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Shell 2 Sea Protest outside FF HQ

category dublin | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Friday November 10, 2006 16:44author by Labour Youth Report this post to the editors

Members of Labour Youth marked the anniversary of Ken Sara Wiwa's murder by protesting outside Fianna Fail Headquarters on Lower Mount Street. There was a good response from members of the public who were leafletted and members of Labour Youth held placards saying "Shell 2 Sea" , " Nationalise our Gas" and "FF gave our Gas Away".


The protest was held in solidarity with the community in Erris who were viciously assaulted and baton charged this morning. Members of Labour Youth were amongst those attacked and assaulted by baton wielding Gardai this morning in Erris.

Speaking at the protest Labour Youth chair Patrick Nulty stated that:
"Fianna Fails commitment to maintaining Shell's future profit margins is far greater than their commitment to the safety of the people of Mayo.

"This action by Labour Youth comes in the wake of a strong show of support and solidarity with the local community in Rossport from a delegation of Labour Party TDs who visited the area earlier this week."

Related Link:


FF Gave our Gas Away
FF Gave our Gas Away



author by Jan Palachpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 17:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well? If Labour get dragged in with Fianna Fail what guarantees have you got from the Leadership that he will rip up the contract with Shell???

Why isn't Pat Rabbitte campaigning on this issue? Why doesn't he get a guarantee from good old Enda that he feels the same way?

Or is this simply another case of LY and Labour Party diverging?

I'm flummoxed as to why anybody would join Labour Youth, genuinely I'd like someone to explain the attraction.

By the way props for remembering Ken Saro Wiwa.

author by Johnpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 18:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

(1) If FF gave away 'our gas', a reference to changes in exploration terms made in the early 90s, then why didn't Labour change or even seek to change those terms when they were in government from 92 to 97? The fact is that they never even raised the matter either in their negotiations with FF on forming a coalition in 1992 or in their negotiations with FG on forming a coalition in 1994. It wasn't even an issue then and still isn't to most people. And why? Because it was recognised by all and sundry that prior to those changes the Irish oil/gas exploration industry was dead in the water and that the changes in exploration terms revived it. It was that revival that led directly to the Corrib discovery in 1997. This is still the view of all the major parties. (2) If 'our gas' is nationalised, pray tell me who is going to bring it ashore? Can you name one state-owned company that has even a fraction of the technological skills and expertise needed to bring it ashore.

author by Miriam Cottonpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 19:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Witht the Labour Party cosying up to Fianna Fail in other policy areas, it is very likely that the Old Fogey Labour Party people are using their gullible youth wing to attract votes from young people. Labour have no notion of insisting that FF reverse their give-away of Irish gas and other resources if the possibility of power sharing is really within their grasp.
These genuine young people are almost certainly being used by senior members of their own party.

author by humpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 19:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Young Labour are out there and fair play.

I would not be suspicious of motivation, not would I translate everything so
Black and white. Solidarity is solidarity.

A campaigner for Synott who is allied to LPR need not be reading everything so black
and white now?

author by supppublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 21:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Labour Party spokesperson on Communications Marine and Natural Resources Tommy Broughan TD will be meeting Mr. Andy Pyle, CEO of Shell Ireland next weekand. Tommy has also contacted the Norwegian Labour Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and urged the Norwegian Labour Party to renew their interest inthe resolution of this matter given the majority state ownership of Statoil. Lets all hope that these efforts will be succesful.

Sargent met them last week after visiting Mayo also, here is his report
"I have suggested that the five TDs for the area ought to act collectively to mediate between the holders of opposing and, it must be said, fairly entrenched, viewpoints. A number of the TDs for Mayo see merit in this proposal.

"I support the suggestion that a former Norwegian Minister for Energy be asked to mediate in the dispute. And I also support the establishment of a commission with a remit to resolve the problem.

"I repeat my call for Minister Dempsey to visit Rossport and Bellanaboy and inform himself about the seriousness of the dispute and the reality of the problem that he urgently needs to address."

TB statement
Dail Q&A

author by ANONpublication date Fri Nov 10, 2006 22:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why did LY feel the need to split the lunch time protest without any contact with shell to sea?
I'm deeply suspecious that many people in the photos I've never seen at other pickets.
Is it the way that you will only support your party organised events?
I'm not saying that ye don't have the right to organise outside the Shell 2 Sea group, of course ye do, however,
I'm suspecious of the motivation.
Ye should demand your glorious leaders support for Shell 2 Sea, or state in no uncertin terms that he WILL be leading a divided party into the next election,
or are ye looking out for the careerists amoung ye. Stand up and do that ye should have done the second he spouted those racist comments.

author by Red Wedgepublication date Sat Nov 11, 2006 16:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anon is annoyed that he cant recognoise folk at the LY protest. What sort of insular activist mentality is going on there?
So there was two protests. Thats a good thing. The more fronts that can be opened the better.
LY did opposse Rabbittes immigartion nonsense.

author by DM - Labour Youthpublication date Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pat hasn't been involved in this. I and the rest of LY won't defend him for not, we have major problems with the man.

However Tommy Broughan (my local TD) has been. He was one of the TD's trying to organise an independant saftey report for Rossport (that got shot down by Shell and the Government). He's been down to Rossport recently and is probably the most senior politicain who has gotten involved on the community's behalf.

LY's campaigning for Rossport has been extremly active. We were heavily involved in the blockades of shell stations, protests, occupations (at least one member of our National Executive was in Shell HQ) and other forms of solidarity (including of course going down there!).

As for the suggestion that the "old foggy" part of Labour is somehow controling us, to try and get the party seen in these events! We are entirely independant of the Leadership or any other part of the party. We make our own democratic decisions and campaign independantly.

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