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Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Picket on the British Embassy.

category dublin | history and heritage | event notice author Monday June 09, 2008 23:24author by Sharon . - Individual . Report this post to the editors

Demand Political Status !

Picket to be held in support of the POW's in Maghaberry Jail.
Picket for political status , Sat 28th June 08 , Dublin.
Picket for political status , Sat 28th June 08 , Dublin.

The POW Department of Republican Sinn Fein will be placing a picket on the British Embassy in Ballsbridge , Dublin , in support of republican prisoners, on Saturday 28th June next , from 1-3pm .
All Welcome!



Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by Sharon. - Individual .publication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 21:09author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi again , Jack!

Yes - I gave the figure at approximately 50 in the brief report I wrote on this thread . You make it sound like I claimed hundreds were present!
It wasn't a blog I linked to re Noel Maguire , Jack - it was a petition , and I linked to it for the reason , as stated , to give "more info" re Noel's case , which it does.
And no , Jack - Casper the Ghost does nothing for me - as the mother of three young children I am SICK TO THE BACK TEETH....
Sorry . Rant over!
And you or I could easily "update awareness of which ministers are now in Government ..." , but I , for one , doubt very much whether that 'update' will assist Noel or his family one iota.
I hope I'm wrong , but you appear to be selective in whom you support in the overall 'Noel Maguire Campaign' ? Surely the objective is to gain for Noel and his family , not to gain for an individual or individuals that are involved in that campaign ?

"I am sorry to hear that you all had Garda harrassment at the picket. You mentioned special branch, photographers getting to shy, you mentioned a tv station driving and out in a hurry - What's going on Sharon, I sincerely sympathise with your diplomatic right."
"What's going on" is right , Jack !
I never once mentioned 'photographers getting shy' , nor did I state anything about 'a TV station driving out in a hurry' .
Are you reading what I write , or just glancing over it ? Or are you confusing the situation with a scene from Darby O'Gill and the Little People ? Or , perhaps , 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' ?


Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by Jack Russell - Social Jusdtice and Ethicspublication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 17:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors


50 is absolutely right - that is about the number that turned up at the British Embassy. The problem I have with the blog you gave me in relation to Noel Maguire and his repatriaction to an Irish prison. You see you are all writing to Casper the Ghost, and I love him too in the movies. You see Sharon - you letter is addressed to Minister McDowell who is now in the Law Library as a Barrister and not Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform and you see you have Dermot Ahern down in Foreign Affairs where he is now Minister for Justice.

So Sharon could you update awareness of which ministers are now in Government - you see - Sharon.....Jack Russell's are now needed in recession. I have just proved the point now.

I wish the Maguire family well and Sinn Fein who are doing their best in the real politics of Ireland also. But writing to McDowell now, in the humble Jack Russell's view is a non starter. Change the blog!

I am sorry to hear that you all had Garda harrassment at the picket. You mentioned special branch, photographers getting to shy, you mentioned a tv station driving and out in a hurry - What's going on Sharon, I sincerely sympathise with your diplomatic right.

It reminds me of the set of Darby O'Gill and the Little People

author by Sharon . - Individual.publication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Fifty!

I do indeed know of that group you mention - they assist in running the 'province' for Westminster , if I'm not mistaken ?
"We'll soon see a Republican Sinn Fein press release saying that he should be left in prison in England. " I'd be very interested in that , Fifty : can you post a copy of it here , please ? Or maybe supply a link to same ?




Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by fifty people?publication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now that Sinn Fein (you know the group- lots of members, elected representatives, widely supported in Ireland and internationally, high profile, etc etc) are supporting the repatriation of Noel Maguire, we'll soon see a Republican Sinn Fein press release saying that he should be left in prison in England. BECAUSE.EVERYTHING.SINN.FEIN.DOES.IS.WRONG!

author by Sharon . - Individual .publication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Jack!

