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International reaction to the Collapse of the EU & post war civilisation.

category international | eu | other press author Monday May 30, 2005 13:14author by iosaf Report this post to the editors

As we were told, in no uncertain terms by the yes campaign, the rejection of the Constitution, would mean a rejection of not only the lengthy document of V.Giscard d'Estaing, but also of the treaties and accords incorporated therein- Nice, Maastricht, Shengen, Versailles, Lisbon and Rome.

In it is thus not surprising that throughout France this morning, in between burning the 12 starred flag, shoppers have been attempting to pay for their bagettes in francs.

Meanwhile the Pope has called on Kathurliks to abstain from €U referenda.
No-one has ever really explained why it was such a good idea in terms that convince one it was the only option. That's intellectually lazy. The Shame of Beethoven on them.
No-one has ever really explained why it was such a good idea in terms that convince one it was the only option. That's intellectually lazy. The Shame of Beethoven on them.

The reactions :-

Switzerland is not a member of the EU, and has been facing an internal battle which has given oxygen to its tiny extreme right faction over the last months to "move closer" to the Union, sign up to "Dublin/Shengen", and melt a few glaciers so it slides down the alps.

Swiss reaction. (in english)-

Italian reaction:-

The Pope, bavarian born, german shepherd, formerly known as God's Ratzinger, PapaRatzi, Holy Joe, "he knows best"
Benedict XVI has called for ABSTENTION in votes on the €U constitution.

Spanish Reaction :-

It is all totally fucked.
get your pesetas out from under the bed, forget about the metric system, round up foreigners.
As well as repeating what they were told to print if the Spanish had rejected the referendum in March,
they have looked eastwards where Slovakian foreign minister Eduard Kukan has declared his utter disappointment at the poor prospects for antoine Carâme suppers now.

Luxembourger reaction :-

Pressie Junker the president of €urope till the end of June, has said its impossible to renegotiate the constitution, and he doesn't really give a shit, its Tony Blair's job now, and he said as much back in january. [this is what he said in january :- "it won't matter"]
This is what he said last night this morning:-

"And then, the debate brought to the fore several different conceptions of Europe, alternating between the standpoint of those who want more Europe, and those who believe that the Europe of today has already gone too far.
We have listened to both sides, and have come out perplexed. Among those who have said no, some would like to put a halt to all, while others want to go still further. It proves to be a difficult task to find agreement between these diverging conceptions of Europe.
It is therefore impossible to renegotiate the treaty under these conditions. We need to reflect on these French contradictions which are perhaps European ones.
Finally, it is important to know what the attitude of the other Europeans will be. Yes, the constitutional debate is French. But it is also a European debate."

The German reaction:-
It's Shroeder's fault.
He was a big man, who didn't say very much once upon a time, and that was great, then he went and started making statements and visiting onther countries and telling people how to vote. As long as he was the "big man doesn't say much" people forgot that both Herrn Van Beethoven and Von schiller were germans, once he opened his mouth they remembered, and had a think about what Germany is really all about, the perfect representation of a U.S. strategic european state.
Right wing Germans (of the Christian democrat type) are blaming the Socialist/Green alliance.
It was noteworthy that contrary to Geraldine Kennedy's analysis, the European Greens were not unified on the Constitution. Most green parties campaigned against it the exceptions being the ruling German greens who are a bit old hat now. Ranging from the victorious agrarian eccentrics of Bové in France to teh Swedish and Dutch greens who just want "out of Europe now" thank you very much.

The UK reaction :-

"Tweedledum & Tweedledee" (part 2)
They're delighted. Blair now takes up the French cudgels and presidency of the EU to oppose the smellyness of unwarrented federalism which stokes the ordinary and natural patriotisms of poor folk who don't get Mrs Beeton cream teas, or Antonin Carâme foie gras pastries.

The Irish reaction :-
"we're closer to Boston than Berlin you know"

The Portuguese reaction .-
The Portuguese have just had to put up their VAT,
price of tobacco, petrol, and utilities, and frozen wages in an attempt to meet the stringent requirements of an enlarged 25 state €uropean union, which they joined years ago, thinking it would only really be 12 states at the most. They're well pissed off. Contrary to the propaganda they're not hopping on flights to take weekend breaks up north, they're not on the pig's back, and they've still got the Galician problem. It will be interesting to see how they vote on their referendum.

The French:-


And that's it, civilisation has ended.
We are all now condemned to live in precarious working conditions, without health or proper educational entitlements, and rot it away without pensions. The Irish bars will close. We would have been better off if we had just stuck to Eurovision.

who are you going to blame?

author by pingin agus puntpublication date Mon May 30, 2005 13:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

as you will see from the illustration, the collapse of the European Constitution which would have guaranteed our human, and civil rights as previously enshrined by the Treaties of Lucerne, Nice, Maastricht, Lisbon, Versailles, Malta, Lepant, Rome, Aughrim and Masada are to be blamed on the reds.

