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Open Letter to President Obama from Nobel Peace Laureate

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Friday May 01, 2009 01:32author by Mairead Maguire Report this post to the editors

"Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart"

Back from another visit to Palestine where she again joined in the non-violent protest at the Wall near Bil'in, where protestors were again attacked with tear gas and steel-coated rubber bullets, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire asks President Barack Obama to change US policy towards Israel and Palestine and stop supporting the State of Israel while it continues a policy of occupation, siege and injustice against the Palestinian people.

28 April, 2009


(1) "Dreams from my Father"

I found your book ‘Dreams from my Father’ a moving and inspiring story of your own struggle to find your identity and purpose in life. You found it for sure, and today you carry the hopes and dreams of so many people in our world. We pray for you and your family. We wish you all good health and happiness. You carry so much responsibility. We hope you will change the policies of the United States of America (both domestic and foreign) to people-centred policies, based on the values and ethics which you try to live out in your life.

Reading your book I was inspired by your involvement (during Sophomore year at University) in the South African anti-apartheid Divestment campaign. I quote your words: "I found myself drawn into a larger role – contacting representatives of the African National Congress to speak on campus, drafting strategy. I noticed that people had begun to listen to my opinions.".

These words have now encouraged me to share with you the following opinions and experiences of the many people I met during my most recent visit to Palestine/Israel.

(2) The Bil'in Conference on Nonviolent Resistance

Earlier this month, I attended the Fourth International Conference on Popular Nonviolent Resistance held in Bil’in, near Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied Territory of Palestine. Here, President Obama, all that the Palestinian people are asking of you is to listen to their voices and use your powerful position to help end the racist, apartheid policies of Israel, which continue to cause so much pain and suffering to them. Each week, for the past four years, the villagers of Bil'in (after prayers in the Mosque) walk to the Wall which has annexed much of their land, the Wall that cuts them off from their farms and olive groves, and which destroys their ability to make a living for their families. As you know, under International Law Israel's Apartheid Wall is illegal but Israel continues to ignore International Laws (and some 62 UN resolutions) and continue to annex more and more land from the Palestinians. All the while they are demolishing Palestinian homes, building illegal settlements both in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and laying Siege to the Gaza Strip (where one and a half million people live). In this they are in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions and they are committing crimes against humanity.

(3) The Palestinian People - Go Walk with them

To visit Palestine is to walk with a people whose lives are being made unbearable by Israeli Policies of ethnic cleansing. Each year when I visit I ask myself: "how can the Palestinians bear so much suffering and still have hope?" The Philosopher Karl Jung says: "Go into your grief for there your soul will grow". Being privileged to walk alongside the Palestinian people, one sees so much soul. Many are materially poor having been made refugees and often pauperised by the Israeli occupation and siege, but their dignity, courage, and persistent resistance to injustice is awesome to witness. It reminds me of the magnificence of the human spirit and, I feel humbled to be welcomed as a friend of the people of Bilin, Ramallah, Gaza, and Palestine. I wish that you President Obama would go and walk with them as you walked in spirit with the people of South Africa in their great and inspirational anti-apartheid struggle.

(4) Courage at the Wall

Walking every week in the peaceful protest to the Apartheid wall, are not just Palestinians but also Israeli activists and Internationals. It takes great courage to come from Israel to the Occupied Terrorities and oppose your own Government’s policies and I pay tribute to the Israeli peace activists who continue to do so, often at the cost of punishment by the Israeli Government. Yet, they come, and is it not a great hope for humanity that not all Israelis support their Government’s racist and apartheid policies of siege, occupation and militarization of both Israel and Palestinian villages and towns. I also pay tribute to the Internationals who put their lives daily on the line to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians. Last month in the Village of Nilin, one brave young man from your own United States of America, Tristan Anderson, was targeted by Israeli soldiers, and hit in the head with a gas canister. He is currently in intensive care, and we all hope that he will recover.

(5) The killing of young Bassem Abu-Rahma.

On 17 April, 2009, on the Friday before I visited Palestine, at this Wall, one of the protesters, Bassem Abu-Rahma, was hit in the chest with a teargas metal container and killed. He was a young man from the village much loved by all and his death caused great pain and anger particularly amongst his peer group. I marvelled at the skill of the Village Leaders and Muslim women, who kept reminding the young men that they must keep their protest peaceful, but the atmosphere felt like a pressure cooker with the lid about to blow.

(6) Peaceful Protest met with tear gas and steel-tipped rubber bullets.

On 24 April 2009, I joined the peaceful protest to the Wall, and we were assaulted again by the Israeli soldiers with tear gas, and rubber bullets. Many of us were overcome with the tear gas and others, twenty five in all, seriously hurt with steel tipped rubber bullets. How much longer must this injustice to Palestinian people be allowed to continue unchallenged by your administration? If you do not insist upon Israel upholding its International responsibility immediately, the anger of a people will grow and the daily humiliation of Palestine, by Israeli injustice and soldiers will push more people towards retaliatory violence. As one of our great Irish poets W.B. Yeats wrote: "too long a sacrifice makes a stone of the heart".

(7) An Israeli's question to me

At the Bilin Conference an Israeli asked me "how can we touch the hearts of (our own) Israeli people so they can change their Government’s policies?" I believe there is much fear amongst the Israelis of ethnic annihilation but this fear can be dissolved by the politics of the heart. Israel should not be afraid of the Palestinians or Arab world. They are not the enemy and this can be borne witness to by the Israelis who come to stay in this village and who are taken care of, with such love, by the Bil'in villagers. The Israeli people must make friends with the Palestinians and indeed the whole Arab world, and take seriously the peace agreement offered by the Arab countries. There will never be a military or "armed struggle" solution to the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict, as it is a political problem with a political solution. What is lacking is a real political will, on behalf of the Israeli Government, to enter seriously into all inclusive unconditional talks.

(8) Please change US policy towards Israel

I appeal to you President Obama, to change USA Policies and stop supporting through military aid and dollars, Israel's occupation of Palestine. I ask you to move immediately to help lift the siege of Gaza and say to Israel ‘Enough is Enough’.

In the meantime I support the Bilin committee’s strategy of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in an attempt to get their freedom and rights. You, as a supporter and activist for South Africa’s BDS campaign know that it succeeded in ending Apartheid in South Africa as Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Tutu often reminds us. Such a strategy can work for Palestine too. Some South African Anti-Apartheid leaders when visiting Israel have said it is much worse than the days of Apartheid in their own country.

However, I believe President Obama, you can do so much more than those of us who support the BDS campaign. You can bring your experience in your own struggle for peace and freedom to help solve this problem. Love and hope gives us all courage and a belief that peace and freedom is possible.

God bless you and your family.

Mairead Maguire

Nobel Peace Laureate

24 April, 2009.

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