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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony
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good record of the event
Those are some inspiring pictures! Give that sniveling weasel what for!
Bon appetite
First is the Lord Mayor addressing the crowd at the Garden of Rememberance. (2 parts)
Anyone got a version encoded in a non-skanky format? Some of us avoid Micro$oft in all its forms, and windoze media player is just plain evil - it amazes me how willing so many people don't understand that A US CORPORATION CONTROLS YOUR DATA if you use Windoze.
I include this Poem - 40 stanzas by Thomas Merton, Cistercian Monk in the US. It is lengthy but it is history and a warning!!!!
I may have to include on the next submission
President Bush drew reference to same, here let me quote Jesus of Nazereth on GREED (00-33 AD) - Rebellious Jewish Prophet, Champion of the Oppressed, Scourge of the Rich, Founder of Christianity.
Is the War worth the slaughter of humanity for the plunder of resources like oil?
Michelle Clarke
Social Justice please and some ethics establishined within the Irish Government and among people 943k 971k
June 28th 2004 re-circulated again:
Michelle again: A follow on to the nine stanzas I circulated yesterday:
Per consequence brain injury I have intellectual disabilities hence I did not notice the errors in the first few lines until later on…….
Wednesday 12th March: If you saw the Nine o’clock news – ‘The Mother of all bombs is being tested in Florida’………when you read the Original Child …… all you need to do is compare 1945 The Original Child. The bureaucracy remains unchanged is what I would suggest.
This poem should be on every school/college curriculum to prepare children to enable children to think…….
Stanza 10:
Admiral Leahy renewed his declaration that the bomb would not explode.
Stanza 11:
On the 4th of July, when the United States in displays of fireworks celebrates its independence from British rule, the British and Americans agreed together that the bomb ought to be used against Japan.
Stanza 12:
On July 7th the Emperor of Japan pleaded with the Soviet Government to act as a mediator for peace between Japan and the Allies. Molotov said the question would be “studied”. In order to facilitate this “Study” Soviet troops in Siberia prepared to attack the Japanese. The Allies had, in any case, been urging Russia to join the war against Japan. However, now that the atomic bomb was nearly ready, some thought it would be better if the Russians took a rest.
Stanza 13:
The time was coming for the new bomb to be tested, in the new Mexico desert. A name was chosen to designate this secret operation. It was called “TRINITY”
Stanza 14:
At 5.30 a.m. on July 16th, 1945, a plutonium bomb was successfully exploded in the desert of Alamogordo, New Mexico. It was suspended from a nine hundred-foot steel tower which evaporated. There was a fireball a mile wide. The great flash could be seen for a radius of 250 miles. A blind woman miles away said she perceived light. There was a cloud of smoke 40,000 feet, high. It was shaped like a toadstool.
Stanza 15:
Many who saw the experiment expressed their satisfaction in religious terms. A semi-official report even quoted a religious book – the New Testament – “Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief”. There was an atmosphere of devotion. It was a great act of faith. They believed the explosion was exceptionally powerful.
Stanza 16:
Admiral Leahy, still a “doubting Thomas”, said that the bomb would not explode when dropped from a plane over a city. Others may have had faith, but he had his own variety of “HOPE”.
Stanza 17:
On July 21st a full written report of the explosion reached President Truman at Potsdam. The report was documented by pictures. President Truman read the report and looked at the pictures before starting out for the conference. When he left his mood was jaunty and his step was light.
Stanza 18:
That afternoon Mr. Stimson called on Mr. Churchill, and laid before him a sheet of paper bearing a code message about the successful test. This message read “Babies satisfactorily born”. Mr. Churchill was quick to realize that there was more in this than met the eye. Mr. Stimson satisfied his legitimate curiosity.
Stanza 19:
On this same day sixty atomic scientists who knew of the test signed a petition that the bomb should not be used against Japan without a convincing warning and an opportunity to surrender.
At this time the U.S.S. Indianapolis, which had left San Francisco on the 18th, was sailing toward the Island of Tinian, with some U 235 in a lead bucket. The fissionable material was about the size of a softball, but there was enough for one atomic bomb. Instructions were that if the ship sank, the uranium was to be SAVED FIRST BEFORE ANY LIFE. The mechanism of the bomb was on board the U.S.S. Indianapolis, but it was not yet assembled.