Bertie, we are actually closer to Rostok than Boston.
& that was always the problem.

as you can see from the map, it was the REDS' fault! Oh if only more French people were like the Bretons. (they're celtic you know).
as you can see from the map, it was the REDS' fault! Oh if only more French people were like the Bretons. (they're celtic you know).

author by :-) - "I am european. I have worked in, paid tax in, & lived in lots of states and bothered to learn them"publication date Mon May 30, 2005 23:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You click on the link below this comment [written in barcelona] to read an article [written in france] commented on [in ireland] to read "local blog reaction".
an article "outside the pariochalism?"
started by an irishman in Paris.
paris... france. not paris, texas.
Irish men and irish women get everywhere.
they did this long before the EU, or EEC as it used to be called or even the League of nations, but the main difference is, that the pope never called for an abstentionist vote on the EEC or league of nations.
to which end, as post-Ricoeur ethical philosophers we ought ask, is the author of the link, an irishman in Paris, France (not paris texas) engaged to a local girl?
Would we indeed be skirting the thin line drawn in the sand of right and wrong were we to attend the shindings?
But then we'd be guilty of prejudice @ work, for we know not- if the author of the article at the link is a kathurlick. He might be a calvinist like the netherlanders, (consistent opinion polls have proved that most netherlanders are calvinists). or indeed he might be a yogic flyer just like you find in global peace capital Clew Bay county galway.
meanwhile, there are some out there, who think France (meaing the french political class) wanted to "lose the referendum" and desperately so. For many reasons-
* to ditch Raffarin, and rub the salt into Schroeder's wounds. * to pass over the whole mess to Blair which as keen historians know is very much part of the tweedledum/tweedledee (france v. uk) post WW2 concensus. * to split the centre left of France after the surprise election of Francois Hollande in the last year. * to resign from the perceived "leadership" of the euro-project and thus fulfill the rumsfeld analogy of "old europe".

well truth is we don't know. we have to wait and see will Europe survive the dutch vote on wednesday. And it really is far past time that we stopped using "Europe" as a word and vague concept of unity, and started thinking exactly what is implied and understood by the "masses" by this propaganda project. What exactly is it, that prompts "john" to think on holidays when told Ireland is the "bees'-knees" to think "oh I'm proud of Eire!". What exactly is it that prompts the newly engaged young son of Eire, Eoin resident for much time in Paris to oppose the constitution and not really get told much over there "you ought be proud of Eire!". what is indeed that has not changed, despite the centuries, despite the non existence of pennies and farthings, francs and cenitimes, florins and pesetas, for me, in Barcelona to tell all of you that Europe can stretch from the atlantic to the urinal if you want, but most people still think about their "local jobs" and their "local jobsworth", and the recent establishment of a multi-billion dollar industry to support notions of "unity" with states you have never really even learnt the basic geography of, (can you list the cities or rivers of the slovak republic or order a meal in malta?) will not change _*"how you feel €uropean"*_

If the political class can convince ordinary people, in the 25 states of Europe that such a political project can offer them security, peace of mind, pensions, and basic rights, rather than something akin to Eurovision with calories on top for Bertie and pals, and incidently can convince the pope that its all above moral board, and the nazis that losing their deustchmark wasn't the end of national pride and the beginning of millions of unknown strangers, and the intelligent alternative movement [us] that such prosperity ought stop north of the mediterranean or dalmatian mountains or east of Bylerussia then .....

they're walking on water.

O AS IF they're walking on H2O.


author by Duinepublication date Tue May 31, 2005 19:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nach maith é léirmheas doimhin a léamh ag smaointeoir meáite?????????

author by iosaf mac diarmadapublication date Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

They don't really have good food the dutch you know.
Whereas the french and belgians it must be said gave us the repetoire built on Antoinine Carâme, and the british produced mrs beeton, who was more a housekeeper and servant manager than cook, the dutch didn't even bother going beyond the edam sandwich. Today if you want a good meal in the Nederlands, you eat asian, or ethnic.

I'm closing all these references to culinary styles now.

There has been wonderful horizontal media reception, ranging from the "catalan soufflé" la vanguardia cartoon to this morning's Irish times photo which I think is cool.

It was taken by Matt Kavanagh is of the "Le Chef de L'Hotel Chatham" by Irish painter William Orpen, and the two young ladies are Nan Pang and Shuang Jin, catering staff at the National Gallery of Ireland.

William Orpen grew up in Stillorgan, Dublin where he was born in 1878 and is famed mostly for his portraits, which due to his military comission, were of important military types. He painted the Versailles treaty "for the record". He died in 1931.

The Treaty of Versailles, was the result of the peace conference in europe, from Jan 20th 1919 to Jan 20th 1920, it saw 75% of the world's population represented by 32 states negotiate the various treaties which laid the table for the post World war one peace, prosperity, democracy, desperation, depression, instabilty, dictatorships and of course WW2.

The 1919-1920 Peace conference occured against the backdrop of the worst pandemic of 'flu ever, in which more people died than had in the trenches.

The five treaties which were agreed at the conference were named after the Paris suburbs of Versailles (Germany), St Germain (Austria), Trianon (Hungary), Neuilly (Bulgaria) and Serves (Turkey).

William Orpen's portraits of the protagonists mostly hang in the National Portrait Gallery of the UK on Charing X Road, London. where you will also find Bob geldof. Bono isn't there yet. They show a mostly well fed bunch of men, with ruddy complexions and a certain popularity for moustaches.

The Orpen exhibition at the National Gallery of Ireland will run till August 28th and is entitled "William Orpen: Politics, Sex & Death" coz they think that will encourage more youngsters in hoods on the mitch to learn about art and stay off the crystal meth.

Orpen's chef. painted many years before the Treaty of Versailles. The migrant workers are laughing.
Orpen's chef. painted many years before the Treaty of Versailles. The migrant workers are laughing.

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