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Report of Irish Fur Farming Expose Launch Protest

category national | animal rights | news report author Thursday February 19, 2009 20:09author by Laura Broxson - CAFT Irelandauthor address PO Box 11019, Dublin 2author phone 086 8729 444 Report this post to the editors


On, Tues. 17th February, almost 20 members of CAFT Ireland officially launched Ireland's newest expose of Irish fur farms, outside the Dept. of Agriculture - as they are responsible for licensing these death camps.

We set up a large visual display, with banners and placards - and members held our new graphic posters, with photos taken inside the fur farms. Many passers-by stopped to take leaflets and sign the petition, all of whom spoke of their full support of our campaign.

With two megaphones at full volume throughout the protest, it was very hard for the Dept. of Agriculture to ignore us! Even people from across the street had to stop and listen!

Before we finished the protest, we had a representative of the Department come out to us, so we could hand in our expose pack and petitions to Minister Brendan Smith.

Even though we had been advertising and publicising this for over a week, for some reason, we unfortunately didn't get any media coverage for the protest. But, we will be sending out additional press releases throughout the week.

Photos can be seen here (just scroll down to the first slideshow under "Upcoming Event"): http://www.naracampaigns.org

The official campaign video is also on our website, and is embedded below.


As this country's leading anti-fur group, CAFT Ireland has been leafleting, and organising protests outside the Department of Agriculture every week for almost 3 years now.

Hundreds of thousands of leaflets have been handed out, and thousands of petitions have been collected.

Many shops and department stores have gone fur-free due to our sustained campaigns: http://www.naracampaigns.org/caftireland.html and http://www.naracampaigns.org/furcampaign.html

We do regular radio and press interviews on the issue, and get a huge amount of support for our campaign from the public.


This new expose has come at a perfect time, and we feel it has a great potential in helping us ban fur farming due to the documented evidence of breaches in welfare legislation.

We want as many people as possible to see this dvd, and will now be making them available to distribute at protests and information tables.

We will be sending official "Expose Packs" to various SPCA's around the country, as well as too TD's, government officials and the media. Should this prove unsuccessful, we will be seeking advice from a legal team on taking this further, thanks to a very kind member of our group.

In the coming weeks and months, we will also be organising more "Fur Farm Awareness Days", with protests outside the actual fur farms.

Finally, we would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who made yesterday's event a huge success. And if anyone would like more copies of the dvd, just let us know!

For the animals,

Laura Broxson

086 8729 444

CAFT Ireland / National Animal Rights Association

Related Link: http://www.naracampaigns.org

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author by Laura Broxson - CAFT Irelandpublication date Thu Feb 19, 2009 20:12author email caftireland at gmail dot comauthor address PO Box 11019, Dublin 2author phone Report this post to the editors

...of the expose:

Caption: Video Id: LaInhLKWu5E&feature= Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video

Related Link: http://naracampaigns.org
author by cat loverpublication date Thu Feb 19, 2009 22:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good work CAFT, its totally necessary for the public to see what a fur farm looks like and the fact that welfare guidlines (which I know only matters to some people and animal welfare doesn't make it any less unethical) are being breached just proves that the poor mink are Irelands forgotten victims. Victims of the fashion industry and victims of an unjust society.
Ban Fur Farming, the sooner the better!

author by catladypublication date Fri Feb 20, 2009 00:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I just don't have the stomach to watch the exposes right now. I will though and soon,

Sorry I couldn't be there and I agree with tha above Mink are the forgotten victims. Let the mink farmers and their ilk go redundant asap!

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