Stanza 20:
On July 26th the Potsdam declaration was issued. An ultimatum was given to Japan: “Surrender unconditionally or be destroyed”. Nothing was said about the new bomb. But pamphlets dropped all over Japan threatened “an enormous bombardment”, if the army would not surrender. On July 26th the U.S.S. Indianapolis arrived at Tinian and the bomb was delivered.
Stanza 21:
On July 28th, since the Japanese High Command wished to continue the war, the ultimatum was rejected. A censored version of the ultimatum appeared in the Japanese press with the comment that it was “an attempt to drive a wedge between the military and the Japanese people”. But the Emperor continued to hope that the Russians, after “studying” his proposal, would help to negotiate a peace. On July 30th Mr. Stimson revised a draft of the announcement that was to be made after the bomb was dropped on the Japanese target. The statement was much better than the original draft.
Stanza 22:
On August 1st the bomb was assembled in an air conditioned hut on Tinian. Those who handled the bomb referred to it as “Little Boy”. THEIR CARE FOR THE ORIGINAL CHILD WAS DEVOTED AND TENDER.
Stanza 23:
On August 2nd President Truman was the guest of His Majesty King George VI on board the H.M.S. Renown in Plymouth Harbor. The atomic bomb was praised. Admiral Leahy, who was present, declared that the bomb would not work. His Majesty George VI offered a small WAGER TO THE CONTRARY.
On August 2nd a special message from the Japanese Foreign Minister was sent to the Japanese Minister in Moscow. “It is requested that further efforts be exerted….Since the loss of one day may result in a thousand years of regret, it is requested that you immediately have a talk with Molotov”. But Molotov did not return from Potsdam until the day the bomb fell.
On the 4th the bombing crew on Tinian watched a movie of “Trinity” (the Alamogordo Test). August 5th was a Sunday but there was little time for formal worship. They said a quick prayer that the war might end “very soon”. On that day, Col. Tibbetts, who was in command of the B-29 that was to drop the bomb, felt that his bomber ought to have a name. He baptized it ENOLA GAY, AFTER HIS MOTHER IN IOWA. Col. Tibbetts was a well balanced man, and not sentimental (so many around these days …. Lets see when the going gets tough). He did not have a nervous break-down after the bombing, LIKE SOME OF THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CREW.
On Sunday afternoon “Little Boy” was brought out in procession and devoutly tucked away in the womb of Enola Gay. That evening few were able to sleep. THEY WERE AS EXCITED AS LITTLE BOYS ON CHRISTMAS EVE.
At 1.37 a.m. August 6th the weather scout plane took off. It was named the Straight Flush, in reference to the mechanical action of a water closet. There was picture of one, to make this evident.
At the last minute before taking off, Col. Tibbetts changed the secret radio call sign from “Visitor” to “Dimples”. The bombing Mission would be a kind of FLYING SMILE.
At 2.45 a.m. Enola Gay got off the ground with difficulty. Over Iwo Jima she met her escort, two more B-29’s, one which was called the Great Artiste. Together they proceeded to Japan.
At 6.40 they climbed to 31,000 feet, the bombing altitude. The sky was clear. It was a perfect morning.
At. 3.09 they reached Hiroshima and started the bomb run. The city was full of sun. The fliers could see the green grass in the gardens. No fighters rose up to meet them. There was no flak. NO-ONE IN THE CITY BOTHERED TO TAKE COVER.
The bomb exploded within 100,000 feet of the aiming point. The fireball was 18,000 feet across. The temperature at the centre of the fireball was 100,000,000 degrees. The people who were near the centre became nothing. The whole city was blown to bits and the ruins all caught fire instantly everywhere burning briskly. 70,000 people were killed right away or died within a few hours. Those who did not die at once suffered great pain. Few of them were soldiers.