The picket on the British Embassy went very well , Jack - thanks for asking!
Two photo-journalists turned up during the picket at different times - both took some photographs and , after a few minutes , both were approached by armed members of the Special Branch : after a brief conversation , both photo-journalists left the scene.
Also , a '98[FM]' radio station jeep pulled in - the driver must have noticed the Special Branch / uniformed Garda presence , because the vehicle drove away within seconds! No TV crew covered the event , although both RTE and TV3 were notified.

Did I not comment on, in an ironic fashion , the arrest of those men?
I believe they have been released , Jack - is that true , do you know ?
Re the RUC being "disbanded" - they have been re-named and given a new logo to match their new uniform , yes.

Would it be true to say that it is not only Mr O' Snodaigh who is involved in the campaign for Noel Maguire ? Or is it , indeed - as you portray it - a one-person effort , Jack ?
More info on Noel Maguire here -

And I , too , wish Noel and his family well . But I am not arrogant enough to dismiss the efforts of others who are involved in the campaign.


Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by Jack Russell - Social Justice and Ethicspublication date Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors


I hope the march for the political prisoners went well yesterday at the British Embassy. I heard nothing on it on any main radio station or TV coverage.

I am also delighted that you praised the PSNI for the arrest of the 4 individuals in the North last week. You mentoned RUC/PSNI now that is a paradox. I thought the RUC were legally disbanded some years ago.

I recommend you buy today's Sunday Tribune. Sinn Fein's - South centre TD Aengus O'Snodaigh has been trying to repatriate Noel Maguire from an English prison back to an Irish one, on family grounds. Maguire is a member of the real IRA dissident - he received 20 years in 2001 for the bomings of London and Birming. Noel Maguire's wife and his two children live in Co. Laois and it would be very more humane for the family.

You must hand it to Sinn Fein, they are diverse, open and very helpful, even to those who break the code of honour.

I wish the Maguire family well.

Jack Russell

Related Link: http://www.selectivejustice
author by Sharon. - Individual .publication date Sat Jun 28, 2008 22:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi !

Between 12.45pm and about 2.30pm today , Saturday 28 June 2008 , approximately 50 Irish republican protestors held a noisy , colourful and peaceful picket outside the British Embassy in Merrion Road , Dublin . The protest was held to highlight the fact that Republican prisoners are again being criminalised by the British Government and in support of the five demands made by the prisoners themselves -

1) Right to free association
2) End to controlled movement
3) Right to full-time education
4) Separate visiting facility
5) Right to organise their own landings.

The protestors were closely monitored by four Special Branch men and seven uniformed Garda , as well as having at least four CCTV cameras , controlled by Embassy staff within the building , trained on their every move. Leaflets were handed out to members of the public in the vicinity and countless car drivers sounded their horns in support as they slowed down to take a look.

A 'Union Jack'/Butchers Apron flag was burned by the republicans in the closing minutes of the protest , an act which drew a sustained round of applause from the protestors and passers-by , and illicted much sounding of car-horns from the many vehicles in the area at the time! A 'running commentary' was sustained by Josephine Hayden for almost the entire length of the protest , and main speeches were delivered by Des Dalton and Richard Walsh. The organisers were more than pleased with how the event went , and those present - with the notable exception of the State security teams - were thanked for their presence. A full report and more pics will be published in the July 2008 issue of Saoirse, which will be available on Wednesday the 2nd of that month.

More pics here -
- and at the 'Related Link' below.

Outside the British Embassy in Dublin , Saturday 28 June 2008.
Outside the British Embassy in Dublin , Saturday 28 June 2008.

Three of the 50-strong crowd.
Three of the 50-strong crowd.

Maghaberry POW supporters.
Maghaberry POW supporters.

Maghaberry and the Five Demands.
Maghaberry and the Five Demands.

At the Security Entrance to the British Embassy in Dublin.
At the Security Entrance to the British Embassy in Dublin.

Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
author by Sharon . - Individual .publication date Sat Jun 28, 2008 00:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi !

The picket is going ahead as planned - see you there !



Saturday 28 June 2008 1pm - 3pm at the British Embassy in Dublin.
Saturday 28 June 2008 1pm - 3pm at the British Embassy in Dublin.

Related Link: http://1169andcounting.blogspot.com
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