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Campaign to Save Tara disbanded![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What is happening with the Tara campaign? Campaign to Save Tara (CST) began as a genuine effort to bring all the Tara campaigners together, in a positive and unified way, in late 2006. Now a year later, it has silently disbanded. What now for Tara? Campaign to Save Tara (CST) has disbanded. A meeting was held in the County Club, Dunshaughlin, on Wednesday 5th December, at which the organisation was wound up. No details have been presented to the public on either mailing lists, or Indymedia, usually their chosen platform for dissemination. Instead, a veil of secrecy surrounds the demise of what claimed to be a democratic group, acting in the public interest. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We have the current National Monuments Act thanks to the actions of Vincent Salafia. It was amended as a direct consequence of his actions on Carrickmines. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lets hope that this thread ends and something better will be created. Out of the caterpillar came the butterfly. Now back to whats important. Lets keep our focus on what we can do to save Tara and away from the fray. We need to get past this and win the war. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This thread has been led way off course. This thread has nothing to do with TaraWatch, the Vigil, the camp or any other Tara organisation. The original report is about how one group, supposedly the 'officicial' or 'real' Tara group, that formed an umbrella over all other groups, is no more. It asks the question what has been put in its place, ie what is Save Tara Campaign? This is a legitimate question because the group, by its name, claims to be even more that the former group. It claims to 'own' the campaign, and all its disparate parts. Yet, we see no name attached to the press release that was put on this very site, making these very claims. And instead of answers now we see what are obvious attempts to deflect attention away from these issues, by making desperate accusations against people and organisations that have nothing to do with this issue. Unless, of course, TW and these others have now joined STC. Until we have some responsible and clear statements from those behind STC, everything else is just specualtion, or smokesreen. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A statement on behalf of the Campaign to Save Tara is being prepared. The above post purporting to report on Thursday's meeting is inaccurate and misleading. It would be helpful if the author identified themselves and we could all then establish their motivation. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() start a new thread for this keep it here and let it play out as their is important linked info on this page. I can not understand why the cop operation "bedrock" was kept secret by STC. That is important info for all us real activists.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, the covert way in which CST chose to operate has probably been the most damaging aspect of the entire Tara campaign. Roestown and Baronstown are both casualties of this. Lismullin would have gone the same way were it not for the fact that TW made the discovery public. God only knows what else is being withheld. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Your statement that TW discovered Lismullin is completely inaccurate. The site was in fact uncovered by STC. They organised and paid for an Indymedia Photographer to fly over the valley and photograph what was going on. This was the first photo (aerial) ever released to the media. Sunday World subsequently did similar. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You did not read my post correctly. I never said that TaraWatch discovered Lismullin, just that they made it public knowledge while CST were still sitting on the discovery, debating and voting on what to do about it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Campaign to Save Tara, an umbrella group of individuals and some pre-existing groups campaigning on the Tara/M3 issue officially disbanded at an EGM held at the Country Club in Dunshaughlan on Wednesday 5th December. The group was formed in January 2007. Those present, which included most of the original founding members, voted by a margin of 4 to 1 to disband the group. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Indymedia", if you read the above statement again you will see that it says: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Lismullin Henge was discovered last March by NRA archaeologists working on the site. The CST leadership received information (seemingly from one of their NRA contacts) straight away. But for reasons of their own they decided to withhold the information from the vast majority of their own members and all non-CST affiliated campaigners. Instead they passed on the details to a friendly Sunday World columnist who run it, but disguised as an April fool's joke. It was then that one CST member, who also happened to be a member of Tarawatch, got wind of the discovery, visited the site, took a number of photos which he instantly posted to Tarawatch's 'hilloftara' public E-group. Other Tarawatch campaigners issued a press release based on the photographic evidence provided. 