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BBC Airs NYC forced drugging story.

category international | miscellaneous | other press author Thursday December 02, 2004 00:42author by Alex Lehr Report this post to the editors

Crime against children by Glaxo

Liam Scheff's investigation into the forced drugging of children in NYC (and nationally) as part of NIH clinical trials is receiving an airing on BBC television Tonight (Tues 11/30/04).

BBC Airs NYC forced drugging story.

Tuesday Nov 30 at 7.30 to 8.00 PM - BBC 2

Liam Scheff's investigation into the forced drugging of children in NYC (and nationally) as part of NIH clinical trials is receiving an airing on BBC television Tonight (Tues 11/30/04).

The UK crew filmed several interviews with mothers who have lost custody of their children for refusing to drug them with chemotherapy drugs such as AZT, and potent cell-killing drugs like Nevirapine.

Liam Scheff is credited as providing the original research for the project.

This filmproject is one of many stories that has emerged from the Incarnation Children's Center/ NIH forced-drugging scandal that emerged after the publication of Scheff's "The House That AIDS Built."

But the mainstream press (as well as Liberal media like Democracy Now) still have not taken notice of the currently-sanctioned medical practice of surgically inserting feeding tubes into the abdomens of children who
cannot take or refuse to take speculative, and often toxic medications.
How do we remedy this situation?

Drawing attention to the malfeasance of big Pharma is still, in many ways, a grass-roots issue.

It is up to us - all of us - to make it known - and every effort counts.

I ask you therefore to please contact your local media - print, radio, television, and world wide web - and let them know about this story.

Liam Scheff, the prime investigator of the ICC story, is available to talk about this current medical practice and can be reached at: liamscheff@yahoo.com

The researchers who understand this issue well might also enjoy a public airing of their research, and of the shut-out they receive when they speak publicly about institutional corruption and medical malfeasance.

The issue of forced drugging of children is a powerful, and draws attention to the lack of oversite that has been granted to big Pharma by an under-educated public.

The time to act is now.

Get your local media on the story.

In addition to media, look for support in your community - look at local humanitarian agencies, educators, community leaders, social activists, pastors, children's and family rights groups, immigrant rights groups, etc.that take an interest in democracy, ethics and human rights.

It is important to keep the conversation alive, and to let concerned citizens - liberals, conservatives, reds, blues, and beyond - know that the medical infrastructure is misusing children in human experiments.

Unless we take a stand, we are letting it happen.
Please use any of the following articles to make the point -

Crux Magazine - HIV Negative:


NY Press - Orphans On Trial:

AHRP letter to the NIH/FDA:

A&U Magazine: http://www.aumag.org/viewfinder/leftMay04.html
UK Guardian/Observer:




BBC TV Listing:

Guinea Pig Kids
7.30-8.00pm BBC TWO

Children in care, some as young as a few months old, are being forced to take part in experimental drugs trials which can make them chronically sick.

If foster parents or family members stop giving drugs to the children they risk losing them and being branded child abusers.

Jamie Doran reports that the kids are poor and black - but this isn't happening in a developing country. It's happening in New York and the drug companies include some of the world's biggest.The children in the programme are born to HIV-positive mothers who die shortly after giving
birth.They are tested with Aids drugs including AZT in various combinations.

"My daughter told me that when she went to see the doctor, the man said he would give her $25 a month to put the child on an experimental basis and that they would be sending transportation. She said 'no'.And the doctor
told her 'you will regret it'," says Regina, the grandmother of a child in the programme.

Now she has to visit the child at the home of a foster parent, who is a drinker in a rough neighbourhood, being paid $2,000 a month to look after her grandchild.The only difference is that she is happy to give him the drugs.

There is no evidence that the drugs are prolonging the children's lives but plenty that they are causing them distress and sickness. One foster mother, Jacklyn Hoerger, worked in the home at the centre of the story, the Incarnation Care Centre in Harlem which is run by the Catholic Church.

She is a trained paediatric nurse and she realised that by stopping the medication the children's health dramatically improved.

Related Link: http://www.dissidentaction.com
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