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The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Starmer?s International Investment Summit Was a Sham Sat Oct 26, 2024 09:00 | David Turver
Keir Starmer's much-hyped International Investment Summit claimed to secure £63bn, but nearly two thirds of this is not new and much of the rest is subsidised and will only lead to higher energy bills, says David Turver.
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offsite link The Society of Antiqueeries of London Sat Oct 26, 2024 07:00 | Steven Tucker
The Society of Antiquaries of London, one of Britain's top historical associations, is transitioning into the Society of Antiqueeries if its latest symposium on "queering spaces" is any indication, says Steven Tucker.
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offsite link News Round-Up Sat Oct 26, 2024 01:39 | Toby Young
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Tommy Robinson Charged Under the Terrorism Act After Handing Himself in to Police Fri Oct 25, 2024 19:23 | Toby Young
Tommy Robinson has been arrested and is being held in custody at a police station in Kent ahead of a Crown Court appearance on Monday so won't now be able to attend the rally he's organised in Westminster tomorrow.
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offsite link Landlords and Savers Slam Starmer After he Suggests They Don?t Count as ?Working People? and Will be... Fri Oct 25, 2024 17:15 | Will Jones
Landlords in Britain have hit back at Keir Starmer, branding him "insulting" and "out of touch", after he suggested they do not count as "working people" and hence are fair game for tax hikes ahead of the Budget.
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°105 Sat Oct 26, 2024 05:27 | en

offsite link Settlers prepare for 'resettlement in Gaza' Fri Oct 25, 2024 12:46 | en

offsite link XVI BRICS Summit : Kazan Declaration Wed Oct 23, 2024 06:21 | en

offsite link NATO, Migrants in the EU and the Coming War in Moldova , by Thierry Meyssan Wed Oct 23, 2024 06:03 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N°104 Fri Oct 18, 2024 13:59 | en

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international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday April 23, 2020 23:26 by Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst.org   1 attached file
This latest compendium of essays on medical and climate pretexts for constructing world order: The Useful Idiot's Guide to Pandemic 2020, is my last. Vaccines for coronavirus Covid-19 plaguing mankind at this moment, when most nations on earth have some level of lockdown with stay at home orders, shall soon become the medical establishment's next big sales pitch. The fear-mongering coupled to the deadly man-made contagion would have been a most successful marketing exercise in history in global demand creation for vaccines.

Vaccination will not be voluntary either, but mandatory, and sanctioned by law. You make up your own damn mind after reading this book whether you wish to take that vaccine and enter the brave new world that it shall herald, or, resist taking it and end up belonging to the new undesirable-untouchable underworld class without the digital vaccination certificate built into your body.

Either way, the world order that shall enslave mankind beckons --- unless the public worldwide awakens to its dangers now and resists it forcefully --- it is virtually already a fait accompli. The sheep are of course never known to resist the butcher's knife nor protest the habit of mutton eating. read full story / add a comment
national / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Tuesday March 31, 2020 22:14 by wsm
The Covid-19 global health crisis is one that required a global response led by health workers but with the consensus of almost everyone. Instead we face a piecemeal response, often in the form of repressive policing solutions that are not even particularly effective and where the borders between the states have undermined collective action and allowed the virus to multiply in the gaps.

Fear has led many to wish for harder state clampdowns as if a policing apparatus had any hope for substituting for collective solidarity between neighbours. The very ideology of neoliberal capitalism and its mantra of everyone looking after themselves has cut into the sort of community solidarity essential to popular enforcement of physical distancing. Thankfully in Ireland we discovered this process was not complete and a sufficient sense of solidarity remained that almost everyone implemented physical distancing measures before the state backed that process. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday March 15, 2020 07:11 by Anthony Ravlich
The following shows how domestically you can have a left-wing totalitarianism or right-wing totalitarianism and both are compatible with the UN's One World Government and its new globally dominant ideology, neoliberal absolutism. I consider human rights truth is more important than any so-called national security. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / opinion/analysis Saturday March 14, 2020 20:41 by sp   image 1 image
The number of young Irish people in their 20s living at home has risen to 47.2% according to research by EU agency Eurofound. Ireland, along with Luxemburg and Romania, have the highest increases in Europe.

While throughout other EU countries there was a 2% increase, Ireland saw a 11% increase. According to the report, after the recession many young people had to move back home as they would be the first ones to lose their jobs due to them having just entered the job market. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Sunday February 23, 2020 19:33 by sp   image 1 image
In the aftermath of the election that cemented their historically poor results of four years ago, Labour leader Brendan Howlin resigned, triggering a leadership race. The race will pit Alan Kelly, the most prominent figure remaining from the 2011-16 cabinet, against Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Thursday February 13, 2020 23:01 by sp   image 1 image
General Election 2020 was historic. It was only the second time that the combined vote of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael went below 50%. 2016 was the first, when it dipped just below 50% by 0.2%. However, this time it plunged to just 43.4% — an historic low.

The election unfolded around the desire that emerged from below for “real change” and included the widespread understanding that this could only be achieved by a rejection of Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael.

