5 audio 5 photos Anit-war 27 September03
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anti-war / imperialism |
Tuesday September 30, 2003 01:53 by Rasta4i's
Would the Real "SHADY SNITCH" Please Standup...
Saturday 27 September was to see the people back on the streets again to express their anger at the continuing slaughter of Millions of innocent people in the Middle East and else where by the Bush Administration and the "Mite" of the US army and who has being running after the band wagon, hopping on and off as they please and smiling false toot grins, none other than our government.
5 audio
5 photos
Would the Real "SHADY SNITCH" Please Standup...
You don't need me to tell you what you know already but it must be said time and time again because there are spin doctors at work and they are being paid millions to pull the wool over our eyes and make us think that every thing is fine and our country is prospering. They know that they have another 4 years in term so it will continue local elections or not.
Choosing an alternative government how is that possible? Yeah so you have the Greens running around like eager beavers, rallying crowds and doing "good" come on how can I express in words that I am laughing up my sleeve as I write this? Labor, no more needed to be said on that one. We all know what they are up to.
SWP, well there would be plenty of marching voicing of the opposition. Hmmm I can see a pattern. Turn that Dream on its head and you have today's government. ITS ALL THE SAME "the government always gets elected".
On the other hand there is a real alternative but governments, society and the media have made it almost impossible for it to surface to the top and flourish dare I say it, for those of you who laugh, you will never be able to comprehend such ideas because you are so far gone, Griped by the ridged hand of "isims", rules and conditions.
So back to the protest, do you think that the anti war movement seems a bit strange lately? I am going on the vibes I was getting all day and then to be so delighted to hear Kieran O'Reilly saying in to the camera exactly what I was thinking. There must be more than two of us who are thinking these "ohh outrageous thoughts" at least I should hope so. All I am saying is, how well do we know each other and/or members of particular organisations that you may be involved in. Just think because I have and I haven't a clue, it even could be my best friends.
Paranoid I hear you murmur.... Could be but there is no harm in finding out just to make sure. The FBI and MI6. sure had the IRA fooled or was it that MI6 is the IRA and we are all FBI agents.
So when we gather again to walk up and down a street or two, waving coloured placards and shouting in harmony look out for the Shady Snitches and hey there is no harm in going up to a suspected snitch and quizzing them, is there. After all it is a good way to strike up a conversation. Be aware Be Very Aware, I think Demonstrating in this country has gone past the point of being a game and protesting in the fashion we have been over the last Year obviously is not having any impact on the issues that we are protesting for in the first place.
Yes I know that if there was no one out on the streets, the powers would just carry on regardless. What annoys me is that they do carry on as if there was no one there and if any thing was to happen they would make sure it is stopped, suspected, shamed or even wiped out without a trace so "everything can seem normal" where dose that put the views of "PRO - TESTERS".
2000 THOUSAND people on the street grand, well Thai's 2000 thousand people accounted for and not only that but that same group people are probably the same people who would bring down the EVIL WORLD in an instant but by living in Irish Democratic Society our toughs have been suppressed and conditioned from an early age through our educational system making our minds lazy and in so reaching the deep-down conclusions "aaahh sur, what can I do..." So some of us think we are braking the mold by protesting and in turn thinking that this is the key that will change an aspect of society in which we are not happy with. Sounds ideal in text and the Grate Text Book on Society Structures. This is the real world and greed is a major factor so the rules go out out the window. It is built in to the fabric of society to protest, it shows prosper and intelligence among people but that is all it is, in my view.
Hey look, I don't have the answers but there are great minds out there who can think this all out on a much greater level than I could possibly imagine and I am sure there is a solution out there to the problem.
ps: sory about the download times I can't seem to link my audio back from the UK site like usual