The men in the plane perceived that the raid had been successful, but they thought of the people in the city and they were not perfectly happy. Some felt they had done wrong. But in any case they had obeyed orders “IT WAS WAR”
Over the radio went the code message that the bomb had been successful: “Visible effects greater than Trinity…Proceeding to Papacy. “PAPACY WAS A CODE NAME FOR TINIAN
It took a little while for the rest of Japan to find out what had happened to Hiroshima. Papers were forbidden to publish any news of the new bomb. A four-line item said that Hiroshima had been hit by incendiary bombs and added: “It seems that some damage was caused to the city and its vicinity”.
Then the military governor of the Prefecture of Hiroshima issued a proclamation full of martial spirit. To all the people without hands, without feet, with their faces falling off, with their intestines hanging out, with their whole bodies full of radiation, he declared: “We must not rest a single day in our war effort….We must bear in mind that annihilation of the stubborn enemy is our road to revenge”. HE WAS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER.
On August 8th Molotov finally summoned the Japanese Ambassador. At last neutral Russia would given an answer to the Emperor’s inquiry. Molotov said coldly that the Soviet Union was declaring WAR ON JAPAN.
On August 9th another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, though Hiroshima was still burning. On August 11th the Emperor overruled his high command and accepted the peace terms dictated at Potsdam. Yet for three days discussion continued, until on August 14th the surrender was made public and final.
Even then the Soviet troops thought they ought to fight in Manchuria “just a little longer”. They felt that even though they could not, at this time, be of help in Japan, it would be worthwhile if they displayed their goodwill in Manchuria, or even in Korea.
As the Original Child that was born, President Truman summed up the philosophy of the situation in a few words. “WE FOUND THE BOMB, he said, AND WE USED IT”
Since that summer many other bombs have been “FOUND”. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?
Thomas Merton – Cistercian Monk
Prodigious writer of books relating to Peace
Now we have moved from fatigue to either apathetic or smug – my comment.
Labels abound in mental health:
Psychotic – a description
‘Looking at the situation from the outside – you are the observer not the participant except in the functional necessities’
This poem evokes for me memories
- the need to constantly ask questions. The good fortune to be surrounded by men who answered them in a truthful way, as if I was adult. This when I sustained my brain injury came to my advantage apparently.
- Dad worked in Manchester and Coventry as a hospital doctor. His interest being humanity, war, reality
- Michael was the publican in Francis Street, Paddy and Noel the missionary uncles I rarely saw but heard about them. They went to Japan and the Philippines in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
- Jerry a missionary priest in rural Korea who warned me life would be hard because of the empathetic personality he saw.
- JJ a criminal lawyer in London whom I lived with at several stages in my life, starting at 5. He answered all questions ‘straight’. JJ had the Black Dog too.
Sent out by: Michelle Clarke
Mature student in Trinity College Dublin (in no way connected to the Trinity within this poem – thankfully).
I re-state that this poem ought to be on every school/college curriculum.
The Vietnam Wall will remain forever in my soul…..War is not the solution…..people are people
RTE said there were 6,000 but the organisers said there were about 20,000...
When i was on stage in Merrion Square, the crowd supposedly extended down into Nassau that's alot of people!
Didn't realise i couldn't post audios on comments.
You can get the rest of the files here on my Yahoo! Briefcase.
And they're all mp3 format.
Sorry folks, had a problem with the poxy Yahoo! Briefcase.
I'll publish a new article and put the files there.
This is the 2nd article..
You can find the Lord Mayor's speech in the 1st article I published.
The articles from Ed Lee reporting on this event have been collated into one article to keep the news on the wire as accessible as possible. -Anthony 1 of IMC Editorial Group
But sorry folks i know some of you would prefer mp3 format but i'm havin trouble keepin it under 1MB. Or if N Cog Neeto would kindly convert for me I'd appreciate it.
Mary Van Lisout-US Citizens Alternatives to War
Anti-Bush poem
Asshole song part 1
Asshole song part 2
Mary Van Lisout
Sorry didn't get the bloke's name.
Asshole- George bush that is
Sky News at 11am this morning gave a figure of 15,000 for the Dublin march.
Wonderful turnout and though it isn't enough, I would like to extend my apology for the behavior of my country. May God save us all.
