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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Saturday October 09, 2021 12:37 by Anti Lockdown Ireland
![]() ![]() Éirí amach na hÓige will be there on Vinegar hill on the 17th of October to support the risen people in Wexford. VINEGAR HILL, ENISCORTHY, OCTOBER 17TH AT 2PM. Make your arrangements to be there. Join the united effort to free Ireland from tyranny. John Caulfield, Stephen Delaney and others will be speaking at this public assembly on Sunday 17th October. Vinegar Hill was a significant site in the rebellion of 1798 and it's imperative we tap into that Irish fighting resistance for what's to come. read full story / add a comment![]()
wexford / arts and media / press release Monday September 03, 2018 22:36 by Wexford Documentary Film Festiva
This September sees the much-anticipated return of The 6th Wexford Documentary Film Festival, a jam-packed 3-day festival of International, National, and Local films. The Festival takes place in the working fishing village of Kilmore Quay, County Wexford from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd September 2018. In keeping with the festival ethos, this year’s festival returns with a curated program of films that powerfully explore social, political, and environmental concerns. The Wexford Documentary Film Festival is gaining strength and popularity, by providing the public with the opportunity to see award winning National and International documentary films and 2018 is no exception! The Festival program engages with some of the critical issues facing society at present both globally and locally. These include films that explore the threat to democracy, the role and responsibility of the media, the ways in which we can create an inclusive society and films that portray the positive role women are playing in challenging and shaping society. read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / arts and media / press release Tuesday September 12, 2017 12:23 by Wexford Documentary
This September sees the much-anticipated return of The 5th Wexford Documentary Film Festival, a jam-packed 3-day festival of international, national, and local films. The festival takes place in the picturesque fishing village of Kilmore Quay, County Wexford from Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th September 2017. Screening of films will be in the local Stella Maris Centre, and in many interesting and unexpected off-site venues throughout the village. The festival includes post screenings Q&As with international directors, discussions, lively debates, and a variety of film workshops. The Wexford Documentary film festival is gaining strength and popularity, by providing the public with the opportunity to see award winning national and international documentary films and 2017 is no exception! read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday December 09, 2015 00:03 by Right2Change
We believe you have a Right2Change Ireland from a country based on cronyism, corruption, speculation and greed to one that is based on the principles of equality, democracy and social justice. We are holding 30 meetings around Ireland to discuss these principles and establish how we can work together to change Ireland for the better. Change won't happen on it's own. Join the debate and vindicate your Right2Change
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wexford / animal rights / press release Thursday December 11, 2014 10:30 by Bernie Wright
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HUNT RUN AMOK IN OILGATE VILLAGE PRESS RELEASE. WEXFORD HUNT RUNS AMOK IN OILGATE VILLAGE. Last Wednesday at 3pm as kids were being collected from the local National school in Oilgate ,Co Wexford locals were confronted by a dead fox being left outside the school gate and blocked roads and congestion . This melee was caused by the local Ballinagore hunt according to Gardai reports. Also the local church Parish priest has advised the hunt that they were not allowed trespass on church property but they ignored the rule and rode in anyway. Locals have told us the hunt blocked up the bottle bank area, parked at houses where school parents were collecting kids and the DEAD FOX left outside the school upset children and parents. read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / history and heritage / event notice Monday September 30, 2013 23:22 by O.O'C.
One of the organisers of the inaugural Michael O' Hanrahan weekend has said that the event will offer something for every member of the family. Oisin O' Connell said that the weekend will include a memorial lecture which will bring diverse speakers including Professor Anthony Coughlan and writer Geraldine O' Connell Cusack to New Ross. read full story / add a comment
wexford / eu / event notice Tuesday May 15, 2012 11:15 by O.O'C.
Wexford Sinn Féin @ Ballagh Community Centre read full story / add a comment
wexford / eu / event notice Tuesday May 15, 2012 02:04 by O.O'C.