48 hours later the then Minister for the Environment, Dick Roche, was forced to put a temporary preservation order on the Lismullin Henge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The personal attacks are truly pathetic. Let's stick to the facts here. The main fact is that I was right about every single thing I said in the original news report above. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for speaking true, mate! You see CST was run like one of them reality shows on the telly - eliminate a member every week. And in the end all what was left is that tiny inner circle someone else in here refered to as "politburo". Having successfully elimited all opposition to their Labour and Green Party political agendas, that tiny band of four or five people can now unopposed continue to deceive (using the name STC) all genuine Tara campaigners into believing that they are the only official spokespeople for the entire campaign. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To the average layperson, anyone involved in opposing the proposed M3 motorway through the Gabhra Valley is part of some sort of campaign to save Tara. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If these people resurrect they should use an unambiguous title so as not to claim they are somehow "an umbrella" group for Tara. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is an uncomfortable fact that campaigns such as this will draw many who fly a false flag. This campaign has seen more than its fair share of those. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I've been hearing about some of the campaign politics from afar. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have also been watching this campaign, and find the continuous Tarawatch baiting both sinister and ridiculous. They are the only group that actually achieved anything, and without their involvement it would all be over already. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34I always knew that this was going to happen. CST never was an umbrella group, but run by people with specific political interests and ambitions. They formed an inner circle within CST and deliberately kept all those in the dark who didn't follow their Labour and Green Party-orientated line. I think the departure of CST is the best thing that happened to the overall Tara campaign in recent months!
About time too. The N3 is the most dangerous road in the country. This week alone 3 people have been killed on it. The sooner its replaced by the M3 the better,.
What does the Save Tara Campaign plan to do then?
Are there going to be public meetings?
Will they be fundraising?
What are they fundraising for?
How many people are in this grouping?
Who, aside from the above mentioned, is in the group?
Are they working in co-operation with other campaigners?
Some answers would be very much appreciated. Or will the former CST politburo, carry on as usual-secret meetings, divisive tactics, campaign-destroying strategies.
Come on Muireann, Kevin, Michael- Tara deserves better
I see the usual plethora of bollox on the site- wherein its impossible for people to conceive
of others acting as individuals but as committee- led sheeps. I am a member of the Save Tara
list and have worked with Muireann- I have seen her bullied , trolled and derided on this and
other sites (including late night abusive phone calls).
Now to put it simply, those who want to know can await response from CST.
and those who really , really need 'leaders' can run around like headless chickens..
Tara was never about personality led politics it was about different groups of people
with different talents and tasks working on the same thing. I have a lot of respect
for Muireann but I do not think she ever claimed to lead on Tara- CST was a gathering and working
list .
The vigil takes care of the vigil and direct action.
Tarawatch does its own thing which is legal apparently.
CST is fighting with direct action their fourth legal case.
and sacred Ireland run a site and have been campaigning for years.
Personally speaking I have never accepted any specific group's pretensions to leadership
as the Campaign to Save Tara has had to be flexible with differing groups being involved
in their own areas of expertise- however I will say this.I know that a meeting
was called on the hill without notifying Muireann who had gone on holiday to recover
from the trial and that whomever called it in her absence did a disservice- everyone who has worked
on the campaign in whatever aspect over the many years has contributed to it
in whatever way big or small- and I would be unaccepting of anyone who sought to speak up
on ECO -unless they were comprised of a council of interested parties that acknowledged the
hard work of the disparate groups involved in the issue.
There has been a lack of acknowledgement of people's work that is quite baffling to see
Any attempt at unity in campaign must acknowledge the different groups mentioned above
and be comprised of them- a great and wonderful way to start is to insult one arm of the
Tara campaign- well done!
My report was completely factually based. There were no opinions offered.
The latest post by C only raises more questions, especially if you go to the mailing list referred to:
It still states: "Welcome to the official discussion list for the Campaign to Save Tara who wish to save Tara's Gabhra Valley from the proposed M3. Fáilte roimh cách. Liosta é seo dóibh siúd a dteastaíonn uathu motorbhealach an M3 a bhogadh amach as an gGleann idir Teamhair agus Scrín..."