P.S. I was wondering where our chemtrails were, looks like they were in Ireland:(
The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million; I heard their number.....-- virtually the entire voting age population of the US.
We have been programmed to think that war is good; war is a necessary evil; it is inevitable at times. Throughout the centuries there have been many wars so we come to expect having wars. We are trained to think that we must always have enemies, and therefore we are always on the brink of war. We are brainwashed that it is ok to have collateral damage, and high enemy body counts are a positive sign of the war. We have been deceived into these things by the same entity time and time again -- that is why history repeats itself -- it is the same entity using the same tactics, only the times change. That entity who is called the destroyers; those who profit at the expense of mankind and the blood of our brethren; who stand for control and greed and destruction, and who destroy the truth. They are responsible for all the their time has come and it will be the end of all wars. Now it is time to destroy the destroyers through the authority that has been delegated to us....everyone who seeks and demands the truth and justice for those who have committed crimes against the earth and mankind....
"We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths." -- Their Secret Covenant
I sincerely apologize for our dictator visiting your beautiful country. Please, arrest the war criminal if you can!
Bless you all for turning out by the thousands to protest Emperor Bush and his bloody, senseless war. I only hope that come September, when the Republicans are holding their convention in New York, that as many Americans are also brave enough to protest. We Yanks tend to get too caught up in watching 'reality television' shows when we should be holding our media and government accountable.
All the best to the Emerald Isle...I hope to visit someday as a friend.
No wonder its a nice day for your protest.
Evidence from the photos suggests all
the protesters just got chemed.
From the pictures I would say it is of the
microscopic fibre type with who knows what
(fungus, red blood cells) attached.
Sorry you guys, but you should have worn a 1 micron
mask to protest outside today.
The joke was on you and your health.
All NATO countries are doing it so there is no escape.
Just for fun, google "chemtrails" on the web.
Chemed Out
Thank you, thank you, thank you my Irish friends! What a showing!
He's the most hated US president in our history, and I wish my country would wake up to that fact.....
Thanks for getting out and being a strong voice against the ass.
Seattle, WA
Over the past two decades, I have watched Ireland mature into one of the finest countries in the world. Today, the people your great country 'stood tall' and let Americans of with Irish ties know that our kin cry out for justice. The protest, the mayor''s stirring speech, and, of course, your wonderful news correspondent all tell the world that you are not only the guardians of our culture, you are the political conscience of Europe.
I understand our embarassment-in-chief filed a protest about your his news interviewer. We in America will file a protest about his behavior in your country and everywhere else by retiring him to his ranch in November.
I just want to thank the author of the anit-Bush poem. It was very moving and thoughtful. I appreciate all of the Irish that marched today. I just hope my USA can wake up in November from it's long chill sleep and vote the bloody bastard out of office.
Thank you Ireland
I'm an Expat American that everyday who when asked what her nationality is says, American, but it is not my fault, it is an accident of birth. Boston is my home city and I loved the Irish there and love you even more for your demonstration.
The eloquent and passionate Irish have done it again! Thank you so much for your fabulous protest!
It is not so easy to have a say of that sort here in America, these days. Protesters are moved out of site of the cameras, and such events are denied us or not reported or are simply minimized .
Thank you!
To the people of Ireland who participated in the protest of President Bush's visit to Erin.
Your actions give hope to America... just as President JF Kennedy and President Clinton gave hope to the world.
Democracy thrives under transparency; not in darkness; it thrives only in an atmosphere of public trust between the governed and those who govern. Our freedoms, liberties and justice in America taken for granted far too long are now in jeopardy.
The great people of Ireland who protest the unelected and inept leader of our country with heart and soul, with passion and oratory show by action and deed that which is at the heart of democracy; the freedom to think independently; the freedom to think critically; freedom of thought, the enemy of totalitarianism.
The great people of Ireland have spoken. Our shared passion for freedom, liberty, and justice will, in the end, light America's journey back to the truth in spite of the Bush Administration's on-going and intensifying efforts to extingish the eternal flame of our democracy once and for all!
Bravo, Ireland! Here's to freedom, liberty, and justice for all!