(Counties Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford) read full story / add a comment
wexford / eu / press release Wednesday April 25, 2012 10:51 by Oisín Ó Conail
The new County Chairman of Wexford Sinn Féin has called for a no vote to the so-called "Fiscal Compact" Treaty in the upcoming referendum - (formally, the intergovernmental Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union). Oisín Ó Conail, a farmer and recent economics graduate from Foulkesmill, was elected the new Chairperson of Sinn Féin in County Wexford, at a Comhairle Ceantar meeting in Enniscorthy last Tuesday night. Mr Ó Conail said his first duty would be to help lead the County Wexford campaign of opposition to what he terms ‘the Permanent Austerity Treaty’. read full story / add a comment
wexford / bin tax / household tax / water tax / press release Thursday February 09, 2012 15:33 by O. O'Connell
“Our core concerns remain: what are the actual tank standards? What assistance will be available if we now need to upgrade our systems, despite having complied by the rules that the institutions of state set previously? Instead of answering these questions, Minister Phil Hogan has introduced draconian legislation which dictates that householders will be dragged through the courts and may be fined up to €5,000 if they cannot comply with his secret standards. The heavy-handedness, and lack of clarity surrounding this scheme stinks.” read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / anti-capitalism / event notice Tuesday August 30, 2011 20:16 by pat c
On Saturday 3rd of September at 6:00 p.m a memorial stone will be unveiled in memory of Socialist Republican Peter Daly in Monageer (Enniscorthy) Co. Wexford on Saturday the 3rd of September at 6.00 pm. Peter fought with the Irish contingent of the International Brigade in the war against fascism in Spain and died in September 1937. He had been reared and went to school in Tinnacross and later Monageer. His life was spent in the republican and working class movement in Ireland and England before volunteering to fight for the Spanish Republic. read full story / add a comment
wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday February 21, 2011 10:00 by 8 pm
Anti-War/ Human Rights activist Ciaron O'Reilly will be speaking Monday night in The Square Bar (formerly known as Shennanigans), Market Square, Enniscorthy. O'Reilly will be joined by Wexford man Robbie Synott who will also offer reflections and song. ***Event starts at 8 pm free entry/ donations appreciated! read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday November 04, 2010 15:18 by P
The Annual Ken Saro-Wiwa Memorial Seminar 2010. Riverbank Hotel Wexford Town 12/13 November. Friday 12th November 7:30pm-10pm A lecture from Angus Mitchell entitled "Where the truth lies; rubber, Roger Casement and the facts behind the fiction" Ken Saro Wiwa ..... Poems and Tributes. read full story / add a comment
wexford / environment / event notice Thursday November 04, 2010 11:08 by olavoice1
The seminar takes place at the Riverbank House Hotel Wextord Town on 12/13 November 2010. read full story / add a comment
wexford / arts and media / event notice Sunday August 01, 2010 10:18 by Mark
Tomfarney Productions is a new zero budget film making group in Wexford and we're looking for anyone interested in acting or helping out as crew. read full story / add a comment
wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday May 26, 2010 14:20 by Trade Union TV
Last Saturday over 4,000 people came from all over Wexford County and beyond to demonstrate to defend services at Wexford General Hospital. read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday January 19, 2010 19:00 by Kev
On Saturday, January 23rd the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) and our supporters holding a boycott Israeli goods action in Wexford town. We will be asking shoppers not to buy Israeli goods in solidarity with the people of Gaza who are still being starved by the Israeli government. read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / environment / event notice Monday July 06, 2009 23:34 by Tara
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Seanchas is planned for the 24th to the 26th of July. This 3 day event combines many aspects of sustainable living. Over the weekend workshops will be available, reskilling people in native heritage crafts and practical living skills, as well as educating them on the issues that face us as society today. We believe that by coming together, sharing ideas and skills we can initiate great positive change both locally and globally.
The event is taking place in Templeshelin, Adamstown, Co.Wexford. See for map details read full story / add a comment ![]()
wexford / environment / event notice Monday September 24, 2007 20:05 by E. Goldstein
This course will help you to understand and respond to two of the most critical global issues we are facing today. read full story / add a comment
wexford / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday May 17, 2007 19:24 by brian
VLPS Meeting read full story / add a comment |