But if you read through the archive, you see no mention of the fact that Mr Hayes was removed weeks ago. You see no invitations to meetings and you see no mention of the fact that CST no longer even exists.
It was reported privately by a former CST member that a meeting was called for last week, with a room booked and everything, but it was cancelled by Muireann, who then scheduled another meeting a week later, AFTER the STC release was already sent out, and she had time to engineer a new front.
C claims on one hand that she does not subscribe to personality-driven campaigning, and at the same time offers sisterly support for a single personality. It would appear that this is exactly what STC is, a cult of personality, with all dissenting opinions removed.
So, let's see what they have to say and see if we can get any more facts, before passing final judgment.
As for the claim that CST was somehow controlled by Labour, I can tell you as a Labour party activist that I never heard anything about our people being involved or running it, Maybe some members of the Meath branch were in it, however they wouldn't be in to direct action that much (which seems to be one of this groups main tactics).
Perhaps now that this group has disbanded, all other Tara campaigners will come together as a strong force to halt the rape of our heritage and environment. It seems to happen in every campaign, particularly in this country. Certain characters worm their way in to established groups, and split them to the point that the campaign can never be truly effective. Energy is wasted on bitching, and smaller numbers of people are left to do the important work.
Let us herald the start of a new chapter in the Tara campaign, where all of those with Tara at heart will unite, and leave the negative, divisive forces behind
What's needed now, and what's been DESPERATELY needed since 2004 (in my view), is:
1) A well managed and full-force legal challenge regarding the constitutionality of our National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004: keeping in mind that Justice Laffoy (High Court Judge) has stated that, in her opinion "there was in fact a constitutional imperative to protect these assets" (i.e. the important heritage sites near Tara);
2) An injunction to stop all M3 road building work until the constitutionality of our National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004 has been formally decided on by our Supreme Court.
As far as I'm concerned, all of the various groups and individuals involved in trying to save Tara can be as unified as they might: but, unless somebody (or some group of people) can succeed, by lawful means, in getting rid of the grossly corrupt piece of legal rubbish know as the "National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004", there will not be any significant change in government policy regarding the PPP M3 Toll Road.
Further information on this matter can be found in the e-mail dated August 21st 2007 to our Chief Justice John L. Murray at the following address:
Unfortunately, I very much doubt if any individual (or group) will succeed in having the constitutionality of our National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004 checked by our Supreme Court: for the very simple reason that, leaving aside the odd decent person here and there like Justice Laffoy, our legal profession is far too corrupt (overall), and will not, under ANY circumstances, allow any such challenge.
So, it seems to me we all now have to live in the "social cesspit"created by our legal profession: which they very obviously intend to fully maintain, and to expand I suspect.
Success builds on success!!
it would be far better if people could and would focus on the protection of Tara.
Many, many individuals have worked diligently for Tara over a period of up to 7 years. Many have left because they do not wish to be involved with infighting and rhetoric.
Just for the record, our website URL is (inadvertently referred to as a .com above).
We have always hoped that the Valley would be protected, preserved and designated a World Heritage Park and that the situation might best be decided by a referendum.
We support the Meath Master Plan (see our website) and continue to work towards that end.
Anything anyone can do to raise public awareness of what can best be regarded as a solution to this situation, would be helpful.
Many thanks.
Can someone please let us know who/what Save Tara Campaign is? Some valid questions have been asked here, which require answering not bitching
I've read through this thread a few times. I see no valid questions. I see lots of accusations and innuendo - most of it libellous - all of it scurrilous - written I suspect by the very people who made CtST
inoperable through their covert interventions.
I see no reference anywhere to "The Save Tara Campaign" but I believe the term can be applied to the general campaign being waged by various groups/individuals in diverse ways to halt the M3 through the Tara Valley - Kathy Sinnott MEP, Tarawatch, The Vigil, etc.
This thread must be a joy to read for those who want this motorway to proceed through the Tara valley.
So if you and others here, really have Tara's interest at heart find the answers to your questions in a less public forum and stop feeding the enemies of Tara this malicious, inaccurate, ill informed drivel.
