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Shell to Sea protest outside Topaz in Newbridge

category kildare | miscellaneous | news report author Saturday July 25, 2009 18:12author by Bazra B Report this post to the editors

Shell to Sea protest outside Topaz in Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Protestors Outside Topaz
Protestors Outside Topaz

A large group of around 20 people attended a protest outside the new Topaz petrol station in Newbridge, Co. Kildare on Saturday. The protest was organized by the newly established Kildare branch of the ‘Shell to Sea’ campaign which seeks to ensure the proposed Corrib gas terminal and pipeline are constructed offshore, as is best practice. Whilst also highlighting the negligent environmental, health, safety, planning and economic consequences of this government backed plan. The group spent the afternoon handing out information leaflets to the public who warmly received them and were eager to show their support.

A spokesperson from Kildare Shell to Sea outlined the rationale as they see it for Saturdays protest saying “we feel it is very important that people know Topaz is the new name for shell who currently benefit from our oil and gas reserves at our expense, these reserves are estimated by the Irish government at €540 Billion. It is also unacceptable that an experimental inland gas refinery and dangerous high pressure pipeline is being force on the small rural population of Rossport and we are opposed to this great gas give away and disgraceful treatment of Irish people on so many levels and urge people to boycott Topaz and send a clear message”. The group wished to thank everyone who turned out for the protest and also the people of Newbridge who issued the support on passing by.

Anyone wishing to get involved can contact the group by email at kildareshelltosea@gmail.com

author by GiollaRidirepublication date Sat Jul 25, 2009 18:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some Photos






author by GiollaRidirepublication date Sat Jul 25, 2009 18:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some Photos




author by Villagerpublication date Sat Jul 25, 2009 18:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Unfortunately I couldn't make it today due to other commitments but well done, looks like a very good effort by everyone.

author by margaretpublication date Sat Jul 25, 2009 22:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

T-totally controlling,using force,bribery& violence against those who oppose.
O-obnoxious SHELL trying to clean up its image.
P-pollution worldwide eg,NIGERIA.
A-always for profit,people and the environment are the casualties.
Z-zero profit for the irish people ,support the people of MAYO & IRELAND say no to Topaz.

Thank you.

author by cable - Shell to Sea ~ Cambridgepublication date Sun Jul 26, 2009 14:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

More power to the new group! People may not want to know how much they've been robbed......

author by Lulupublication date Sun Jul 26, 2009 20:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done to all involved! We need to also pressure the Greens to pull out of government, bring about elections, and maybe the new government would have the BALLS to rip up the Shell contract. It is so unbelievable that folks still can't truely understand how we can possibly be throwing away one of of best chances to fix this recession, and also take a lead on a more sustainable future.

author by Justin Morahanpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 01:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Great work, Kildare. And glad to see one poster there saying "NATIONALISE CORRIB GAS"

The robbery/giveaway must be undone.

author by Damienpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 01:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That was mine! Only sorry I couldnt have got on board this sooner

author by 3Bpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Congratulations on your welcome exposure of the political giveaway of the natural resources.

author by Ahempublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done,

It's great to sea this sort of thing. HOW DARE OUR GOVERNMENT let this major investment in jobs and infrastructure be developed in the west. Since the foundation of the state our governments have done a fantastic job in keeping Cromwell’s drams alive and refused to develop the west. Our governments have even convinced the eurocrats of the need to suppress the west, decreeing a 'special' BMW underdeveloped region.

Please keep up the protest and always remember to F**k the west.

author by old codger - pensionerpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The gardai have spouted lies about corrib protesters for a long time. They claim repeatedly that the campaign against SHell is led by Sinn Fein, Erigi, or the IRA and some people seem to believe these lies.
If the IRA was involved in this ,would it not be reasonable to assume that there would have been a lot of explosions and assaults on foriegn mercenary thugs and that traitors would have been punished. (AS they should.)
People like DECO should realise that they are being conned by Fianna Fail controlled Gardai on behalf of SHell.
The only people that wear masks in ERRIS are IRMS mercenaries,Gardai and the special branch.
The protestors are not afraid to show their faces or their identities and we welcome support from any people that are willing to help us no matter what group they belong to. Our campaign is and always has been non violent but active demonstation against corruption, the only violence has come from the state appointed thugs.

WELL DONE KILDARE. We hope that you can show the way to the rest of Ireland.

DEFY THE LIES AND VOTE NO TO LISBON. The law in Ireland only applies to ordinary people.

author by Kildare Sinn Féinpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:57author email cilldarasinnfein at gmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Kildare Sinn Féin Welcomes New Shell to Sea Group in Kildare
Following Saturdays protest outside the new Topaz petrol station in Newbridge, Kildare Sinn Féin welcomed the newly established Kildare branch of the Shell to Sea campaign. Sean Downey welcomed the protest on behalf of Sinn Féin who were present on the day commenting that “it is very important people are aware that our countries oil and gas reserves are firstly being given away virtually for free at no benefit to the people of Ireland and secondly, the reserves are estimated by our government to be worth in the region of €540 billion” he went on “let’s just hold that figure in our minds for a moment in the wake of the Bord Snip Nua recommendations for ruthless and unjust cuts targeting the most vulnerable in our society like pensioners, children and the unemployed. If nationalised or at the very least bringing the taxation levels on Shells profits into line with other European countries would provide the country with cash desperately needed to invest in health and education, alleviate the taxes, levies and cuts imposed by this inept government, most importantly it would allow us to stimulate the economy and to get people back to work”.

author by Damienpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 20:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Lets get more protests up and running!

author by Eamonpublication date Mon Jul 27, 2009 21:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done to the folks in Kildare but was there no protest outside the Green Party's Hilton Hotel bash in Dublin the previous weekend ?

That was the gig where they got their 66 per cent on the nose, in favour of the Lisbon business, a vote, that even some hack on RTE said would "make the Iranian President blush."

Eamon Ryan said the following day on RTE that they had "not forgotten Rossport or Tara".

Those "greens" should be harried and hounded at every hands turn.

author by big_ron - Dublin Shell to Seapublication date Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Eamon,

Indeed there was a picket at the Green party Conf on Saturday 18th ... see here http://www.indymedia.ie/article/93192 and http://anarchism.pageabode.com/andrewnflood/picketing-i...rence

All the Best,

author by Niamhpublication date Sat Aug 01, 2009 22:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An-mhaith ar fad! Keep up the campaigning! Its great to know and see that people all over this little island are FINALLY waking up to whats happening in the west!

author by dr voodoopublication date Thu Sep 10, 2009 01:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Most people are still unaware that Topaz is the new name for Shell in ireland, and so the boycott of Shell which was becoming stronger in Ireland has faded. The name switch was a good move for Shell, for now anyhow. If anyone has any doubts about the name switch tell them to check out the oil brands stocked by any Topaz garage. Shell Oil?
Why boycott Shell? As consumers we still have a vote in our spending,admittedly the rich have more voting/spending power but in a sham democracy where consent is so engineered as in the current vote yes campaign we have few other options other than getting independant education and making informed spending choices. If you dont know why we should perhaps make the choice to boycott then please do the research. i think you will find a good plan is buy fair trade products wherever possible and boycott the Shells and Monsantos and Nestles of this world. Bless the internet and all who sail with her.

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