Sinn Féin were the winners, receiving the biggest share of the popular vote at 24.53%, but Fianna Fáil have taken the most seats, as Sinn Féin didn’t stand enough candidates to maximise the full value of its surge in support. read full story / add a comment
1937 Louisville, Kentucky. Margaret Bourke-White. There’s no way like the American Way
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Tuesday January 21, 2020 01:30 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin   image 3 images
Quentin Tarantino’s new film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, is a 2019 comedy-drama set in 1969 Los Angeles and features a large ensemble cast led by Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. The story centres around veteran actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio), star of the 1950s Western television series Bounty Law, and and his stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Dalton is worried that his career is in decline and is reticent to take advice to travel to Italy to make Spaghetti Westerns. Cliff Booth also struggles to get work in Hollywood due to rumors that he murdered his wife on a boating trip. read full story / add a comment
George Bailey (James Stewart), Mary Bailey (Donna Reed), and their youngest daughter Zuzu (Karolyn Grimes) in It’s a Wonderful Life.
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Monday December 30, 2019 18:18 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin   image 1 image
The Factory

“And such should childhood ever be,
The fairy well; to bring
To life’s worn, weary memory
The freshness of its spring.

But here the order is reversed,
And infancy, like age,
Knows of existence but its worst,
One dull and darkened page;—”

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon – The Vow of the Peacock and Other Poems (1835)

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national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Sunday December 22, 2019 22:42 by sp   image 1 image
This opinion/analysis piece written by Kieran Mahon Socialist Party is reproduced here because it presents a view on the FAI farce that the mainstream media are unlikely to present.

Former FAI CEO John Delaney recently claimed the FAI would be debt free by 2020. They may not even make it that far. On Monday December 17th the shambolic board turned up at Government buildings requesting an €18 million bailout after Deloitte- the FAI auditors declined to class the FAI as a “going concern” meaning its future viability is in severe doubt.In May this year FAI workers, represented by SIPTU, had raised concerns over the financial position and their future with Minister For Sport Shane Ross. read full story / add a comment
national / economics and finance / opinion/analysis Saturday December 21, 2019 20:25 by Diamantina   text 36 comments (last - wednesday february 05, 2020 21:46)
The exploitation of tax funds for private personal gains by state sector employees, particularly at universities.UCC as example.
The public is funding things like applications for human gene patents. This means that we all have to pay to have access to our genetic coding and bodies. The people applying for the patents stand to benefit personally in any future income generated by such patents because despite being paid a publicly funded salary, the universities also pay the employee a percentage in future. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 17, 2019 13:16 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin
The importance of theatre is demonstrated by the prevalence and variety of forms it takes both locally and globally in society today. Indeed, over the centuries theatre has played an important sociological and ideological role. It has been used both by communities and elites to propagate and spread ideas for the consolidation of society (Morality plays), for social improvement (Neo-Classical plays) as well as instigating and promoting revolutionary ideas (Brechtian theatre). read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday December 14, 2019 16:54 by Anthony Ravlich
The United Nations human rights omissions have determined western culture and global freedom for decline by removing freedom of thought. The latter eliminates human accomplishments which led to the dominance of western civilization which also helped ensure global freedom. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Friday November 15, 2019 14:07 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin
Poetry is often associated with genteel people and laid-back lifestyles, yet over the decades since the Enlightenment many poets have been actively involved in the most radical of political and art movements. Setting up a solid foundation for such attitudes was the poet extraordinaire, Alexander Pope. In this essay I shall look at the connection between poetry and socio-political struggles over the centuries. From Pope to the Chartists, and from the Irish revolutionary poets to the postcolonial writers writers of Africa, poetry has played an important part in social change. The recent explosion of global demonstrations and rallies has also been connectioned with radical poetry as will be seen in Chile for example. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday November 07, 2019 17:08 by Justin Morahan
Summary: True heroes today attract little or no mainstream media attention. The seven criminals who were found guilty "on all counts" in a Georgia court deserve the greatest respect, support and honour we can give them for their nonviolent action against the very existene of massively destructive Trident missiles in Kings Bay in Georgia USA read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday November 03, 2019 07:50 by Anthony Ravlich
In my view, we are in a period of transition from domination by collectives, with many women including feminists and radical Maori aligned with left so-called liberals (fake liberals) to the more independently-minded chosen according to merit. Independence of mind is truly hated in today's world..This article provides a brief description of my chapter on New Zealand in my recent book. NZ followed a UN agenda aiming for a decline in western culture and global freedom. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday October 11, 2019 15:45 by mike Mac Domhnaill
This is poem responding to Bloody Sunday 1972 and published in collection "Mac Baintrí - Widow's Son". (I have two other publications: Macalla Maidu(Coiscéim) and Sifting(Liberties Press)). I have copyright.

Relating material to Thomas Kinsella's "Butcher's Dozen" and Séamus Deane's response and certain other poets lack of response. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday October 10, 2019 12:55 by séamas carraher
The Syrian war(s) have so far resulted in at least 570,000 deaths (SOHR figures) and approximately 14 million displaced (both internally and externally) along with years of misery. Endless misery. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Saturday September 07, 2019 15:39 by Peter McLoughlin   text 3 comments (last - saturday october 05, 2019 22:44)
The pattern of history points to another global, catastrophic conflict*. For a third time in a hundred years imperial government are about to plunge us into total war: this time nuclear war, for the old reason – power. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Thursday June 27, 2019 22:17 by sp   text 1 comment (last - friday june 28, 2019 19:16)   image 1 image
At the end of May, The Irish Times released a survey of young people between the ages of 16 and 21 conducted by Young Social Innovators. Sixty percent of those surveyed described their generation as stressed, anxious and depressed, while a mere 11% described it as motivated. With the housing crisis (which currently sees over 10,000 people in homelessness services), precarious work and the constant threat of climate change forever looming over them, it’s not surprising that the majority of young people are not exactly as hopeful about their future as they may once have been. read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / opinion/analysis Friday June 21, 2019 00:26 by Vegan Information Project   video 1 video file
What's going on in the "animal rights movement," and does social movement theory inform the history and structure of the vegan social movement? read full story / add a comment
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