Why the attitude? I have followed this campaign here on Indymedia, and have met a few of the people involved. I have been confused by all of the infighting and secrecy, and I am sure many others have too. I am not a part of any faction, I just want to see Tara saved. I think that all of us who want to save Tara deserve to know what is happening in the campaign.
I see they have updated the web site, to remove the two conflicting press releases, side by side. One from CST and the next from STC.
The press release in question was also posted on Saturday December 01, 2007 18:09 - author by anon at
Note the use of the term 'Save Tara campaign' throughout both releases, and the lack of the term 'Campaign to Save Tara', as well as the absence of the usual spokesperson.
It was also published on and clearly states:
- which was conveniently removed fromt the Indymedia version, below. Compare and contrast for yourself:
The Labour Party used to be one of the main political forces behind the Tara campaign.
The Labour Party were the only party who specicially promised to re-route the M3 away from Tara, in the last General Election.
In 2004, the Labour Party put forward a Private Members Bill, concerning the preservation of the Hill of Tara, from M3 construction, Pat Rabbitte made the following statements:
"The Hill of Tara is an important national monument, a treasure trove of our Celtic past, and a major national tourist attraction - indeed I understand it is one of the three best-known and most-visited
archaeological and historical sites in the country, in addition to Newgrange and the Rock of Cashel".
"Tara will be fiercely defended against the proposed desecration by supporters from all over the country, and indeed the world, and the result will inevitably be that the much-needed transport relief will be held up in years of litigation".
"I strongly believe that such an outcome will never be contemplated by the Irish people, and I use this opportunity, once again, to repeat my insistence that our primary task must be to prevent that from happening".
It is no secret locally that Muireann was a Labour Party Community Councillor in Maynooth for about 20 years, and she engineered much of the Labour involvement in Tara with her old friend Emmet Stagg, local TD for Kildare.
So, getting Tara campaigners to pay for and distribute tens of thousands of leaflets, as well as distributing them in County Meath before the election, calling on people to vote for Labour candidates, came as no shock to many. It's just that many didn't agree that this was the best strategy for Tara.
The real question now is what has become of the Labour Party committment to saving Tara since their Environment spokesperson, Eamon Gilmore, took over as Leader of the Party? What did CST do to pee them off?
There hasn't been one word mentioned about Tara since the election by any Labour person that I know of.
Further, are you saying that Labour/Labour Youth does not support direct action?
Whatever anybody might say about Vincent Salafai, he did try to have the constitutionality of our National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004 checked by peaceful and lawful means in January 2006: which (in my view) has long been the ONLY action that could have saved the extremely important heritage sites close to the Hill of Tara.
However, and through no fault of his (as far as I know), Mr Salafia was prevented, half way through the legal process, from completing the EXTREMELY important job he tried to do: thanks to the way Mr Justice Thomas Smyth (High Court Judge) saddled him, unexpectedly I suspect, with a HUGE bill for legal costs amounting to somewhere in the region of 600,000 Euros.
"By such tactics, Mr Justice Thomas Smyth and his colleagues in the judiciary can continue (indefinitely as things stand) to use National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004 'law', which is in all probability ILLEGAL LAW, to support the construction of PPP toll roads which have been designed to destructively plough through places like Tara, County Meath (the Bronze Age Capital of Ireland as far as I know) and Turoe, County Galway (the Iron Age Capital of Ireland as far as I know)."
The above excerpt has been taken from the thread at , which contains much more information on this core "constitutionality" issue.
If we wish to save what's now still left of the important heritage sites close to the Hill of Tara, which are right on the edge of total destruction as I write, we all need to go back to the point in time to where Mr Salafia's efforts were truncated by Mr Justice Thomas Smyth, pick up the "constitutionality" baton from off the ground where it fell some 20 months or so ago, and run with it - AS FAST AS WE POSSIBLY CAN - all the way to our Supreme Court: which is what should have happened in 2006.
Please read attached pdf file