My mother, who is well into her retirement and has never seen such a loathed president. Its hard to imagine, but I've encountered those who are 'all right' with George Bush. I think they go home at night, take their perscription drugs, and play with their George Bush action figure. These are not the, "haves or have-mores", of the republican party, which is King Georgie's base. These are the poor foolish idiots who were embarrased by Bill Clinton. George Bush and his cabal destroys the livelihoods of millions of people, turns his back on everything America has strived for over the years, lies at every turn...
Not on my dime.
You're all heros in my book. A lot of Americans love you for it.
Audio of Joe Higgins, Eamonn McCann, The DCTU guy, the Palestinian or The South African? Or indeed any other audios from the day?
Please email me if you can help. Cheers,
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the people of Ireland for turning out in such large numbers to protest the invasion of their country by war criminal george bush.
It is very important to have this international solidarity because it helps to stop hitler wannabees. george bush is a murdering thug and has done much damage to America and the world. I hope and pray that the world will prosecute and punish this madman. God surely will.
It is such a refreshing and reassuring sight to see thousands upon thousands of active protesters to the self-aggrandizing Chimperor Bush - too bad you couldn't have cornered him and performed a citizens' arrest of the Criminal-In-Chief!
It is very difficult to stage effective protests here in the USA - dissidents are regarded as "terrorists", and are whisked or herded away to Secret Service-designated, usually fenced, "Free Speech Zones", which may be up to 10 miles away from wherever King George makes his royal presence.
GeeDuhbyuh really doesn't like to see, or even hear, those that disagree with him - those that do express their disagreement are regularly the recipients of beatings, rubber bullets fired from rifles, "beanbags" fired from shotguns, tear gas, jailings and other forms of persecution and legal prosecution - EVEN WHEN ACTING WITHIN THE LAW!
Most all of which is NEVER reported by "The Pro-Conservative Right-Wing-Owned-and-Controlled Mainstream 'Liberal' Media", which the Ditto-Heads rely on for their "news".
The situation here is actually MUCH WORSE than is commonly known abroad.
It is simply not reported in the newspapers or on the TV Evening News!
Big Brother is pretty much everywhere over here anymore, and weilds a VERY heavy hand, indeed!
Bush MUST NOT be allowed another term in office, for the safety and goodwill of the entire planet!
Many "THANKS!" for your efforts!
an excellent source of news links, for the "real" stories that affect us all:
So glad to see everyone come out and protest Bush's visit. Job well done!
I don't notice any references on protest signs (Bush visit) to possibilities of abrupt climate changes, i.e. if Gulf Stream shuts down. If you don’t know the reference, google: thermohaline, extra credit, add Pentagon or Fortune. And note how U.S. media coverage mocks the idea that anything bad could
ever happen. NY Times urls on request. But I'll bet the Irish press doesn't stress the subject either. It’s biological. We’re hardwired not to be able to face some things, like thinking of our parents having sex. See?
And wow was the Day After movie stupid, tidal wave that rises and never recedes and all.
In bitter cold Dennis Quaid, arctic mensch, opens both huge doors to the one room in the NYC Public Library with a fire going, leaves them open, and no one yells "Close the door!"
The first recorded hurricane in the South Atlantic was 3/27-28/04. Usually upper level winds knock baby storms down. 3 people died in southeastern Brazil, 12 fishermen lost at sea, 1 dead 2 recovered as of a few
days after. It wasn’t mentioned in the New York Times (nor in owned Boston Globe) that I saw or could find by searching archives, was on CNN, Reuters had it, Atlanta and Miami
papers and some blogs said something.
But nobody stresses the subject that climate change can happen quickly, has done so twice before. I e-mailed Greenpeace headquarters in Amsterdam, asking why they didn’t have the subject front and center., and was there much in the papers in Amsterdam, in northern lowlands after all. The responder said coverage was ample, gave me some urls.
3 days later, Earth Day, the head of the Sierra Club was on c-span for 1/2 an hour, taking phone calls. (I e-mailed, but wasn’t used.) In 1/2 hour he did not mention thermohaline conveyer theories, and had a perfect opportunity on the last phone call. I mentioned this to the Greenpeace guy. He agreed there really wasn’t much stressing given importance of subject, said he was working on page just on climate change.
