the IIPSC to cite just one incident where people have been targeted purely for their sexual orientation, and not as a precaution against terrorist attacks.

author by Feyadeenpublication date Tue Aug 28, 2007 15:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Irrelevant Michael, irrelevant. You very well that the brutal repression of Palestinians, gay or straight, is not merely a 'precaution against terrorist attacks' - its goal is to crush all resistance to Israeli occupation and force the Palestinians to abandon their legitimate democratic goals. Trying to excuse Israel's record by talking about gay rights is fairly pitiful

author by Nodinpublication date Tue Aug 28, 2007 22:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Actually Michael a chara, nobody has alleged they have. Factually we know they enforce a semi-apartheid system, use snipers on school children, have a slow-drip ethnic cleansing going on in the OT and are the only democracy that is currently practicing overt colonialism but no, we are currently unaware of them targeting homosexuals. Any homosexuals they may have killed were more than likely shot on the grounds of being Arab, rather than the result of homophobia on the part of the IDF. You may therefore rest easy, knowing that they do indeed hold the 'moral high ground'.

author by Rogerpublication date Wed Sep 05, 2007 01:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you consider Israel's policies in Palestine 'colonial' (not a word I would use - I do prefer occupation), they're hardly the only democracy to have colonies. The UK still has the Falklands, after all, France as French Guyana and Martinique, the US has Puerto Rico and American Samoa and Guam and... Iraq?

author by Ronpublication date Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You weren't aware but it is a fact, that Gays ARE persecuted in the PA, not stoned to death but shoted.
Israel had given shelter for many years to Palestinian Gays.

author by pat cpublication date Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I must have been mistaken. I was under the impression that a gay man was stabbed by an ultra othodox jew on the Pride parade in Jerusalem last year. Certainly gays come under oppression in the occupied territories from islamist extrmists but the might of the IDF was unable to protect the Pride parade from jewish extremists in Jerusalem.

author by Nodinpublication date Thu Sep 06, 2007 20:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I didn't say I wasnt aware of what happened in the Territories with the Palestinians, Ron. Try reading whats there the next time. And while you're at it explain what in all fuckery the conservatism of Palestinian society has go to do with the Justifying the Israeli occupation. Does this idea allow Palestinians legitmately occupy parts of Israel peopled by conservatives? Can we liberal lefties take over large parts of the American mid-west and build colonies there, given their none too gay friendly ways?

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