In 1699 the Brit pirate William Dampier released his Discourse of the Trade-Winds, Breezes, Storms, Seasons of the Year, Tides and Currents of the Torrid Zone Throughout the World. It’s still accurate. The stuff
on Atlantic trade-winds is used, with little
alteration, in the Brit Admiralty handbook on ocean passages. Since 1960 we’ve had sattelite photos. The winds are stable, except for 3/27 and 3/28.
In April, the NYT ran some stories on the Queen Mary 2’s maiden voyage from London to New York, urls below.
The first is best, mentioning the human interest as passengers cheer the first storm’s waves draping the upper level windows, as drinks were poured and downed.
The others leave that stuff out.
More urls, rants, if wanted.
Watching this all happen is very interesting if
depressing. Procopius would have loved it.
Sincerely, Mike McIntyre
Once again, proving they will save western civilization. Goodbye, Bush, once the Irish decided they hate your guts, you are TOAST!
Thank you, Ireland, for showing us what
freedom is like. Maybe someday we too will have it here again.
Mike Eggleston (
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President
of the United States, or that we are to stand by the President right
or wrong is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally
treasonable to the American public."
----Theodore Roosevelt
Thank you Ireland for protesting SmirkyMcFlightsuit. He is the most detested, unelected fraud we the (thinking)people have ever had to endure in the U.S. I saw Micheal Moore's 9-11 today. I hope it is shown in Ireland. Hopefully the moron merikans will get their collective heads out of the sand and "dethrone" King George and his neo-con cabal in November. The world can't take 4 more (wars) years of this monster.
P.S. please visit
Oh, what pretty blue skies! Did anyone happen to catch a photo of the giant educational 9/11 blimps there?
I'm more proud than ever of my Irish ancestry.
In our time we'll see that the communities we live in will split in two groups. One group unwilling to archieve the possibilities of a better world and still believing in the sustainable "old world" of fear and control by power of police and army and all other repressive systems. On that electorate dispair will hold grip on these sorry crowds. On the other hand I see a growing legion of people with a firm believe in a better world which can be archieved if the so called critical mass has been reached. In the not so far future we will see major changes on places were the materialism and egoism has had its foundations for decades. A future idea? Yes! Are we living in apocalyptic times? Yes! Do we have a choice to set the pace for the good and sustinable? Yes I do believe so! The great global peace movement will not only restrict itself on western organized countries but will be wide spread.
Let the truth prevail! Give peace a chance! And let's share what we must share! And justice for all!
Yours faithfull, Rob van der Zon
Would that be the Huffmans of Mooncoin? - Mikey won a JUnior championship medal in '56 .... don't mind me only taking the piss!
Many Americans have gone to protests ourselves, but our own military and police prevent us from gaining access to areas where the Usurper is.
They teargas our children, and they detain anyone who seems suspect.
I'm a fourth generation American of German decent who is married to a Polish girl, and the Nazi torture techniques that Bush is using in illegal prisons in occupied territory offend us deeply.
My great grandfather and grandfather fought for America in two world wars, and I cannot stand how Dubya is destroying our Constitution and our democracy.
Thank you for standing with us Americans who are being squelched and suppressed.
Our media has been bought and sold, and the internet is the last remaining free space that we can use to communicate. That is where you will find the REAL America, and the real truth.
We are in solidarity with you, and I and my friends are doing all that we can to end the tryanny.
God bless you! You make me wish that I were Irish!
P.S.-I enjoyed your conversion of Dennis Leary's song "A5$h0L3". Quite appropriately attributed to George W.
To hear the REAL "liberal media" listen to Randi Rhodes through RealAudio stream:
Great "Dub" protests! I followed the news on our Sinister Smirker as he went from Eire to Turkey where he was met with more disgust. Shortly thereafter we all herded into our cineplexes to watch Fahrenheit 9/11...more disgust over the Shrubster. But I'm writing because I want to know where to get that cool poster in the photo: "Be Afraid--Because Paranoia is Patriotic". Most of my middleschoolers would get a hoot out of it. But since I teach science, I can't really justify putting it up. Where can I get this poster? Thank you for making noise.